Extract from future storylines...
Sobella, had delighted everyone, especially Cistera and Nathan. “It seems our son chose wisely re partnership with her. As a special recognition of her hard work, promotion to an ELITE aboard Raptor.”
Corky, had been the first, to break the news to her. “You are needed below decks. Lianne will tell you where to go. Listen to her and do as she asks you.” With that, Sobie left to eventually arrive at a huge hatch opening. She had never been here before! BUT she knew some areas were off limits on pain of death ?! The hatch opened and there almost blinding her at first? Cistera and Nathan inviting her in.
Congratulating her, as Cistera slipped a gold bracelet onto her arm. “Don’t lose this, as this now, allows you to go anywhere aboard Raptor. YOU will be working with Dimiso from now on and, looking after this installation will be one of YOUR responsibilities! “
The neutron star cluster, powering when required; the weapon arrays. She knew of it from her talks with Noge who had been helping her qualify as an Elite. This in fhe flesh so to speak was everything and MORE. Noge had told her. “When you get to see it up close, it will leave my student, speechless! “
“NOW our Elite needs to pose I think, for your beloved! Our beloved Son! “ Ocasa? He was waiting for her call. I will see you in a little while. I think it is time we sealed our vows.” She needed to say nothing, her smile said it all.
to be continued