Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Aboard the Canderi, Captain Hawker had seen Tila and his craft attack the hostile. One of them, now caught in a pincer movement. He moved on the craft to the front attacking. Trying to tempt it, to break away, but it was obvious from the outset, it had no intentions of diverting from its mission, working with the other one to continuously, mercilessly, pound the Pagallion into oblivion!

He was an experienced veteran; had calculated the power potential of the two enemy vessels, the odds were NOT in his favor! He was nervous and had good reason to be. Caught off guard by these two hostiles, meant they had been caught napping. Unprepared. It meant his defensive arrays weren’t fully powered for the fight. He fidgeted, hoping they would not turn on him until he was fully prepared to engage them.

In the meantime, Protocol had determined, in such a situation, the necessity with the utmost urgency of sending out a distress signal to the nearest Galacia Federa outpost. He waiter anxiously for them to respond, relieved when he heard their reply. They were, dispatching vessels, but were, some hours away. He knew, they did not have hours.

Kets were agitated, some of them spoiling to join the fight! Comments on what they would do, whilst others were panicking, some of them sick with fear? “How.“ Muttered Ocasa to Becci.. “Can they, have allowed this! Hasn’t the satellite, got any weapons they can use?“

He was pleased to note, that others were in agreement. They thought, he had made a valid point. Most satellites had defensive weaponry, so why was there no response from the Satellite?

In this instance, there was a major handicap for the Sat. The all too close proximity of the Kets transporters! The satellite weapons might do some damage to the Alien intruders, but their precision targeting WHO SAID precision? Was anything but!

It was too much of a risk to take! Keeping the transporters close to the Satellite might give them the opportunity to dock them and unload the Kets. First they had to scout round the edge of the Sat, to the main docking area. The moment they tried that they would be easy targets for the hostiles.

Tila, was the pilot, of a cargo freighter. He had seen visuals on the screens within the Sat complex of what was transpiring outside the Satellite. Surprised that despite the number of other vessels orbiting the Sat. None of them were coming to the aid of the Galacia Federa vessels?

Admittedly, some had no love of them, they hated them. Saw them as a threat to their illegal activities, their livelihood? A while later his ship broke away from the Sat to engage the hostiles.

"Vessa!" She leaned back as she heard him screech at her. "We loaded girl?" "Sure are!" "Then lets teach em some manners shall we girl."

Vessa was his daughter, when it came to the plasma cannons, he had often remarked they were secretly part of her physiology. In tune with them, she could target with them to an accuracy rarely seen. The attack on the vessel at the rear of the Pagallion was fierce.

The hostile was more than aware of its craft being targeted, with every strike, it had to divert weapons from the Pagallion. However it refused to be distracted and it had good reason not to allow Tila's craft to force it to cut back its attack on the Pagallion. The shields on that Federa M class were down to 20% !

“If only Mama and Papa were here.“ Becci was talking to Ameryst. Other Kets gathering round, who were trying to avoid looking out on the carnage, all too clearly visible, slumped down to sit against the bulkheads. Delise had been close by “Can’t we contact the Raptor? Anyone got coms? I could rig up a signal routed through the Sat's systems."

“We weren’t allowed any coms units!“ Screeched one of the Kets. “Not permitted, they’re FORBIDDEN.“ They were right. The only coms units allowed to be used, were those in situ on the planet below. Mobile devices, ANY coms devices, other than the permitted ones, were ILLEGAL.

A Ket could get into a lot of trouble, if caught with one. Becci scrunched her lips, her eye lids flickered, she was muttering softly, she had a gift, not a completely unique gift, other Kets too could use.

‘Thought transference, telepathic?’ Some of them were looking in her direction, aware of her thoughts? “Concentrate Becci concentrate!” She continued to whisper, had the sensation others were joining with her, to boost her powers? “Mama listen to me, please; Mama.“

However, her thoughts, were to be rudely interrupted as several of the Kets around her screamed! Just a few parsecs later, from the first attack, when the carcass of the Pagallion creaked, as it’s bulkheads, twisted contorted metal and framework, stretched.

It finally buckled, under the constant yield of fire power, that it was powerless to stop, until the realisation of being defenceless? Split, like some cracked egg, into two sections.

The two enemy vessels moved back. Continuing to be blasted by Tila and Vessa but their eyes too were on what had just occurred. From one of them, a small round device, like a gyroscopic communications satellite, moved towards the debris from the Pagallion.

Picking up speed, until it is was now sat between the two pieces of the Pagallion. There was a flare of intense light, before the device, detonated. Nothing was left of the Pagallion, but pieces of space debris, and terrible realization that that included, the occupants. Wiped from existence in a blink of an eyelid.

Ocasa had moved close to Becci to hiss. “They cracked it open then planted a high yield device. Murderers.“ It went quiet as the fragments bumped against the transporters like some mini asteroid storm.

Aboard, one of the enemy craft ? The alien, had been disturbed by the figure, now forming into that of a being, his recollection was it being  a female?  NO. Yet she was mimicking them to perfection. “Who are YOU”! he demanded.

IT suddenly changed, into.. one of them?

“Beyond your comprehencion. Your sense of being. YOU will desist on the attack. THIS is your one and only warning! “ “You’re an an “ One of his ‘crew’ if you could call it that had been staring at the form in front of them.

It had a distinct glow about it. He was remembering. Yes indeed the creatures how ever ugly they were, an believe us all, they were, in every sense of the word; UGLY.

Suddenly it let out a howl. A long piercing HOWL. The rest of the alien hoard now turned to stare at IT. “We should listen to IT, the female.. it is.. “ Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“Yes I am, the esssence of all of your nightmares. All knowing, all seeing and I, I have seen your fate.

Destruction, death and you, have the satisfaction of knowing at least, well actually NOT knowing, because you all will cease to exist.”

Before anything else was said, the female disappeared. Vanished into the ether. The commander looked at his ‘ingrate’. “What was that?”

“An ‘Oraconsi’ All seeing, all knowing eye within time itself. Able to predict the future, have the power to change time itself. A being of power, beyond even our comprehension,

IT can summon up, your worst nigtmares and release, the hell from within it. Capable of appearing, as any living thing.

This one is here on a mission. they do not appear nor exist, within the realm of time WITHOUT a good reason.  it WILL protect our enemies. We will NOT win. We should leave. IT will summon others! “ 









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