A streak, like some shooting star to slowly come to full visibility as it rapidly came to a stop? Becci screamed! As the rest of the Kets turned to look she pointed out of the window at the object now in view!
She grabbed Ocasa, squeezed his arm making him squeal with pain! “I knew they would!“ Ocasa smiled then turned to the others “Whoever they are, wherever they’re from.
They’re about to be taught a lesson, they won’t forget!, if they survive that is! ” If Hawker had been surprised by the arrival of the Raptor. The moment they arrived, they could see the threat from the two craft.
"We need, to draw them away, from the Canderi Dees." There was no need for persuading them. The outline of Raptor may be impressive but against that of these two enemy vessels?
They reasoned, it would not be long before they could take care of it and return to the Canderi.. they both moved at speed towards it.
Parsecs as in front of them, a neutron star powered weapon lit up the front of the Raptor with a bright blue flash spreading across its two claws. The surge from them?
A massive plasma blast, tore into one of the hostiles. Like a bolt of lightning It flared across the exterior of it, Pieces broke away thrown out into space as debris. The shields on it flickered before ceasing to exist. Defenseless against this intruders weapons? How could that be?
Hawker was equally astonished. The pieces of debris kicked past his screens. They were not small pieces either! Relieved? The attack on the enemy vessel, did not destroy them. Their defence shields were gone. Large sections of the exterior ripped away.
In comparison to the Galacia Federa 'A' class vessels, Raptor may have seemed by all appearances, smaller, but the response times were faster than the hostiles.
Noge, had developed the weapons using a neutron star to power them. The testing of it had taken out a mountain top smashing it into rubble.
It also had another weird effect they could not explain. If defense shields were powered up? The power from them would increase the yield of the neutron star weapon. It literally gobbled up the energy like snacking on it!
Nathan and Corky were looking at the overall picture, “Thought when we left, there were two of the Galacia craft.“ “Yo Nathan honey." It was Lianna one of his pilots."
“The Pagallion, was destroyed by them, I’ve managed to reconstruct a time related signature mask, bringing imaging trace onscreen, mapping now”.
They watched the trace of events, Nathan’s face went red with rage, he saw the enemy vessels change direction, Cistera looked at him. “They’re furious with us, we’ve raised the hopes of the Kets they were feeding off their fear.“
“So, they like the smell of fear, do they. Lianna“ “Yo Nathan honey” “Lets show them what we can do. Deploy Wild Child on both vessels!” Corky grinned
“Hell, have they got some surprises, coming their way. Even I get the skitters when I see those things in action.“ Onboard the enemy vessels, they had attempted to scan Raptor, unsuccessfully, one of the Aliens in charge, knew it was a Mobilien powered craft.
The exhaust ports on it identified clearly that as fact. But what lay beneath? The speed they had come out of nowhere and dropped to zero stasis? The weapons? As for those claws; the fire storm?
Apprehensive? It had good reason to be. Aboard both vessels, at almost the same instant, this being, a Ket appeared. A child in all its form, Human(a) with flowing hair and laughing, at them hysterically.
To them, this ugly horrific being, its face and that deep, penetrating laugh, could only best be described as evil personified.
One by one, their main operational systems started to shut down, they looked on in sheer disbelief?! The thing whatever it was now destroying their systems?
Cistera, was more than aware of the amusement the situation had given others present. She was torn between taking a look at the enemy by transporting to their vessels BUT?
“I’m going to check the Kets are alright.” Cistera’s gems glowed then she was gone, to reappear onboard the transporter carrying Becci and the others from Fendiq. “Ma maaaaaaaaa “
“You smart Ket, Becci. “ Her mother hugged her. The other Kets now aware of what had happened, mobbing poor Becci. Cistera held them, moved amongst them, making sure the others were alright, checked the other two vessels.
Captain Nielstrom and the ‘Ishaui’ Kets received a special thanks from Cistera. Her gems glowed as Nielstrom and the Ishaui felt a sudden tingle across their senses. Any depletion of their energies now fully refreshed. “WOW”! was heard being muttered as they bathed in the sensation flooding their synaptics before she vanished to return to Raptor.
“They’re fine, you can thank Becci for some fast thinking on her part.“ “Good, then lets find out who the unwelcome guests are shall we?” Nathan linked hands with Cistera as they vanished to appear onboard one of the enemy craft.
Vessa,with Tila, had been visited by Cistera to thank them both and to have GOKS doing repairs to their vessel AND a few extra gifts from them in thanks.
The main control area? The systems were dead so there was a delay in the realisation they were stood looking at these weird beings?
They were fired on. Useless, against the energy barrier. Cistera’s gems glowed with an intensity way beyond Becci's. Rings of energy wrapped the one, she assumed, was in charge, to bring it, whatever it was, to its knees?
The being, felt such terrible gnawing pain. It started to shake. “Where are you from.“ It didn’t answer, nor did any of the others. Looking at these beings, they were unlike any race they had come across and Nathan had encountered quite a few in his travels.
Suddenly there was a flare of light. Cistera and Nathan found themselves back on Raptor. Not of their choosing. Lianna’s voice echoed around the chamber. “Yo Nathan honey, stay where you are! I’m detecting an energy source, leaving Raptor at speed towards those two vessels.”
Becci had been watching, along with the others. They now witness the arrival of another vessel. Unlike anything they were used to and nothing like the enemy OR their vessels.
Delayed, they might have been, but the Li Nia 7th race? They appeared on Raptor momentarily before vanishing into the lower decks of the vessel?
A small orb of light, could now be seen leaving Raptor to disappear into the enemy craft, Becci knew what it was. Communication with superior beings by it, lodged deep within the bowels of the Raptor? Parsecs of reasoning or strategy OR?
It disintegrated into dust. Becci gasped, as she saw the tiny speck of light move towards the second enemy vessel before it too, was gone.
The orb now returning to Raptor as Lianna’s voice once again echoed. “Energy source returning. Our visitors have also left.“ Nathan looked at Cistera said nothing then turned away. The Li Nia vessel or whatever it was? Vanished. Empty space and debris, though not as much as might have bee expected left behind.
In front of them a ripple in space ? Pieces coming together, a swarm of pieces? like some giant jigsaw? Difficult at first until? The realization and outright shock? The Pagillion reforming piece by piece, atom by atom until? As though it had never been destroyed?
So this was the race, Tolgani had encountered on Aludria? The legend, he declined to talk about? That almost drove him crazy? Bewitched, bothered and bewildered? A 7th generation race of bengs?
Unaswered questions, as to who the enemy had been? The Urowq are hideous beings. They paled in comparison to those creatures. Would they be back? Lianna had been told by the Li Nia they would NOT!
Silence reigned. Peace at last.“ Cistera did not know what that energy was. Nathan did. A story for another time, another place.