Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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“Soniette!” She moved towards him, the K’bear shifting its head for its eyes to rest on her before turning its head to snuggle back into his shoulder.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“Whoa it’s so cute!” Ocasa told her what had happened. “Come on we’ll take him back to the others, I think its a K’bear given its age, well size! “ She giggled. “It is sooo cute, reminds me of YOU when you were that age!” More giggles.

When, they got back, to the main section, there were two ‘Nannies, NOT Goks, waiting somewhat relieved at the K’bear being found. Keveletling are not fitted with the emblem that contains the security features for finding a lost Kevletling so it had been difficult.

Kaisu, the female Nanny, smiled as he handed back the still sleepy Ket. “Rai Ku!” It shifted in her arms to look at Ocasa and smile. He leaned in and kissed its forehead. “If you need my help again Rai then call for me?! “ Kaisu told him her Psymonic code so he could contact her later.

Soniette had updated him on what she knew re the K’bears. They were the first, to be offloaded, when they landed. A separate ‘collonade’ area within a specific group of Knurlings.

Ocasa, would have to find out more, as what Soniette knew, was indeed limited. What she did know was what Cistera had told her. “If you get the chance, do adopt a K’bear! She then went onto explain what they were and WHY it could be a good idea!  She did not ,think that Ocasa woud do that, BUT?

On Onica, now at the main terminus. The pre determined phazed unloading of the new arrivals began. Loaded onto transporters to take them to the main accommodation centres. , Becci had taken time out, on the journey to  record what heralded their arrival.

The transporters, landed at last! Then the coms units lit up and the commander’s voice, could be heard “The NEW Kets will disembark FIRST! all other Kets will remain UNTIL the new Kets are off the transporters. New Kets take note of the ‘abitates’.

They will give tag you, with a memonic that allows the scanners to direct you to your transports. You may arrive with others but end up being separated, that is nothing to worry about. Follow the process and the instructions you are given. You will re reunited with your fellow companions later.”

‘Two elder escorts, a male and a female, took us in a group towards a ‘Knurling’ area. We ended up at a huge ring of stones. Ma ma had told us about them “They may have changed some of the layout and things such as your domiciles, but that will never change. Its been there since the Akademy first started. The floor was a marble blue streaked floor and the whole area was massive.

There were ‘Opticons'. Huge ‘orbs’ hovering mid air. A stream of light from beneath them. Scanning the area around us and US! We could now see Elder Kets, who watched us approach, directing us all into the center of the stones. Some time for us to filter through. We waited, as the familiar face of La Toyah and Layla along with others appeared and then I felt elated to see Corky in the flesh with Verona.“

Leaving Verona, Corky had moved over to the escorts. Yoho the female had been talking with me. “Yoho, you’ll have to join the tutors, he smiled at me. “You can tell your lot I will be getting around to seeing you all later oh and pay attention! Apparently this lot have something NEW, of relevance, that applies to you; new Kets.

Layla, was now, formally introduced to us. “Before we move, to the domiciles within the Knurlings, so you lot can settle in and get some rest and relaxation! I want to welcome you all, to the Akademy!

You all, will feel a bit lost to start with. Some of you, will be used to being away from home! Look after those who are not! We all expect you to HELP each other, during the first few weeks! Any bullying or similar, I will warn you NOW, will have you facing punishment or making a quick EXIT from here!

All of you, will know by now, you are all EQUAL. It does not matter, if you are Princes, Princesses or Ladies, Consorts ; whatever! Inequality, discrimination? Forget it! YOUR groups do matter and as of now, you are all allocated to a specific group!

On your shoulder. You will NOW see a band of color appear. On that is a creature. A creature emblem can be found on ANY colour band. So pay attention to the CREATURE shown and NOT the colour of the band!! 

K’bears are VERY young Keveletlings 3t (6 years+) There are NO K’bears younger than 3t. They have a specific area allocated to them AND NO Ket unless having authority to do so may go into those areas. We do operate a K’bear adoption scheme, you need to talk to Aizette and Aisu about that.

The creatures, represent your CURRENT known skills, strengths, weaknesses and more! You will learn more as time progresses.
All NEW Kets have a week to settle in to your domiciles.

YOU MAY, during that week, change whoever resides in your domicile, each one accommodating up to FOUR of you. It does not matter MALE or FEMALES sharing. BUT remember, rules and conditions still apply.

La Toyah smiled as Layla continued. “What we want you to do now, is to form up in groups of 4, remember this IS TEMPORARY for tonight, you can as said, CHANGE anyone of the four, later. I recommend you stick with FRIENDS, companions and family.
As much as you can, for the first few days.“

It was pandemonium. a lot of noise. Movement and more. As they scuttled together. La Toyah was smiling as Corky and Yoho watched, along with everyone else. It was some time late! before the Kets, were resigned, to the groups, they had.

Becci = “We were I think, glad to leave the stones. It was NOT, the first time, we would be there. At night its eerie, but has a magical, mystical quality, about it. We were led away to the domiciles and on the way, we were witness to some amazing sights.

The Kets, that were already at, the Akademy, had put on a welcoming display, of what some would have called ‘Fireworks‘, lighting up the sky. AWESOME.

When the displays, came to an end, we were led through the Collonades, with the battle scenes and so much more. Tall columns lined the route, inside the areas of the columns divided into sections, were seating and in front of the seating areas, huge screens.

Some, were displaying scenes from great battles played out in all their magnificence. Globecast news on events, including a modified version, from the latest scenes from the encounter we had had.. One of the tutors, shut the displays down. "I don't think, you lot, want to relive that experience, any time soon.."









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