Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Golli G and  Ethan. (Group leaders)

Taskoemini - Mirvara -  Nasfrioki - Moodo - Nubaru Su  -  1aLIAS -
Anokausomini - Teila & Jojo


Golli G is an Evangelist New worlds ‘Defender of the faith.’’ Potent individual with physical skills AND the ability to inflict pain, on those who are deemed to be ‘non believers’.

HOWEVER, she will only do this, to those who attack what are known as the ‘clerics’.
A bizarre race, of almost cult fanaticism. What is she doing at the Aka? To learn about the other races AND knowledge of course is deemed POWER.

Will be interesting to see what she actually contributes to the Group. Skills include organisational and teamwork patriachy.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Ethan is a Kalheiron, and well liked by the females. Good sense of humour, clean, tidy, presentable AND has a lot of good all round skills. Jack of all trades AND able to multi task with ease.

Work is of good quality. does not skimp or take short cuts even when bullied to do so! Sticks to doing whatever task he is engaged in to completion, meeting usually more than the requirements.

A definite team player and works well with others. Even those who do not share the same interests or skills like him for his very affable personality.

Taskoemini (Lady) is clever, intelligent and her communication skills are well above average. Ambassador / Emissary is well within her capabilities.

Clean, tidy and very personable she has a lot of admirers and that includes Ethan. They can often be seen sharing drinks and food. Good cooking abilities AND a varied palate to include foods from other worlds / races her ‘dinner parties’ are always in demand.

Task is also, one of the four in Ethan’s  domicile.
The cleanliness is NOT obsessive, but they do not like it being untidy, messy et Laundry is NOT mixed!

Some of the clothing, materials, that Task has, are special anti allergenic. Ethan was with her and probably saved her life when she had a seriously bad allergic reaction.

As he did NOT know, what it was that was giving her such a bad reaction? He literally had to strip off the clothing to her being naked !

Apply a liquid, a household cleanser?!!  ALL very very intimate. Task was too out of it, to feel the total embarrassment, of what had occurred AND Ethan to this day keeps that a secret from her. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

The application had to be carried out immediately and calling the medisent to treat her followed after. IF he had delayed, she could have died, let’s emphasize this. DIED.

HOW, did Ethan, recognise the unfolding horror? One of his best friends,suffers from the same allergy. The distinctive welts and weals on her skin AND her throat swelling up, as she found it hard to breathe

He freaked out, until he rapidly came to his senses and knew what he had to do. First of all strip her naked. IT had to be something she was wearing.

His friend had an allergy to a particular material and the closer Ethan looked he was seeing a close resemblance with some of the clothing she was or had been wearing. THAT was now discarded to one side.

ALL over her body, the welts and weals, were terrifyling to witness. An acidic reaction. Ethan instantly knew what to do. He had to neutralise the acids, use a cream and one that is very common to be found close to hand? A CLEANSER for work surfaces!

It neutralises, the acidity, of the allergic reaction and is strong alkaline in form. VERY basic, but works! Does NOT smell nice!! Pouring it over her and using some cloth to cover as much as he could in one go relieved to see an almost instant response as her breathing improved AND the welts and wheals started to become less and less.

He pulled her in close to him,. held her and sought some solace in the moment. Her breathing much much better. Medisent he needed to summon one ! In parsecs it appeared as he now put her gently to the ground and let it examine her.

It asked questions. They always do and for good reason. What it was seeing was an improved situation. BUT it did some blood analysis and tissue sampling before it told him she must be put througn a cleanser to get rid of any residual acidity/ Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

He held her,  as he washed her down making sure she was almost scoured all over. Then gently carried her, still naked. he could NOT risk ANY material; coming into contact with her skin, UNTIL it had been given the OK

IT was then, he remembered his friend had some clothing identical to some of his. Supposedly neutral. He had given Ethan some as he was somewhat paranoid that his friend should be protected.

Finally finding it, he gently dressed her. NOW he could summon help to have her safely transferred to facilities, where she could recover AND be monitored. Soniette had been quick to take over, noting how exhausted he was as he collapsed.

The test results, were conclusive. She was indeed, allergic to an almost identical material, his friend also had issues with.  Soniette was called away and thus, Task did not learn, the full details, of all that had transpired.  Ethan was not, going to tell her, anytime soon!

He does however, find it difficult NOT, to feel his senses triggered, when close to her. The images are not going away anytime soon. IT did however, make him feel even more protective of her.

The ‘mediisent ‘ had to transmit and archive the data of the incident. Cistera had been made aware of what had transpired, ALL of the details. She would NOT tell Task, but had told Ethan, that one day, he might think it good, to tell her himself.  He had after all, saved her life!

Mirvara Bexes Animorph From Bexes and yes she is an ‘Animorphic being’. When she want to, or in an emergency flight and respond in particular, she can transform and in her case it is appropriately; into a JAGUAR.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

ALL animorphs, are put into special ‘pens’ monitored carefully when they first transform. It can be expected from them BUT as to what they wlll transform into is always a gamble.

Quite often a set pattern and nothing different from the normal expectations BUT sometimes a true rarity occurs and in her case the Jaguar, was a real suprise!

They are given a special ‘kiss’, where a chemical substance is lapped across their lips for them to ingest, sometimes the mouth is opened and a small shot spat against the back of their throat. That slows down and helps ease the full on transformation.

Her sisters, her brothers and Parentia, ALL know how much to give, during such events. Even when it is future wise occurring, IF needed, they will dispense it. IT is naturally formed within them, BUT can only be given, from one to another, it does NOT work otherwise.

The genetic code, for the substance has to be noticeably different! SO what you might be asking happens if they get injured? Whilst transformed? Their bodies automatically repair, rejuvenate cells and recover VERY quickly.

They are also, capable, of ejecting foreign substances, objects etc ! The synaptic link between them is always present. They KNOW who is, where they are AND all have distinct smells NOT detected by others but VERY apparent to them.

HENCE a restricted ‘Animorph’ area, can have guards, who are VERY sensitive to anyone approaching them. Refusal IF the smells are not there or correct! Ocasa with his smelly feet, they would find offensive!

Teila & Jojo are a Cojoined couple. They are VERY VERY close to each other. Almost obsessive some might say BUT! for good reasons.

Jojo was almost killed by Jogarth raiders who invaded their ‘village’ and yes I mean ‘VILLAGE or even SMALL HAMLET’. A fierce battle took place.

Teila was, in a mobile response force, that killed the invaders.
Wiped them out is as good as it gets. NOT one of them survived and his ‘Commander’ made it clear re them ‘TAKE NO prisoners! ‘

Told to search , some of the buildings, to reassure, those hiding it was safe to come out? Teila found a rogue Jogarth, about to assault Jojo, whilst  attempting, to put a slave band onto her.

She was, putting up a real good defence, having given him a blow to the jaw, to send him WITH his slave band. reeling.
That only made him even angrier and, the next attempt, she knew she was doomed.

Those Jogarth slave bands? Once they are on you, you lose ALL resistance, all free thought and they cannot be removed without killing you. Though of course once they are on you, that would not cross your mind so to speak anyway!

Teila, saw the terror in her eyes, real fear, make no mistake. Closing her eyes accepting her fate.. weeping. WHEN Teila as the Jogarth turned to rage at him with some obscenities we won’t repeat here; he fired. smack at the top of his head, just above his eyes.teilajojo300

For some reason, believed to be a soft spot, uhh no we won’t say soft there is nothing soft re the Jogarth, a VULNERABLE area... Whether it was true or not, his head jerked up, his mouth opened thougn NO screams; he just dropped dead at her feet. 

She moved to kick at him. NOTHING. She looked at Teila, moved over to him, and fell into his arms, is about right. That was it. Her parentia insisted they get Cojoined. It was clear he had saved her life.

HE had no choice but to allow HER, to fulfill the right, to be bound to the one, who saved her. Some ancient tradition / custom.

Actually he probably, could have got out  of that ‘obligation’ BUT do you think he would have??

The moment, she had ‘fallen’ into his arms and he had held her, the mere scent of her close to him, her warmth and closeness; had him hooked.

In truth, bar his mother, he had never been that close to a female before. NOT that they were without a crazy lust for each other which on THEIR ‘wedding’ night, they both took full advantage of.

Sent to the Akademy, to cool off a little. to learn about new races, technology and CHILL out. NOT that that worked as on arrival, they were repeating their wedding performances to perfection.

As the Kets, discover they are have insatiable appetites and we are not talking about food here.

They share with another Cojoined couple, who for the first week so to speak, left them to each other, until they had extra fittings installed, which rendered, their domicile a little more soundproofed! Nmbi450

Ah yes Nimbi & Qizan. Not part of their ‘group’ NOR strangers to the wanton lust, just a little quieter !

They were, somewhat amused at the antics of their domicile companions.

They both get on really well.
Jojo is no mouse, as Qizan discovers, again much to her amusement.

Insisting, on the additional soundproofing, was them both agreeing it would be a good idea. Qizan was not usually ‘QUIET’ and it had, been difficult for her, not to bring the house down so to speak certainly;  over the last week or so.

Their schedules, would be varied. so different at home times, would also be good. They would, make the most of time ALONE together

Qizan is good at some things, but cooking is NOT something, she likes doing. Jojo is an excellent cook so she takes care of all of their meals.

In return Qizan takes care of making sure, they have toiletries, personal creams that the females have a liking for AND all of the dom service GOKS..

Taila and Nimbi are left to ensure any other tasks are handled by them. NO slacking on their part, well apart from when  its together time..

Qizan gifted Jojo some more intimate gear, as she noticed, she had only basic plain items. A country girl is about right. She certainly spiced things up!

Their friendship would last and, see them survive, the unknown to them; hell, that was about to erupt.

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy










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