Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Cala, Is from, the Sestrom Dynastic worlds. ‘Nibbets’ professional mercenaries, hang out there and, pay a percentage to those in charge.

HE, has grown up with, the mindset of ‘You have it, I want it, I will take it’. His parentia, realized that he, was spending too much time, with those ‘criminals’.

Only those, getting a hefty kickback (a ‘KICKBACK can take the form of money, goods, favours that allow those, paying or ‘BRIBING’ certain individuals et, to often bypass, any accountability on their part, for what they make from the pact.

Bribery is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official, or other person, in charge of a public or legal duty and to incline the individual to act contrary to, their duty and the known rules of honesty and integrity. )

A large nunber, of the people ‘Txars’, were deliberately misled, by those corrupt officials, who were taking bribes, into believing anything but the truth.  Ignored their requests to have those ‘Nibbets’  off the planet.

It was already known, they, invited trouble, when attacked, by outside forces. Damage, fires, destruction. The defence, against those attacking, would NOT be from the ‘Nibs’ but, the planets, own defence systems, reacting. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Sometimes, the attackers, would view that, as a sign, the Txars’ supported the criminals and, would blaze a trail of destruction, over certain areas, close, to the Nibbets, hideout.

He’s not a thinker. Quick to jump to conclusions, that often are WRONG! Never, accepts when, he IS wrong. His sense of morality, has been skewed, by what he has seen and witnessed re the ‘Nibbets’.

Excuses, excuses or, plays the sympathy card, as we might say, by claiming at the time, he was suffeing from a yisva (Migraine).

Finally an attack, on the Nibbet base, by a group of Txars rebels, aided by some Kydoa male and female ‘justifiers’ ; destroyed the entire hideout, whilst the Nibbets, were out, on one of their forays.

They primed, two pulse cannons, to self destruct. The destruction; was impressive. It literally took out the side of the mountain. Nibbet ammunitions and, similar; added to the explosive after effects.

Kydoa forces, waited for their return and, destroyed them in space. Hence the parentia, thought NOW is the time to send him off to the Akademy.

Weapons and weapon tech skills, are OK, BUT; he can be lazy. Those around him, will have to keep checking his ‘work’ to make sure, he did nothing stupid, that could see, a mistake on his part, costing them, their lives?

Heliera is a ‘Haphketsut Impericus’, from the Galfren Worlds. Shada 40 is a planet that provides a lot of food and similar products, including some of the finest ales AND ‘Wacu’ (Wines).Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

She led a military outpost, for two ‘Yea’ and impressed her parentia / others with her leadership skills, her tactical and strategic capabilities. Like Ameryst, she is a disciple / recognised master of and, able to use; ‘shi kai ta’

An off world venture, so she could learn to take control of an M Class warship saw her apply her tactical and strategic skills against a Jogarth vessel.

Caught off guard and, Helliera took full advantage of that, Some and I say SOME, Jogarth vessels, have a known weakness.

When they open the hatches, to take in ‘slave racks’, (small almost zimp like craft) their defense shields, are compromised.

Their cannon arrays, took out the Jogarth weapon systems before  sending in a high yield explosive orb,  one might say ‘up the rear’.. to blast, the M class, into pieces of debris, flying everywhere.

Immediately moving at speed, OUT of that area. The chances were, that there would be, other Jogarth nearby. Seldom ONE craft on slave runs like that. Sure enough as she vanished into th ether two Jogarth M class warships appeared from the dark side of the planet,  left to view, the total destruction.

She, received an honour award, on behalf of her AND, the crew; for that. Quick thinking, intuition and strength of purpose. Need to do it, DO IT. With of course, knowing the crew and their capabilities! She treated then all, to a magnificent feast.

Time, to send her off, to the Akademy, to learn more, about other races, weapons, technologies, sharpen her perceptions. Worth to them, every draxet ten times over. She was, one, of their most respected and loved .

It had been a tough few weeks. Well weeks as we would know it.

Many, had now, realised, WHO their ‘Group’ members were. Some as we already know, are not always happy, with WHO they are; ‘Group’ members with. Worse still, for some, WHO their ‘Group’ LEADERS are.

Margise and Yoyo were with Kets, in their various domiciles. They were giving them / handing out, special ‘Group’ related coms units. Each was tuned to a frequency specific to that ‘Group’. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

A warning, NOT, to interfere with, attempt to hack into other ‘Groups’ units, to eavesdrop and spy, OR;  face demerits!

A ‘MEDIATOR coGressor’ was apppointed, to be at the centre of ALL of the ‘Groups’, and, had access to everything re them. Would be more than aware, of ALL, that was transpiring.

‘No Bles’ A non emotional, rationa silica basedl being, who, would weigh up, what was being the topic, of the ongoing discussion and, make a non biased, decision, if asked to do so.

Whatever he decided, they accepted AND if asked to do something, they complied OR face demerits. A good and, worthy, contribution to the ‘Group’, could, earn them, extra merits.

His AI capabiltiies, were beyond them, even the Jade ‘simplets’ tired, of trying to catch him out. They did note, he had some peculiar moments, when, his eyes would flash and flicker, which they reasoned, in the end was him processing data?

Plenty of arguments and discord; voiced. “No way, am I, taking any notice of a Vendaran, as team leader.“ As for what do they call them? ‘Anim’ whatever! Freaks. “

Meladi, pushed past, several Kets, to see Cala mouthing off. He went quiet, as she approached. “Groups, work TOGETHER, or they don’t win merits. If we don’t PULL together, then we LOSE merits.“

If they, were already, having disputes, it was nothing, in comparison, to him bickering with Illia. Fronting up to her, was a big mistake, as she landed him a blow, sending him reeling.

The time, he had spent with the ‘Nibbets’, had hardened him physically, so the sudden blow by her, did catch him off guard. BUT! He quickly recovered.

He had the muscle mass and the brute force, to deliver a punishing blow to her, which normally would have seen her sent reeling. BUT! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

He, lacked the skills, she had and, Heliera knew it, the moment she witnesses what followed. Nothing less, than she had expected.

Lacking discipline, experience, training. We might have called it ‘street fighting’. NO good well NOT a good idea against those such as Illia. She took part in brutal kick down competitions. Avoiding his punches with ease, to side step him before ?

If she, had not given much thought, to the blow earlier, thinking, he would not be dumb enough to ? NO it seemed, he needed, another reminder, of what she was.

He felt the blow, she landed on him, to coin the favourite term, ‘like being hit by a sledge hammer’. Full force, as his body lifted and he felt himself, thrown back, at speed, to hit the floor.

Luck, was due, to his Vestige, absorbing, some, of the shockwave otherwise he could easily have ended up crippled..

Van Ea moved close to him. “Stay down. We are Jogarth Elites, do you understand ? To us you are an insignifcant piece of vermin.  You are lucky you are at the Akademy.

 I, would not have bothered, putting a slave band on you; I would have played with you, ripped off some of your limbs and, then; after I got bored; taken your head.,”Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

She moved away cussing. “We’re not going, to win anyway, not with this bunch of losers.” She had moved, to shift past, a Ket called Doona; shoving him to one side, with a growl.

“Get out of my way.” She sneered at his height. He was, definitely, the smallest one in the room. “Stunted growth? Probably the same, where your intelligence is concerned. Don’t you know who I am?”

Celia, is from, the Jopen, ‘Elite warrior’ class. Ah yes, she is a relative, to Ditz ?!   Respected by, and protected by, his, parentia. She is rapidly learning, that she has no love, for the Jogarth.
‘Someday’ she is thinking to herself, I hope I can take some of my ‘Gols’ into Jogarth lands; I would enjoy trashing, raiding; pillaging..

A war like race and don’t be misled by Celia, with her calm, peaceful mannerism. They have a running battle, with the Vendaren. As for the Jogarth? Well they had NOT found them in their part of the Qiverse.

Jopen raids are often savage and, they, can be like the  Mongols on Earth, except using far more advanced weapons. Resourceful, strong and brilliant tactician, brutally savage, take no prisoners, loot, pillage, plunder and kill. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Learned some tricks on staying ALIVE and yes, she has been in some, situations, where the odds, were not always, in their favour. Many of her companions, call her ‘Crazy Celi’. They say, its the look in her eyes!
When they flash with ? PLEASURE?

Doona stood up, looked at Celia, shifted in front of Van Ea, his head coming up to about the top of her upper  ‘accoutrements ’  (body armour)  .“It, is down to us, working as a Group. I would have thought, even the Jogarth, would know, what that, is about.

Van Ea ignored him, moving past him. She stopped at Celia. “Does someone, need to teach you, how to dress? Where did, you, get those clothes from? They’re hideous.”

Before, she could answer, Doona, moved between her and Van Ea.  “Since when were you, an expert on clothes. But then as slavers, you made a habit, of taking the clothes off others backs! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

I often wondered, what you did with all the clothing.“ Van Ea hissed, with a distinct rasp of fury, from her lips. She could not; , much, as she might have desired to do so, hit him. Too many eyes on them.

He was TOO small. instead, she shoved him aside and, now walked off, with Illia, shaking her fist at him; following close on her heels. Celia smiled down at him. Those flashing sparkling eyes?

“Nice one ‘Shrimp’. They had a drink together.  “I love seeing these obnoxius; Jogarth, put in their place.

Don’t worry Shirmp, I won’t let them pick on you, OR stir up trouble without, consequences on their part. NOW we have to find the ‘MEDIATOR coGressor,. I wan’t to lodge a complaint. TWO of them in ONE Group? “

Van Ea, was still seething. They had taken a walk, close to the Estuary, were sat talking. 
“That little piece of trash. The first opportunity I get to, smash him down, in the trials;  I’ll make sure he can’t  move for ! “ Illia shook her head. Physical violence is NOT the answer. We have to be cleverer.

The real POWER, comes, from taking over, the leadership of the ‘Group’. Subtle but planned PRESSURE,  play them, off against each other. Lies, false accusations, untruths, that they can’t, prove one way or another, are lies.

 Inxius & Beteny ?

Lets, have some fun, playing them, off against each other. Plenty of teasing and, constantly, feeding her doubts, about their relationship. Is he cheating? Is he?! Slowly build up her doubts, bring her to breaking point.

Leave HIM alone. It’s HER, we target. Weak, ineffectual, sad excuse, for a female. Whoever has her in tears first, gets something from my treasure chest! “ Now that, was not, to be ignored.

“Of course.” Illia reached into her pocket, pulled a small tube, in it a soft blue mixture “ A little of this, should do the trick! Will make her lose all of her inhibitions. Run around the place naked.” She burst out laughing.

“Like that male, we tried it on, before taking his head.” “Well he certainly had a lot of head’.
More crazy laughter.

“We need, to get over to the Stratorium." As, she slipped the blue tube back into her pocket, she leaned in, hissed in her ear “I’ll have to watch you. You’re almost, as good as I am! “ She, pulled out, yet another tube, it was identical. They laughed, almost hysterically. “Well we are, the Jogarth.“

To, the side, of where, they had been sat, a little figure, moved from the shadows, watched them, walking off. It shook its head, then, ducked back, into the hedgerow, as more Kets appeared.

Soon, they had passed and once again, it peered nervously out  watching them, arguing, laughing and talking. Enroute to the Stratorium.

It was Hoki and Hoki? Was a Simeron.









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