Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Coitus and Annabee  (Group leaders)                                                     

The reception area, for the meet up of Kets, was buzzing, with the numbers ot those, now aware, of which group they were in AND, who else, was in the same group? Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Coleja, was NOT amused. Not at all to discover he had been put in the same group as 3, to make things an unfolding nightmare? 3 HUMAN(A).

Coitus, it appeared, was the leader of the group.
She would later be joined by the appointed Annibee.
Her sisters, Inter and Ruptus close behind her.

NOT Coleja but HER as the leader of the group! Could things get any worse?! She was vocal AND in your face. Not the least bit put off by him.

Ah a ‘Jogarth’ ; good! We don’t need one of those disgusting Venderans OR one of those Psychophant Halodrens, that we had the displeasure, of meeting on the transporters.

Uggh, sucking up to us, and penniless ? Who does, he think he is, we won’t settle, for any males, who do not own their own kingdoms or have enough, for us all, to live without working. ALL of us, not just one, but ALL of us, he has to provide for.

We have, so many fans, ONLY loyal to us, across the Qiverse, that pay us, for simply talking to them. Why would we settle for settling down, with some, penniless creep like that?

At least you, being with us, he is unlikely to bother us.” Her sisters Inter and Ruptus, smiled, agreeing with her. “My you are soo tall and handsome! We have never spent time, with one of your race, BUT we hear good things.”

Inter, moved close to him. “I hear those slave bands of yours, have those wearing them, totally compliant to your demands.” She ran her hands over his shoulder.. “Such strong shoulders.”

Ruptus was laughing. “I do believe you have made him embarrassed.” More laughter. Coitus interrupted them. “Stop it you two, plenty of time to play later. NOW, who else do we have, joining our group.” Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Whilst, they were waiting, she had moved to talk to, or was it AT;  Coleja. We don’t, nor will get offended if you get up to some dubious practices when we are in competition with others IF it means we win! I mean, that is what it’s all about is it not?!

At least, according, to the list we saw, there were no, Kets from Bexes.” Inter, interrupted them.
“Oh gross. The last thing we want is to end up with Cats! NOT, our idea thankyou. of PURRfection..” She fell about laughing. Everyone, was going on at us, the way you lot are carrying on, you ending up with cats is a cert. “

A couple, were noticed, heading in their direction. They were distinctly; a couple? Couplets or? NO, a Cojoined pair; MARRIED!  As they approached them Coitus muttered under her breath; all we need

“A Co joined PAIR. We will have to wait on them?” Ruptus was NOT liking that idea one bit.
The others, were close, on what she was thinking. Coleja, was not, a fan of the situation either.

“Hell he is stunning, too good for her. Hey! Isn’t that Teila and Jojo we saw talking to that brat from Fendiq?” “ Ameryst! Thankfully your sister Illia, is as good if not better than her.”

They continued in their direction, only to turn and move, towards another group.
“Whoa a lucky escape.” She looked at Inter and Ruptus.. With him around, we would have got, nothing done.”eldrik

Eldrik. Now moved close to them to introduce himself. A Rogarin, strong, feisty and aggressive.
Often doing things without thinking first. Coleja smiled. At least, they had something in common; their hatred of the Vendarans.

Meladi (Vendaran) had been, more than aware, of who was in her group. somewhat relieved, that it was NOT this lot. With the Jogarth AND the Rogarian? She passed them by, her head up, noting Eldrik making rude gestures at her.

It would, be a few drinks later, that Isusi *Jade simplet, joined them. In fairness they could not make up their minds if this was ‘male or female’ as the Human(a) would NOT desire to question the gender?

Eldrik however, was not so accommodating. Do you identify as MALE or FEMALE? OR gender neutral. Isusi smiled. NOT really relevant to a 7th generation sentient life form but, those before it,  were amusing ‘IT’.

Ignoring IT.  Eldrik continued. “You have, all the characteristics of a FEMALE.Isusi.400
Well, in form. Certainly your lips, your makeup and ! He did not continue. It dawned on Eldrik that there was definitely some contempt on ‘IT’s face.

The female form, was, certainly, more than capable of being equal to Coitus, Inter and Ruptus. Some concerns, on their part, to start with, but! The realisation, IT might look female, BUT was decidedly NOT, especially where body functions and being FEMALE was all about?

Making money, from their only fans, across the Qiverse, NO! It was NOT, going to be competition re that. Stealing any males they might come across? NO. The monotone dialogue, was also something noticeable.

Clothing was just ‘practical’. Nothing expensive or classy about it. NOT Babinski ! Suddenly ‘ IT’ changed in front of them, into its Vestige. Mimicking what Coleja was wearing.
He scowled, but accepted, it could be their VESTIGE colours.

Then Limar, appeared.  Not with his twin (Azure was with another group.) They, WOULD be in competition with each other, but, he was not at all, nor was she, concerned. Competition was healthy!Leima401 

“You were born MALE? You, he looked at Coitus. Born FEMALE? “
There was, some what the hell, moment going on with Coitus, inter  and Ruptus.

This was to them, a FEMALE! It looked like one, smelt like one; could NOT be anything else. Coleja was laughing.

“Never mind Isusi, they are a little bereft, of understanding your race, so I, would just accept, being Female. I know of course, YOUR race AND, the Jade, are born gender neutral; in an Embrionne?” Isusi nodded.

Most other worlds, had a rule, a hard fast rule. If you were born MALE, you were MALE. Likewise, FEMALE born FEMALE is FEMALE. NO exceptions to that. It originated from Human(a) colonies and worlds.

Wars had broken out and enslavement of those who dared to challenge the ‘Gender wars as they became known, claiming to be other than what they were born? Enslavement and or execution.

Coleja looked at Coitus, Inter and Ruptus. “Female it is! Though it won’t be doing female things with you.” He laughed again. “IT has no biological functions. The body, is that of a, highly evolved Isomorphic. “

Ruptus shook her head. “Iso what?” Luckily, or so Coleja thought, they, were interrupted, by the arrival of Annibee. (Halodren). That gave Coleja some more amusement recalling what Coitus had said earlier?!

She was bubbly, very with it and more than aware of, who was who, where they hailed from. Isusi was nothing new to her. She had talked to IT’s siblings. Jaho, Mako, Zadoi. She had liked Jaho, from the archery display.

The vast knowledge, of so much re technology, science and physics... the list was endless. Isusu had known the moment he saw her of her acquaintance with ITs kith and kin.

Their neural synaptics, were linked. ONE knows, they ALL know. Seems, that our friend Anibee, where this lot are concerned, is the most intelligent, amongst them.” Isusu, was not smiling. ‘IT’ had no emotive thoughts, BUT it was in agreement.

This ‘group’, would certainly provide, a zoo, of sorts. On their behavior, as a race or races. An insight, good bad or indifferent. Kaho their overseer had told them to learn from what they observed. It would help them to evolve further but KNOWING that there were far more inferior races BUT !

So far they all appeared, an acceptable; balanced group. Coitus, Inter and Ruptus were talented in their own ways. Fitness had not been neglected. They might have been deemed a bit dim, by some, but in fact, they were, quite capable.

Their downside. was the constant need, to be occupied with things AND thoughts, that stimulated them physically AND mentally. Few could dispute, the fact, that they all, had excellent; communication skills.

Across the Qiverse, they, had kept their supply, of willing donors, entertained. Here now they realized that their income would be seriously; curtailed. Literally NO income at all.

Did they need to be here? You might well ask. Surely, their dubious but profitable enterprises, would be keeping them, living life; luxuriously? Taxes, ah yes. A real problem IF, the tax collectors, come after you, for unpaid amounts.

The final accounting, revealed, they, owed MILLIONS, to the tax collectors. NONE payment, would result in bounty hunters, who would hunt them relentlessly, chasing for the rewards from commissions, worth thousands. Business. traders and others was also another reason as they owed huge amounts to them.

HERE, they could look for a rich Royal, a sucker, or someone, who could have then living their, THEIR, end of days, ALL of them, in luxury.  Many races knew what the Human(a) females were like.
They welcomed the Human(a) males to pick their females. Knowing they would have none of the insipid nonsense from their own.

Toted up, it had suddenly become a nightmare. Pre warned of some of the raids theJess Corbin Kets Akademyy had all managed to escape. There had to be, somewhere, they could rest up, recoup?

The one place of course, the so called ‘Tax collectors, others they had ripped off with falsehoods and promises, they had no intention of keeping? Meal tickets, some of them. Ah, the Akademy.

One of their, ONLY fans, had given them, a means, to get entry, by collusion; within the Akademy. Knowing one of the ‘elders’. Bribery? Corruption? We shall explore this further. 

The arrival of other ‘group’ members, had not been so welcomed. . Two newly Cojoined (married to us) AND their background, was MILITARY; both of them! Velixi and Amija.

Their decision to ‘join as one’ was made, after a recent battle, where both of them. had now realised, together, they coud, protect each other, apart? At any time, they could, be sent off places, without each other. Well; orders are orders.

Cojoined, meant, that that, could never happen. As one; ALWAYS. The sacred vows, to love, honour and PROTECT each other, till death. Recognised by their families AND their families; were long established, military ones of repute.

Awards and status, easily equal, to some Royals, across the Qiverse.
Those families, had been delighted, to have them take their vows. As a reward and a sign of that; they had decided the ‘newly weds’ should have a break for a while, to enjoy their ‘honey moon’.

Learn about other races, technoloies, weapons, tactical and strategic. Good, bad or indifferent but as ONE. They were both, VERY fit, physically AND mentally more than capable.

Meeting the others, was a questionable experience, for all concerned. Coitus, Inter and Ruptus were NOT too concerned about HER, being a stunner. HE was physically, all of their fantasies, rolled into one.

Strong, tall, (they BOTH) were TALLER, than all of them. Leaving them, in their shadows. 
Anibee had welcomed them and was more than aware of the thoughts no doubt going through the minds of Coitus, Inter and Ruptus.

“Cojoined eh? You won’t be killing us for saying anything that might cause you offence, not intentional of course.” Amija gripped Velixi .Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“So long, as you all know, understand, what our vows mean to each other. It can be difficult for some to realize the seriousness of, our commitment to each  other, threaten his life, I WILL make you feel pain. Expect the same from him, if you target mine. Kill and we will, whoever is left; kill you ALL.

YOU ALL  must  understand, we will NOT tolerate, any insidious actions, attempts, to stir up trouble between us OR deliberately seek to provoke us.

Within the Akademy, ALL Cojoined AND Couplets, are treated as protected.
You all know, or should know, activities, tests, trials  we take TOGETHER; as one.
That applies equally to us as a GROUP.

We, have a long history, BEFORE, we became Cojoined; of working together. Strategically, tactical and so much more; we have to offer, from EXPERIENCE, KNOWLEDGE to our ‘group’ .

There was, a murmur of agreement. They had a to accept, the benefits on offer far outweighed any misgivings, they might have had. Coitus, Inter and Ruptus were not going to do anything stupid re their Cojoined relationship.

The arrangements, for future meet ups, would be at an elected ‘Ovir’. Amija had reminded them, that they were forbidden to go near their domiciles.

They would, be pleased, in letting Isusi keep their ‘Sheldes’ updated, with their ‘group’ schedules, and they would accept invites to meet ups at the ‘Ovir’.

Amija liked Anibee. A mutual liking, for each other AND she was being honest with her. The Human(a) females, were not to be trusted. This lot, she had discovered, were hiding out here? Into more details and Armija, let alone Velixi were not going to be taking their eyes of them.

All in all; everyone was more than satisfied with their ‘group’. Coitus, Inter and Ruptus, could if they wished leave BUT they had decided THEY; would not, be pulling out, anytime soon.


Coitus and Annibee (Group leaders)     wild goat
inter and Ruptus - Coleja  - Eldrik - Isusi - Velix and Amija










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