Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Inxius & Beteny, are from the Haphetsu Mie Cu Empire

Inxius wanted to have Beteny as his Cojoined BUT! Their parentia objected. NOT because they are NOT a good match for each other.

They believe them, to be too innocent and lacking emotional maturity. Neither of them have seen beyond their own ‘village’.

NOT desiring, to venture far? Both of them have led sheltered lives. Their Parentia are rulers of the 7 ‘dominions’. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

All pay homage, to them AND that includes, taxes, tributes and more. NO wars, NO unrest or unhappiness? Strange but TRUE.

The Emperor’s son and Emperical Empress’s daughter from two different families, they grew up together, shared and at times lived together as one.

Their homeland, is one of the most beautiful, with lakes, rivers, mountains and was built over centuries to be the haven it is.

Weather is almost perfect, even sunshine and cloudy days,. rain, thunderstorms but, NO wild and crazy weather.

Everywhere is kept immaculate. NO LITTER! Special disposal units and processing plants take care of recycling. 

A fair days work, earns a fair days pay. NO one goes without food and the essentials they need to LIVE and LIVE is what, their lives are about. NOT just EXISTING, but LIVING.

No malcontents here, no Karens! If you are born MALE you are MALE, likewise if you are born FEMALE you are FEMALE. Masculinity is a MALE, Femininity is FEMALE. They could be considered equal to if not stricter in some ways than the Tirkwan.

HOWEVER, there is, a large, military force always ready to beat off any potential invaders; that includes FEMALE Mifems. Trained to a high standard. They are NOT expected to do the same work as the males BUT they do work in vital support roles.

Stores, technical and logistics. Baths, spas and special inception rooms for those desiring Ketlevlings. Taking care of them, is NOT the MALE or the FEMALE parentia, IT is the COMMONALITY.

Welfare, education, clothing, food ALL from those around them accepting joint responsibility to them.
In return rules exist that the Kevletlings must abide by.

No disrespecting their elders, no disobedience or questioning requests by them (within the COMMONALITY rules). Media and other facilites are NOT available to them other than those in the selected COMMONALITY inclusion areas.

Bullying, lying. cheating and KEVLETLING behaviours that are deemed unacceptable are NEVER ignored. They will be punished.

For almost a century, this has never been a problem. Every Kevletling has the opportunity to have their own special COMMONAL ‘clerics’.

They can cuss to them, moan, groan, work out their issues across a variety of physical platforms with NO penalties or punishments.

Respect is equal to both. They all receive a daily rate that is NOT due to work. If they work that is automatically added to that and is NOT minus that.

Law is enforced by the Peoples judiciary. Every ‘dominion’ gives up 10 to that forum. An equal mix, of 35 male and 35 female voted every 5 ‘yea’ by the people.

Any of them, may be approached by the ‘people’ for any reason when it comes to disputes, agreements, Cojoining, Couplets and BONDS.

Land, buildings, vary BUT, every new Cojoined OR Couplets get their own domiciles with at least a decent slice of land with it.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Kephet is a big world and ONLY 2/3rds of it is occupied. The occupied zones, are almost empty in places. You can go from one ‘Village’ to another with a noticeable distance between them and see NO domiciles, let alone PEOPLE between them..

‘Hyper bubbles’ run across the ‘dominions’ for easy transport. Whereas Hyper gliders operate in the air carrying anything from private personal users to more ‘public’ ones carrying upwards of 50 at any one time.

It means, a huge expanse, of freely available land, remains for those desiring to venture out and, make it on their own.

But I digress..

By sending them, to the Akademy they will be able to mix with others and although BONDED, either of them can break that BOND without any penalties.

YoYo, has put them, in the same domicile as Kelawi and Torven. She did check, with Margise first, who was more than happy.

The first time, ever for them being ‘off world’ and well away from ‘village life’. Yoyo knew all about that, she was from a ‘village’ NOT some big city like structure.

Sure enough. the four of them, meeting for the first time, were able, to enjoy some of the rare teas and snacks, left for them. Teas from Mie Cue. Torven and Kelawi were liking the taste, the aroma.

Fendiq spice cakes, were a favourite with them. Fruity, gentle on the tongue sensations, from the spices.
A truly delicious, melt in your mouth delight.

Working out, the various tasks, was again very acceptable. Beteny was NOT into cooking. She had always had that done for her.

Likewise Inxius, had little experience of actually doing things for himself. That had Torven grinning, scolded by Kelawi.

“Let’s chill for now, Do not think, that you are useless.” She glanced at Torven.
“HE does little or nothing, at home. His sisters, do it for him, OR !” He has some FemiGOKS do the tasks.”

Some, discussion on what FemiGOKS were, caused much amusement, especially about the Ocasa incident, which had them laughing.

Just a little introduction, to break the ice. The guys headed out to an Ovir, to leave them, to sort out the reclines, bedding and more.

“Come talk to me, if you have any concerns, DON’T keep it to yourself, because you feel nervous! We are domicile companions which means we already share a closeness.

The rules are clear. WHAT happens between us, in the domicile, however crazy it could get, is kept between us! NO one else, outside of here needs to nor,  will ever know.

That is FACT. We can lose credits, get demerits if those like Yoyo or Margise find out we betrayed out companions trust. OOO I will warn you, Torven is a real magnet, for some of the females here.

Anyway, enough for now, you must be tired. The domicile is split into four. Two single and a DOUBLE ‘room’ split into two, but with ONE access.

I know, of your situation and I am giving you the double. You are used to being with him AND sharing so that is the most natural solution for now. IF anything changes, you want, a single dom to yourself, then let me know.

You are BONDED, but NOT Cojoined NOR a Couplet. That can be a nightmare, in places like this, because there will be those, seeking to break you up.

Some malicious, some jealousy, some actually liking YOU or Inxius. Attempts, to have you, break your promises knowing, there are NO penalties, for doing so? Expect some heat BUT!

Remember what I said, that I know who the trouble makers are AND I, will be around, as will Torven to give them a lesson, to remember, NOT, to interfere re OUR companions.

NOW, let me clarify something, that you must understand. I am single. I am unattached. A threat to your guy? YES. Well normally that would be the case BUT, NO! Sorry Betany but he is just NOT my type of guy.
I am a WEAPONS specialist!

I like my guys, with a bit more muscle, a bit more brawn and, can go a couple of rounds with me, where I can at least, have a go, at beating them down. You will see me with Ameryst from time to time. We share the same sport interests AND, currently we both don’t have time, for relationships!

Ameryst is training, for, the Galicia Federa interstellar kick down championships. I’m her second, which means, I look after her gear, make sure, she has nothing to worry about, other than winning!
SO, I won’t always be here.

You will both be on your own! Chill out, unwind and start to decide what both of you want, from your being here. WE WILL help you !  Toughen up, strengthen and be more resilient, especially, where others are concerned, who are NOT, your friends!

HOWEVER, we will also, show you, WHO ARE your friends and, those you can trust! The first time, as a Kevletling Ameryst and I came face to face with an Assassin, we almost, wet ourselves.

BUT! It made us realize, that the only ones, who, can truly help you conquer fears like that, is YOU!  At the moment, I KNOW that you are really upset, that you appear to have nothing to offer.

Proving you both WRONG, will be a delight! I promise, by the end of the first season here, you will already, be showing, signs of moving towards, realizing your capabilities, YOUR SKILLS.

We are going to turn you, from a GIRL into a WOMAN and, YOUR guy into a MAN! We have to because in here they are going to take a great deal of pleasure, in your cute, innocence.

Some of them, are going to eat you both alive given the chance. Hmm maybe I ought to rephrase that, some will eat ALL of us, alive given the chance but you two; tender, young and delicious.” She made a slurping noise that had them both laughing.

“Tomorrow, I am going, to take you both, to see, some of the worst of them. I want you to be numb, to everything you see and hear. I want them to see NO reaction, from either of you.

La Toyah, had been brought up to date, with the latest on the Kets and domiciles and and!

So the Ket couple, from the Haphetsu Mie Cu Empire. One, of the oldest civilisations, across the Qiverse.

She had looked at, the images from there and they included the home of Inxius & Beteny, 
Magnificent towers, beautiful architecture within a landscape of peace and restful repose.

‘Well you two are going to be very interesting to see how you develop here. Spoilt, doing little for yourselves, not much it would seem to offer your ‘Group’ re skills?

Yes this is going to be VERY interesting.’









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