Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Dire and Straits (Group leaders)  Cojoined ! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy      
(New world frontier Colony e95j.) Another pair with Human(a) crazy names from the book of revelations or as I say ‘ repatriations’ NO don’t ask!

Known each other since childhood Kevletlings. VERY close and Cojoined for over 5 ‘years’ . Straits is into exotic intimate gear.

Dire has some liking for her being the submissive exotic;  mimicking a BYNARD known as
‘Dasy’. We’ll not go into details !! Well not just yet!

Logistical and statistical analysts. Their parentia have an established reputation for going into new worlds and doing an assessment prior to NEW colonists moving in.

They will tell you WHERE to, WHERE NOT to settle. Everything that is good, bad or indifferent and as many will tell you; fail to use them and live to regret it!

If, they telll you, to avoid that planet, then do so ! There will be many reasons and we are not just talking about climate, ecology, wild life and !

It could be, the existence of other life forms, other races. Some may be suspiciously welcoming OR hostile from the off!

Suspicious? Why some end up as slaves..Trafficked and worked to death by those who they realize too late, they cannot defend themselves against.

Some less scrupulous races, will send them into reconnoiter and then invade with a mercenary force to enslave, pillage, plunder and or take over.

They are here hiding out, after a race known as the ‘Usjian’ put a bounty on their heads. They suspect after two years the odds are that will no longer be of any concern. Bounty hunters DO NOT get entry to the Akademy!

The Usjian colony, Szen3,   was next to a massive mountain, of Deutroxium. MONEY like gold to us and a MOUNTAIN of it. Ripe for them to sell the information to the highest bidders BEFORE the settlement could bring in their own military and defense systems? They were kicked off the planet and a massive mining consortium took over.

As for as the Galacia Federa were concerned the original settlement had not legally registered their rights. By the time they started that, the rights had already been approved; bought and paid for by others.

I think, that some (I doubt the Usjian would!) might find it amusing, re their names being Dire Straits! The old Human(a) terminology?

The idiom "in dire straits" means to be in a very difficult or bad situation that is hard to fix. Some synonyms for "in dire straits" include: depressed, deprived, destitute, disadvantaged, impoverished, indigent, needy, and desperate straits

See, I try to give a fair viewpoint AND in retrospect, I suspect, they probably got away by a whiskers breadth. As Claria would tell them; VERY lucky to be alive!  We won’t do into detail but they were paid a crazy amount of drexetnium from the mining consortium; a ‘finders fee’?Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Omeja is a Sendorian. She is a Class 5 PILOT with proven track record in the management and deployment of large M class vessels. From trading to semi military.

VERY intelligent. Quick thinking, resourceful. adaptive AND intuitive. She successfully beat off a group of raiders who wanted the cargo on one of the M class she was in charge of.

ONE of her crew betrayed them, sold them out. Secretly they were let on board. So far so good until they were detected, when she did a quick check of the corridor area leading to the cargo areas almost running into them! Their voices alerted her parsecs before that happened!

To their right, a hatchway opened and they, believed that their co conspirator, had opened it for them?
Once inside, she sealed them in and then, ejected them into space. Wearing their space suits BUT now, having to make their way back, to their craft;  whilst hers, made a quick getaway.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

The co conspirator, was locked up and handed over for punishment. As a reward they gave her a gift a token of her saving a valuable cargo worth a lot of prosperity to some. The costs re the Akademy and a little?

NO sizeable, bonus; amounted to less than 0.0001% of the gratuities they received, handing over their prized cargo; following its sale.

The opportunities, to make new contacts with others, other races? New craft, new technologies she was going to make the most of her being here!  She too had another reason, for being here, something she discovered later.

Mikar From the Golem Worlds was also a renown M class PILOT. Had a good solid family background, was a Pilot AND a meknician with extensive training and qualification in the repair and maintenance of inter stellar star drives.

They had met on occasion and, appeared to be able to converse with relative ease. She had expressed an interest, in getting some hands on experience when it came to knowing about, using star cluster drive systems.

He, had been pleased, to talk some more, about them, but was gone the next ‘morning’. Close companions were NOT much help thus his whereabouts remained, unknown.

Meeting him by chance, with one of his ‘;brothers’ as he called them, Velui; he was in another ‘group’, had let them to talk. It had  been one of the highlighs of the moment for both of them!

“It was sudden, on Velui telling him, that they were going to the Akademy. ALL paid for and both his parentia AND Velui’s had been pleased for them to go. The cost them was a speck in space.
Thus it can be said that they became almost inseparable  With Mikar, Velui, Omeja and his sister Laiqi sharing a domicile together.


Jess Corbin Kets AkademyWILD BEAR:

.Dire & Straits (Group leaders) -
Omeja - Mikar - Dodger &,Lolly - Xison  -  Becci - Ali D / Ali G

Wild bear


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy










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