Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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The Kets, beit Kets or Ketlets, I shall hereon in just call them ‘Kets’. Across the galaxies, have gathered together and are now on course towards a satellite, in orbit above the main Akademy planet?

Becci and the others from Fendiq, her close friends, Bexes and Kal’Heiron plus Vendaran Kets were brought together at Becci’s home world on Fendiq, a few other waifs and strays also joined them from minor Royal affiliations.

Prior, to leaving for the Akademy, Haphketsut Becci and her family entertained their guests, with another party as you would know it! Once again, a very noisy; welcoming party!

Allowing them, to get to know each other; a little better. Even if; Ocasa, maintained his distance, making it obvious, his intense dislike, of the Jogarth Kets. But generally, everyone in that party, was getting on fairly well.

A few other worlds, had collected Kets, from within their galaxies, together I suspect, they too, had celebrated the opportunity, to meet up. Especially if they were as we know them, cousins or related directly or indirectly, close or distant relatives?

Yes you have Royal houses, Imperial houses, clans and so on, yes you have some rivalry between them and that often is reflected in their sporting or games achievements, a showing of skills in a physical sense but also technology wise in how skilled they were when it came to for example; strategy.

Those, who were diverse, creative or downright devious, could equally make their mark. Considered, as meriting some honor, within their respective families? Good warriors, good masters for some, are a sign of strength? Not to be trodden on, or disrespected lightly! Others were from worlds or galaxies where trading was a hallmark of their skills, financially astute, inventors or skilled crafts people.

Engineers, sciestes, scientists. Geneticists and so on. Thus by the time they all meet up, we have a mass gathering of epic proportions, from thousands of torrans, as its known (miles to us human) across the galaxies and when you later view, the Galactic maps, you’ll realize, just how vast it is!

Captain Nielstrom was a young officer, who had graduated with honors. A sympio empathic who could read the air around her. Senses could be turned on or off and when they were on? She could hear, sense a whisper from over 50 metres! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

She was NOT new to the Akademy, NOT the first time she had ferried Kets! She knew exactly what the Kets were feeling, even if some of them did not show it.

A lot of them were nervous, apprehensive and in some instances fretting over being for the first time in their lives; alone?.

All sizes, shapes, colors, the weird, the wonderful, the mix goes on and on.. yet the common denominator, remains the same. Ket or Ketlet and some Parentia's pride and joy?

Missed and missing, those they felt secure with, safe with and at home with? The arrival at the satellite. Pure pandemonium!

Saying goodbye and looking after the others, including the Jogarth, the Vendarans? Eventually relieved by those from the Satellite. No longer Raptor’s responsibility! The zimp having made it final excursion to the Sat, moved back to Raptor.

“They’ve got a few hours yet, before they’re taken to the surface, they have to wait for the transporters, from the planet to pick them up.“ “Still our job is done, next port is Cisteron to pick Trime up and find out what went on there.“ Cistera nodded.

“Plus it will be a break.“ Goodbyes concluded, with a few tears! Nathan and those on Raptor left to head off to Cisteron knowing at least the Kets were safely tucked up on the satellite.

They would not, be exposed to the coming battles, including the foray on Cisteron. Becci with Anora, Ethan, Amiras and Cxan who had been talking with Coleja, watched Raptor, as it slowly moved off, then like some shooting star accelerated away to vanish to a small pin point of light.

“I am” hissed Coleja. “impressed with the Raptor.
A truly magnificent craft.” Cxan had been smiling at hearing from him some praise. “Even I have not seen everything on Raptor but you are right. From home on Fendiq; it is one of my favourite places to be.”

“So, what do you, think of some of those we are with?” Coleja was glancing around noticing, some of those, he found smiling in his direction? “Ah the  musician and dancer from the Jade Imperica.” “Ah yes. Kaho. I share your sentiments there. Not only talented but beautiful. “

“Are you into music?” Coleja smiled opened a pouch he had in his hands to show Cxan the image of a galactic ‘celebrity’? “Wow isn’t that Sop Hrist. I think my Mama is a fan of hers.”  “Ah Cxan, so many who think because we are slavers by reputation and yes we are; that we have no interest in the arts.”

“I hope you, enjoyed the party! We had Dizte as the DJ, we call it DJ from the old Human(a) historical archives. My Papa has many of them that we can if we so desire explore.” “Dizte! So that was her name. She was awesome! The next time she is around, I have to ask you to introduce us! “

Anora was glancing in their direction, something that had not gone unnoticed by Coleja. “I think you like my sister.” He waved at Anora. “Good luck with taming that one Cxan. I won’t interfere if you treat her right. She has a taste for Xiji fruits, Buy her those and watch what happens!” He started to grin.

“Xiji fruits?” Cxan wondered if the Akademy, would have those for sale. They were exotic.(a bit like Earth’s pineapple.) but blue in colour Very sweet and totally deciious..

Whatever, was going through their minds, was interrupted by other Kets, milling around them, as the main deck now filled up with other ‘stranger’ Kets. Raptor and its occupants were forgotten.

Some, no doubt spoiling for a fight, avoiding others and so it went on. The arrival of two more transporters, carrying what we would call ‘Mature Kets also known as ‘Elders!’ These had been at the Akademy for over 2 years?Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Some of them were from races they had never seen before? Very mature and very much in control! Coleja was able to tell Cxan who two of the strangers were and to relax.

One of them, was from a seventh age race who were in bodies BUT sentient lifeforms where the bodies, the physical form could be anything.

These were certainly eye catching and whether male or female could be debatable? Stunning.

They spent time, forming the new Kets into groups, as outlined by La Toyah who arrived shortly after them, this time accompanied by several others including Leyla.

“Not, such a bad turn out this year.“ La Toyah nodded. “A lot of the families submitted them this year, rather than last year, so they could attend with brothers and sisters or similar kith and kin.“

“Last year was low on intake; this years is more than double. We’ll be stretched with this lot."









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