Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Vendaran. Two main factions. At war with each other. At various times throughout history, also enemies of Fendiq and Bexes. Cxao turned to Nathan. “I’d better take a team, find out what’s going on.“ Nathan nodded.

“Better take Tan, with you.“ Alina cleared the empty glasses, brought them some more drinks “We’ve had minor skirmishes with the Vendaran’s but they’ve been pre occupied with the Jogarth. “Yo Nathan.” “Liana.” “You’re needed urgently, the gallery.“ Nathan rolled his eyes.

“Its going to be one of those days.“ Dram grinned. “Want us to come with you?” “No finish your drinks and come up when you’re ready!“ Nathan was now in the gallery, a huge expansive area within Raptor. Corridors to various chambers ran off it, including, to other, main control decks.

 It also, had recreation chambers with a huge, specially designed reception area. Approaching the area, you could hear the noise from the Kets. Having a party? In front of him the huge holographic screen flickered into life.

“Yo Nathan, I have SIX vessels from various zones converging on us!“ Nathan stared at Fehlise.
“We have two, Vendaran flagships, opposing factions, approaching. Both with back up fleets, fully armed but weapons are not active, it seems in escort mode to the main flagships? All have ‘peace markers’ showing.

I have a Succharian flagship, flying the emblem of the Royal house of Sucharra, Princess Orphea, plus, coming up fast behind all of them, I have another vessel, a Galactic Federation A class fully armed and deployed MASTER Venture class vessel.

Whoever is onboard that, is of great importance It is escorted by three other Galacia Federa M class warships, fully armed and weapons on standby.“ Liana paused, he could hear her giggle.

“You are so going to love this! TWO, JOGARTH Imperial flagships plus escorts. PEACE markers fully displayed!“ Nathan felt, that he was about to scream. More of those they despised.

Few could match the Jogarth, for some of the horror, they had and continued, to inflict, on other races. There was a drawn out howl from him, overheard by two figures now coming into view. “Ah, you’ve heard the news.” He caught his breath, composed himself, to look at Dram and Wesquin.

Dram, was somewhat distracted, by the music and noise. Yes, as he put it, NOISE. Blaring from the chamber opposite. “We, heard the news from Liana. Think she was as surprised about them! He looked towards the galleria.

“Heck with that lot, it is a wonder you can hear yourself think! Want me to tell the Kets to turn that racket down?” Nathan grinned. “You go in there and we won’t be seeing YOU, for the next few hours, let alone you get out of there in one piece!“

Despite his dislike, of their modern music trends, he was well liked by the Kets. “Point taken. So how can we help?” Nathan stared at the screen, as this absolute monster of a craft came into sight, he had only ONCE, ever seen such a craft, it was a Venture A ‘Emperica’ class, the Xitonea.

With its xei3 series weapons,it was terrifying sight, to see. Size wise, other craft excluding the Raptor, were like tadpoles in a pond, in its presence.

Other flagships gathered around it, no doubt unloading those who would be Kets as well as consorts, ambassadors. Cistera and Soniette came into the Gallery. They, were with Koemini and Beis.

The face of Commander James Caden, now visible. Corky had arrived, stood in the background, unseen by them, but not by the figure on screen. “Corky!“ Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

His nickname from when he had invented the 'Graviton' corkscrew stairways, that wound within the middle, of virtually all known intergalactic craft.

Known to some, as ‘Corkscrew.’or “Cadie” They turned to look at Corky as he growled back at Caden.

 “You old twister! What brings you and that oversized heap of scrap, into this system?” “We have some guests for you!” Cistera squeezed Soniette’s hand, whispers. ‘The Toy.”

He bowed. “I bring greetings, to the Hapketsut Cistera, her liege, the Ka Absolute. To the Imperial Empress Soniette and Emperor Dram.

I am Commander Elite, James Caden of the Galacia Command Flagship, the Xitonea.

Compliments from the Comtesse.” He turned, seeming to look behind him, at figures moving in the background. “Permission to come aboard the Raptor, disembark my passengers?
 I have to provide them, with an escort of ten of my best troopers, as you know, it's protocol.I hope you will not take offence?”









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