Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Donut and Creame are of course, from an Human(a) new world colony -547e Only the Human(a) are truly crazy re the names they give their Kets!

A VERY ancient Solus name or names from the books of revelations, more like the one called the book of repatriations and YES it DOES exist! Don’t ask more!

THEY are a Cojoined couple and NO they did NOT take the old Human(a) vows, but a far more sacred cleric one, within the Galacia Federa laws.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

That means IF THEY cheat on each other, they will be executed! BOTH of them!  I think I might as forgotten to mention what happens to those they cheat with ?

A good flogging, buried up to their necks and left for the ‘insects’ or sand crabs to eat? The Cojoined or Couplets are made to watch them die.
Then executed.

The numbers of cheaters?  VERY VERY RARE!
A Cojoined or Couplet partner will NOT be permitted to be such if they have been intimate with ANY others.

They will only ever, have shared, such intimacy, with their chosen ones. NO prejudging, NO comparing their partner to others!

A FACT is FACT, when it comes to them that they are killers when it comes to each other. TO protect each other as I have already said, they will KILL to protect their partners.

Skills? They are neuro surgeons. Extremely skilled and capable. They can disect you to such a level that after an operation you would NOT know they had operated on you!

They are here, to learn about, other races anatomy and physiology and, to enhance their knowledge plus some new toys to add to their collection re surgical devices etc !

The Akademy, has one of the most advanced, archives on AND operating ‘theatres’ with Qiverse intergalactic MED cast facilities so that others can ‘tune in’ and watch them perform surgeries etc PLUS some of the latest hitech equipment.

OK A lot of that is AI controlled for basic operations BUT they are NOT infallible and many wealthy families pay for those such as Donut and Creame to do more advanced and riskier surgeries where their closest and dearest are concerned.

To watch them, in action. is perfection in motion. They ARE both truly gifted. Their level of expertise, knowledge, speed, accuracy and NEVER EVER having had a patient die on them! Is what has made them both sought after AND extemely rich. VERY rich.

Bellanai. Ah yes. A bizarre female with a very introspective viewpoint on anything and everything worth her time and attention.

She gets easily bored. Not liking or tolerating fools AND is everything her name is known as a derivative of .. Bellania the . BELLIGERANT.

A belligerent person is hostile and aggressive. ... the belligerent statements from both sides which have led to fears of war. Synonyms: aggressive, hostile, contentious, combative .

“She, would not think twice, about thumping you”. Might seem a little intemperate from another Ket or even KETS; re her.. but truth hurts. well certainly for the person on the other end of her fists. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Mako the first time, he encountered her dealing some what she considered, justice to a male Ket picking on a smaller weaker Ket?

Thus he, was of the opinion, that she did not just thump anyone, without a questionable reason for doing so.

He actually, though of course he does NOT, feel EMOTIONS! liked her.

For a female, she was everything IF he were into females, his perfect vision of what one should be.

Does that sound crazy? She was VERY attentive to her appearance. She always looked good, smelt good and was never ever threatening to him?

Take the time, to LISTEN to her and, she could be quite entertaining. Well versed and coherent plus more than astute when it came to her opinions on being there at the Akademy?

Too honest, too open and not tolerating any of their bull crap nonsense. Her two brothers were constantly in trouble AND her parentia were always getting them let off.

HER? NO! A tongue lashing, for NOT being nice about them?
Eventually, one of the family, who had been angered, by their recent activities, decided she, needed to be out of things for a while, whilst he took care of some business.

He knew, that after delivering some due punishment to them that would see them doing some hard labour.. even off world for a while.. Her parentia, would use her, to take their rage out on. NO, it would NOT be nice.

Her parentia, refused to even consider sending her, to the Akademy, HER friends, had already been  there and were now back home telling her all about it. HE had overheard them and returned a little while later with a shelde that he handed to her.

ALL of the reservations, fees, everything, was paid for, arranged and here she was.
Would she be nissing them? He had told her to unlock certain data on the shelde WHEN safely on her way?

HIS sister, had had a child. Both of HER Parentia were killed off world. Leaving him, being so young, with the only decision but to give her to them, her partners family to raise.

He had only recently returned, to uncover the horror of what had been going on? The monies left by her for MY future? had been given to those two lazy layabouts. Squandered on ! and gambling! Thieving criminals the lot of them!

The money and more, left to him, by his sister, that he had the foresight, NOT to give them; he had invested. Now worth millions AND his niece, was about to become VERY rich benefactor BUT first!

He insisted, she attend, the Akademy, for two years so she could lose some of her BELLIGERENCE! He had given her a hug.

“That has made you strong, kept you strong, BUT NOW, it is time to realize that NOT all, are thieving oiks like that lot!  Mix, make new friends and learn to feel a lot more at ease”

They had always gone on about how they, not including HER; were rich and affluent,
To which she had received a slap for asking them,

AFFLUENT? are you sure, you don;t mean EFFLUENT?
There was a tumble as Mako fell about laughing.
Finally she, had done, what to most, would have been impossible?

NO, not emotions in the mix, just the sense he had of her making him more than aware of the difference in the meanings of the two words, AFFLUENT and EFFLUENT.

She was, bemused by his response. “I like you Mako. I hope we can continue to meet up and talk. I feel less aggressive when we talk! “

So that was that. Strange but true. THEY became, close friends.

La Toyah, had used an overhead Opticon, to listen into their conversation. She too was smiling. I like you too Bellanai.

Now there’s a first Mako, she’s triggered your emotive synapses.
I wonder, if we will see more of that, from you!

The group is really good, a rich and varied talent. Welcome to being part of



Group ‘Mt LION

Colfra and Sajani (Group leaders)  Claria, Nirv and Lotus,
Mako - Sopza - Kesop - Donut and Creame - Bellanai

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy










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