Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Arranging the Ket transports, to the Akademy planet, Illuca, had  wasted no time in ensuring everything went smoothly. “But why can’t we go aboard Raptor.“ Becci, annoyed at having to remain on the transporter?

“Because Raptor will escort us to the grid, no further. It is NOT allowed beyond their grid defences. Nor are the other Galacia Federa vessels; ANY unauthorised craft! . “Becci stamped her feet and threw her arms down by her side, lips scrunched, eyes glaring at her. “Well why didn’t someone tell me this!“

Nathan had ordered a test on the ‘grid’ but was also making sure the other commanders knew what would happen if they tried to ignore the Akademy defence systems. The Comtesse had made him aware of  the fact that the Li Nia 7th race HAD put that in place and it was technology that ?

The test cannister, thrown at the grid, was an old piece of space junk. Within parsecs as it came close to the grid from within the no go area, that formed a ring around the grid? A broadcast warning ignored? It vaporised.

The demonstration was enough for those who needed to heed it, taking it very serious seriously.
“I do feel we should rethink the off loading of Kets onto that satellite. Maybe build a new one much closer to the grid?

If Cistera, had been recalling the incidence, aboard the enemy alien vessel? She had remembered something, that stuck in her mind. One of the control units reminded her of a similar one, she had seen as a Ket at the Akademy?

You see, the Kets, have training and a lot of knowledge available for them, to keep up with technology, sciences and so much more. Casandra one of the Galaicia’s  sciese, had been observing the agitation on Cisera’s part whilst pouring herself a tea.

“Try drawing it.” She handed Cistera a pad. Within a few moments she had managed a rather distorted but fairly composite outline. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“Looks almost, like a 'ChrmxT8'. Anti matter device.” She was shaking her head. “That is NOT good, not good at all. I have only ONCE, ever seen a similar device, when we wee finishing up training and there was a prototype device that we were shown.

A unknown races,  craft had crashed and there was a lot of salvaged material from the crash site. They finally put it back together but they couldn’t get it to do anything for a long time. A latest update on tech that I watched showed how they had gotten it to work, it literally evaporate several buildings, everything GONE! Not even dust!

The day after the tests? The device vanished never to be seen again. It was probably, what they used, on the Pagallion?“ YET the orb had used the same anti matter destruction on them?”
“I don’t think, whoever they were, we’ve seen the last of them.” Cas was reluctant to agree BUT if their race had that device or devices ? The thought of meeting them again was NOT pleasant in the least!

“Of course, knowing what they look like, doesn’t help us that much.” Casandra was an avid listener as what they had looked like was described. “Whoa, NO I don’t want to meet them thankyou! “ Ka.” Cas bowed and left them.”Cas is very smart. I think she is friends with Noge. He recommended her on the assessment team for the other ships and the Satellite..”

I told Noge. We’ve never seen such ugly, barbaric looking things. They made the Urowq look attractive..“ Noge had ended up laughing. “Seriously though, they gave me the 'e b jeebies'.“
The apperance of Commander Akinov with Serenia, to give Nathan an update on their ongoing work was a welcome distraction.

“La Toyah, has made a suggestion,, we think it might have some merit to it.  The aliens we were led to believe were after the Kets. We have no doubts about that. HOWEVER A suspicion that their main objective might have been the Kets Akademy planet? Seize the Kets, hold them hostage to gain entry to the planet?

Some decades ago, an incidence occurred that has now been sealed in the Akademy archives. The Elders at the Akademy won’t talk about it. The knowledge is sealed.   We could do with someone to access those archives BUT! We can’t put a Ket at risk NOR raise suspicion? Clarie suggested that Corky might be the ideal choice. As a tutor AND able to snoop around? “

Corky’s face, could well have been described as being one of sheer terror. No not disbelief, just the realization, of what had just been said, hitting home. Despite some of the others having the cheek to smirk.

“NO way, much as I love those Kets.“ Cistera, was not to be put off! “You are perfect for the job, they adore you! Your teaching and life skills would be invaluable!” He shook his head, still not agreeing! It would have to be referred back to the Comtesse.

He was sure, she, would dismiss such a suggestion. What possible use could an old fool like him be to the Kets! "An excellent suggestion, Verona is one of my finest socialites. A true con artiste to perfection. I’ve already talked to her and she loves that kind of adventure.

We already had some information passed to us about that planets history. We can have them as a couple. That way no one will be suspicious. SHOULD those Aliens return, with them there AND hopefully some new updates to help us from them?

Better, to be well prepared, for any encounter. We will feel a lot more at ease, knowing they are there, even if it is only a temporary assignment! Verona can teach the Kets etiquette and life skills. Our Veteran, can teach them invaluable tactical, military strategy and deployment skills,

Corky was adamant that he would NOT be going there UNTIL. A comcast call from Verona?? She was laughing. “Corky you old fox.” “Verona you stll hustling?” “They are relying on us Corky. I could do with a short break.”

”It would be, a while before Nathan, heard the good news. Corky had finally, relented and agreed, to join the Akademy, with Verona. She had had words, with some of the Elders, who as usual were totally suckered by her.

The Comtesse on hearing the news had grinned. Verona was one of her best negotiators, she could literally convince a lope (leopard) to give up its spots.

Cistera who had spent time, on Onica, could help Corky with some more indepth information, that was NOT shown. on the data sheldes re the Akademy. Also helping them re sneaking around without being caught by sentients or onicons.

Furnishing them, with some forbidden tech to confuse the Onicons was another bonus. The Kets could not carry such devices without the risk of getting caught AND expelled.

They had only come close to getting caught twice AND another Ket, who desired getting out of the Akademy, had taken the blame, ending up of course the second time; much to his delight being expelled.

Despite, the attempts of La Toyah to change the ‘elders’  minds, to no avail, though she had not known, that in part their final decision was due to her sidekick, Leyla adding more fuel to the flame. Leyla? she had an intense dislike of his rude, arrogant nature but mos to all his calling her the ‘frump’. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

"We should be on our way within the next day or so. Delays are inevitable, but we need to make sure, SHOULD they return, that you have some decent arsenal, to fight them with. Well, until we can get here." "I'll leave Bejan to install the equipment on the Sat. He, can make his own way back. I suspect, he will be a few days, doing diagnostics, before deploying the remotes?"

"What I can't understand, is why, they did not, send up forces from Onica?" "They won't risk opening the grid defenses, if there is a a battle going on immediately beyond it. Paranoid that one of the hostiles might slip through? Why do I suspect the hostiles, were hoping that might have happened.

Imagine them, deploying those anti matter weapons within the grid?" "Wouldn't they have worked on destroying the grid?" "Never thought about that but no one knows the secret behind it, only the Li Nia 7th generation.

It is rumoured they built and installed it. From time to time, they even update the systems, the equipment, from time to time, but ae rarely seen on Onica.

They do appear, when the new batches of Kets arrive. Looking for something amongst them? We don’t know.” “Well I’m no fan of them so I am pleased that I won’t be running into them anytime soon on Onica.

Some of the Kets, had heard the rumour that Corky would be joining them?! Ameryst was absolutely delighted. Few of the other Kets, who knew him or of him from the others, were anything but pleased. 









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