Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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“WHO?”  “Edram.” This time Nathan interjected to shake his head at the same time? “No good shaking your head Nathan! The Kets discovered a while ago that their papa was one of the creators behind the Bynards! BUT! most of all the GOKS?” “Ah yes, named after the expression G only knows..” Kelvin was laughing.

“Well of course, there are them but also the adapted ‘Femni GOKS?”  The ones that carry out tasks as female workers etc? Look after the females including any guests. Can be simple to the more refined though not Bynards or anything re them! The basic ones are just that, the more sophisticated? Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

What they realised however is that they are ‘adaptive’ AND can be changed by those who are clever enough to know how? Cxan, Torvan, Ethan and .. Edram! “ “Hold on. I remember now hearing some rage from Tan over something like this?”

“Yes, she discovered, they had taken one of the Femni’s and altered its ‘composites’. At first somewhat basic but funny to them. It was when they ‘enhanced’, the end product, that  they thought, they should not, waste all of their efforts, to create such a picture of perfection. They could, use it, to  play a joke on Ocasa?”

Using a cleanser unit, Ocasa had finished and, completely naked, went to step out. In front of him was this female. Well it certainly looked in every sense of the word; female. Its form, its dress and that was something to have his mouth slightly ajar, sensations, he had been resisting coming as one might say to the fore.

Wafting in his direction, the scent of parfum, mixed wih an erotic  pheromone? He had never seen such a desirable female, but it was not easy as he kept seeing the image of Sobie!!  His senses all of them in disarray askew?  “ Who, who are you.” He stammers.

Taken completely, by surprise, is an understatement!
It was, when she dropped her clothing ? She was in every finite detail, intoxicating, the awareness of how naked she was, with all of his adolescence, thrown into the mix ?

If he had immediately thought of Sobie, this female liken to her, was also, to an astonishing level, leaving little to the imagination. The love of his life Sobie. His senses, somewhat at this moment in time, heavily compromised;  had him feeling as though, someone had hit him with a hammer.

The ‘Master I am all yours’, probably meant a few moments of Ocasa remaining speechless. Not for long! Something else out of the corner of his eye had his attention.

Certain individuals; watching ? He let out one scream and by scream? It shook the area, with  Cxan, Torvan, Ethan and .. of course Edram, almost collapsing, into the domicile, he was in, falling about laughing.

Ocasa glaring in their direction and words of a most undesirable nature, coming from his lips. He shifted past the Femni and moved quickly towards them, which of course had the four, making a hasty exit almost stumbling into each other. Gaining distance at a rapid rate, running at speed away from him.

In front of him and, having observed, the somewhat abrupt departure of his protagonists? Tan. As she turned to look at Ocasa, at the naked Femni its arms wrapped tightly around him still muttering ‘Master I am all yours’..

Tan is a VERY sophisticated being
. Her emotive senses were now taking in the sight of this female. being confused momentarily as to whether it was anything other than a ?

IT was, a kind of symbiosis, kicking in, that made her finally register, that this female was indeed a ‘modified’ Femni. She had to admire the final product. The workmanship was astonishing.

Vanquishing the Femni and having Ocasa cover himself, she sought to console him. Those who had done this,  she would make sure they did NOT get away with what they had done! .”  Corky swigged back some of his ale.

“Suffice to say, they ended up doing certain chores that were very menial AND Tan had provided them with an audience at times to further add to their humiliation. Becci, Margise and ! still to this day, don’t know what they were being punished for. Cistera was away at the time.

Nathan later found out. Tan had scolded him for grinning after telling him. “I seriously had to question whether it was real or not!  All of the bits were in the right places, honed their craft to perfection. Damm that pheromone they used had me feeling out of sorts!”  He was now laughing. “They sure take after their Papa! Too clever !! “

“Apparently the Femni was unbelievably realistic. The question as to how they achieved that? Well we won’t go into detail BUT! Nathan did, have some words with them all. Making it clear that their Mama must never find out! Enough, to have them leave him, somewhat convinced, they understood, it would NOT, be a good for them.

Her punishments were rare, but when she did ? NOT to be taken lightly. THOUGH in truth, Nathan, was the one, more worried than they were! No no no.. it does not bear, thinking about.”

Kelvin was now falling about laughing.. BEAR or is it BARE” Corky started to grin pausing once again to remind them all. “Just remember it does not leave this place!! “ Koemini? Nathan had shaken his head, the mere thought, of her finding out and snitching to Cistera?


The next morning, saw the activity of Kets moving around, preparing for departure to the Akademy. Most of the previous hostility, appeared to have died back, along with the noise ! Ocasa found Cxan stood next to Anora of the Jogarth, her voice resonating some panic? “It is here, I know it is.“

“Let me find it for you!“ He hissed, somewhat impatient? She was adamant, he was NOT! “Typical Jogarth ‘Imperial elect’ female.“ She turned to look up at him, her face showing a frown, eyebrows raised, lips tight as she glared at him. “What’s that suppose to mean?”

Ocasa interrupted them. He dragged his brother away; she shook her head, turned back, to finding her locket. He was scowling and definitely, NOT, amused. “Oh good one brother, leave you alone and hey, I come back, to find you, with a Jogarth slaver.“

Cxan glared at him. “Why do you. have to make such an issue. all the time, about them? Anora OR Coleja didn’t enslave anyone,  kill anyone or." His words tailed off, he realized Ocasa was NOT listening.

Moving back to Anora, who was now shouting, she had found her locket. “So easy isn’t it? Ocasa had grabbed his arm again, this time rougher than before, pulling him round to face him, his face contorted, with rage? “She’s Jogarth! Through and through. They don’t change! Just remember, THEY, enslaved our people. Did horrific things to them and YOU, oh YOU are prepared to forgive and forget?” He let go of his arm.

Cxan was, somewhat relieved. He was about to retaliate, having been pushed to the limit, of his brotherly love. Apart from the bruising, on his arm! Still Ocasa seemed, oblivious to it all, as he continued.
“I am NOT so forgiving, just keep HER and the other Jogarth, away from me!“ He started, to move off, then turned back.

“I sometimes wonder, if I know you, at all. To think, I was going to ask you, to share a domicile with me, Ameryst and Uanita. Who was I kidding. Can’t wait to tell Ameryst.“Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jogarth slavers? Within the dynastic setup, its not unusual, for the Empress Isabellani who if she dies, Anora will take her place.

Ah those next in line to the throne, so to speak, who will have some relatives, who think they could do a better job?

Poison, assassins and worse, unthinkable things, can happen to them! One might think that that to Ocasa, is a pleasing thought. They deserve to die, regardless.

Unknown to Ocasa he had not seen Coleja watching everything taking place? He wanted to go over and smack Ocasa.

Not, because of Cxan, but because he had manhandled his sister, shoving her aside?  A little while passed; he had already decided, he would become, one of Ocasa’s worst nightmares.

Currently, the Jogarth, are split into two factions and Empress Isabellani, IS the absolute ruler, despite her father’s indiscretions, in producing a second heir, of contention, to the throne?

In the form, of what others could see, as Isabellani’s sister? Luckily for the Jogarth Kets, they’re out of the ongoing squabble, between those two. ‘Squabble’ is by any stretch of the imagination, a very NICE way, of putting it!

Fortunately, our Jogarth Kets, hmm Ketlets (females) included. Are from the two different families. They’re more than aware, of who’s next inline, should they ever get that far, to the throne. I add ‘Should they ever, get that far’.

Don’t expect anything less, than any number of conspiracies and ongoing real nasty attempts, at bumping off the opposition, as time funnels a realization, fuelling avarice and hatred?

The Jogarth Kets, like many of the. as we might call them, NOBILITY. Kets? Little darlings in space.
They are not! But some of that, is hereditary. Its the way, within their families, that they have grown to accept, certain activities by them.

Perceived to be anything but ACCEPTABLE to others? Are more than reasonable, within their own cultures, beliefs and actions! Which is where the Akademy comes to the fore, its task is to enlighten the Kets / Ketlets to, maybe, thinking for themselves and, making their own judgments.

Sometimes, showing the other side of the coin, to reveal that maybe, THEIR actions, however seeming acceptable, in the end has consequences! The Jogarth? Perhaps, some of the Kets, ARE different or want to change, from how they were brought up. Without compassion, mercy and?

To some they will find it almost impossible to convince them, they are anything, but genuine in their intentions.
To their own, a sign of despicable weakness. When it comes to those like Ocasa. Still waters run deep and with some, just like Ocasa? Murky depths indeed..

Jes and Aimee appeared, Nathan breathed a sigh of relief as they engaged her in conversation. “The Toy’s worked her lists out and actually had a chat with us about the Kets! The banquet went well. “Yes they surprised even me. Thanks Aimee, for sorting out the diets for the Vendarans. Wouldn’t have had a clue.”

Fehlise interrupted them, as she raised her hand to her ear, then nodded. “Got message from Trime on Cisteron, they’ve found another breeder unit, destroyed it, but also discovered some other data, they think the Galactic Comtesse should know about.“

“Better trans it to her, after the recent round with them, she needs all the help she can get!“ Fehlise moved over to the units at the side A tube that slid open to allow her inside. Now closed around her, it glowed for several seconds before it opened allowing her out and back to them.

“Needed that recharge, some of my Biostem nemnodes, have been playing up! For some reason, it feels as though something, is about to happen."

The departure later, with the Kets onboard bound for the satellite, Sibellius; orbiting the Akademy Planet, went without a hitch. Much to everyone’s relief, well those supervising! Ah yes, peace at last.

It might not be for long, in the depths of space something stirred.









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