Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Ilia looked at Van Ea, his lips curled, an expression of, ‘I have not got a clue, what she is going on about?" He pushed past her, to go over to a control screen. Activating it, brining into view the latest Globecast reports.

“Looks like, another victory for us!“  The Jogarth, attacking the Vendaran fleet, destroying it, after releasing bio weapons on the planet below. Meladi was not far behind them, having heard the word Vendaran mentioned;. Her being a Vendaran?! She was now staring at the screen, hissing at them.

“You have to use, biochemical weapons! Forbidden by Inter galactic laws! As always you break the laws, as you see fit. The very weapons we would never use!“

She saw the other newsflash, which had grabbed their attention. They were not listening to her ranting, as the Jogarth stared, then moved back to glare at her.

“Liar! Vendarans, have used new bio weapons on Pzne. Sterilized our people, so our females cannot conceive! At least we only kill. Not this!“ He pointed at the screen. Becci whispers in Cxan’s ear. “What’s he mean sterilize?”

“Its something they’ve used, to stop the Jogarth from breeding.“ Becci was grinning. “Now that as far as I’m concerned, is something the Vendaran’s can be proud of! I

Close by, a fight broke out! It had, been simmering away and now, it finally reached boiling point. Meladi was joined by Mawena; a Vendaran.   Those who too had been receiving abuse from Illia?

They were not going to let the opportunity drop, for a wholesome punch up! The figure of Veliui, a prejucator, arriving and screaming at them, stopped them.

He glared at them. “So who wants to leave the Akademy?“ They stepped back. “I mean a punch up, may seem a good idea and no doubt some, may warrant a good thrashing, but after all is said and done; its violence!

Let me see, the Akademy rules state ‘gratuitous violence’ is a violation of the rules! WHY? because it, begets violence? So whoever wins, the others have to seek revenge and so it goes on.
It is like being exposed to a disease!

It’s like those who are self righteous, opinionated and believe that they have the right to force onto others their perception of, their  ? Using violence if they have to or other and I repeat; other often nefarious, means to do so.

Why do you, think that certain races, are more hated than others? What they do or is it what they say? Their colour? Their gender? Size, beauty, intelligence, stupidity?

NO! That only arises, when you have those, who seek to use it as a means to create strife, division and promote THEIR  empowerment,  giving what they claim, is substance to their incessant babble.

Until someone, takes a closer look and realises, whilst those they have conned, bullied; end up realising the truth, albeit too late? 

Lining their pockets, profiteering from slavement and the rot, from within they created. Secreting those into positions of power who think, act and behave the same as them?

The stench of their rot is overpowering. Never mind you can buy special masks to ignore that. Politicians, extremists and psychotic all in the mix. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

You all, have those amongst you. Every time you get riled up by them, you are doing exactly, what they want you to do. BUT NOT here. Here is where you have what they on the outside would seek to deny you; choice.

Choice, to remain and abide by the rules, or; LEAVE. Let me remind you again; or do I have to have La Toyah doing that ? What happens, outside of the Akademy, is of no concern to what goes on INSIDE, do I make myself CLEAR?“

They nodded, some of them still murmuring. Corky now stepped into the chamber, he had heard the noise and came to investigate. He was furious with them, over the reasons for their fighting.

“IF you can’t browse Globenet, without getting violent with each other, then we’ll stop you, from having access to it, including your other entertainment options!"

Corky was now satisfied, the message it appeared, had been delivered. They were ordered back to the exhibition.  La Toyah appeared, she smiled. “ You can expect more, they're feeling the itch and need to scratch it!“

They were not, best pleased to see La Toyah. Thinking that she too was about to chastise them? NO. She looked around at them, bringing them together so she could talk to them all.

“Group call is this afternoon, which means you lot find out who’s in YOUR group. REMEMBER the animal emblem is unique to YOUR group! “ She went to leave, turning back to talk to Corky and now Margise.

“Now that, ALWAYS, causes friction. “She smiled, waved goodbye and left. “Did you hear that." “About the groups. Yes.“ He was looking at the Kets milling around the various exhibits.

“Well I can’t wait until this afternoon.“ He grinned, as Margise pointed out, little Doona talking to a shy Leosa. “Aren’t they cute. An he is so nice. Really polite, I hope they’re in the same team. Anora had overheard them. She was with Ornatha

I am thankful,l for the Vestiges. Dress sense? Seems some Kets have none.“ Margise chided her. “Don’t be so cruel. Its here.“ She pointed to her heart.

“Where it counts. INSIDE echoes the person you are. It is not, about what you look like, that makes you the person you ARE.“ Anora rolled her eyes. “Try saying that to Kinsey or Seocia."

There was a smirk, forming on her lips. Thinking upon those two and what they would have made of that remark? Especially Seocia, with her clothes and makeup.” Margise watched them run off.

“I think, we, should ban makeup for some of the younger ones.“  Corky shook his head. “Do that and they’ll go out of their way to wear it. No you’ve got to be more cunning than that.”

It was known and, Kets were made aware of it, that a few of the Instructors would not allow their students to wear it.

Not without good reason! Skin treatments ie for allergies and protections were NOT included in that.They could, have them remove it in the class, NOT good for them OR leave the class with a demerit ?Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“Lady Kempsey’s daughter, our Lady Cistera for instance, wears only nominal makeup, because she took time out to explain that real beauty, is more than just how you look, apart from the long term effects, some of those cheap and nasty creams; can have on the skin.”

“As you get older so your skin can be kept healthy with some of the creams to protect it from the effects of weather, pollution, ageing, but as we are, we don’t need them as much as some might want us to believe we do!

Mostly those, selling us the products!“ On reflection Margise realized he was right, Cistera did wear makeup but very, very little and she used only the most natural ones made from plants and herbs not artificially produced and as she was friends with Claria and other 'Animors'? Definitely NOT ones tested on animals!

Margise had been talking to Velui. He was reminding her of what she had to look forward to.
“For some, not their fault. It can be the ‘parentia’ foisting their beliefs and indoctinating their Kets

Forcing them to comply, do or die and in many cases; all too often death.
The drunken, debauched, drugged and often lacking in intelligence ‘parentia’ .

Thinking, that brawn rules over brains. TOO stupid to realize, too late that the clever ones take them down, subtle, succinct and showing them for the hypocrisy they love to indulge in..”









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