Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Group ‘Mt LION’

Colfra and Sajani (Group leaders)  Claria, Nirv and Lotus,
Mako - Sopza - Kesop - Donut and Creame - Bellanai


Colfra and Sajani (Group leaders)

NOT strangers. They both have spent time together BEFORE the Akademy BUT they are NOT couplets OR Cojoined !Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Very disciplined, organised respect each others abilities. Both are highly skilled.

Strategic and tactical is up to a professional standard, BOTH have taken command of Raptor, together and more than proved they were capable.

Nathan, set them both up, with tactical and strategic challenge which they did not know, was  to be an offical test. Watching them were four Galacia Federa official assessors.

They both, won a lot of respect. Then were each  awarded Galacia Federa ‘Pilots licencing’. THAT allows them to pilot any, M class vessel, up to stage 2  within the Qiverse. Stage 1 AND stage 2, usually it is 1 first and 2 taken later.

Sajani’s parentia and her brothers, run a merchants fleet. Transporting goods across the Qiverse worlds. Her brothers had been, suspicious of Colfra and his intentions BUT after that? Always another ‘brother’ to them!

Being together, they always, seem to take on whatever is thrown their way and SUCCEED!
So far their list of qualifications AND actual experience NOT just the theoretical !! is indeed impressive. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

NO one, is pushing them, beyond what they both want; from their relationship. As they say, if it happens, it happens! BUT everyone around them knows they are inseparable!

Claria is from Bexes. and yes she is an ‘Animorph’ When she ‘transformes’ she becomes a ‘Puma’.

A sizeable difference, in comparison to the non transformed Claria! She says, she can still feel, the after effects from that, for some time after. which are NOT, pleasant at times; so she is reluctant, to be anything other than her as her!

The others, are somewhat at ease with that, as she has a habit, when transformed, to pee everywhere. Marking one’s territory?!

They have admitted however, that, when she becomes the puma. it is indeed a most beautiful creature.

“You really do it justice C. It is gorgeous ! All silky and plush.” One of the reasons Animorphs are hunted, sold and kept as pets

They have to keep them drugged when not chained or in a cage;  to stop being attacked by them or eaten, torn apart! Claria would have no hesistation on doing that if she had to!

The cruelty and suffering, her kind suffered, at the hands of those such as the Jogarth? She hates them with a vengeance! BUT, they are NOT the only ones!

The Rogarians, eat them as a delicacy. In their non transformed form. They say their bodies contain certain ingredients / chemicals, that are a tonic to them and, make them delicious!

Claria, has a marker implant, that will trigger, if anything happens to her, re being kidnapped for instance by them and NO, that is NOT going to happen on the Akademy BUT!

After the recent hell, her race endured, Soniette the absolute ruler, made it compulsory, that ALL Bexes were fitted with such. ALL are constantly monitored. IT is now a surveillance state!

A special military force, is deployed if anything requires their attention AND, they are made up, of some of the most powerful ‘Agrimorphs’. Ripping bones and tissue apart for them, is like us snacking on a chicken leg. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Nurv and Lotus, are, our Couplet couple. Loved by the group, for their youth and innocence. Young and sooo much in love with each other. There is a lot the group will do for them, if they need their help they only have to ask!

They, are regarded as the Keveletlings or KeBears of the group! BUT! Don’t underestimate their skills!
Both are  technologically well beyond smart.

They can access, reprogram and initiate coding systems so fast, it has to be seen to be believed!
Nuru is the boss in their relationship, however.

Lotus never, questions his abilities AND, what he says, is often proven, to be the right way, to do something; that works!

He is a fast thinker, an intuitive capable minded male and she is an extension of that, as she does PHYSICALLY what is required to complete the task with astonishing accuracy. They sync perfectly!

They get along well with Mako, who is a Jade ‘Simplet’. He is well impressed with their capabilities and though he feels nothing emotionally, he does like, being around them.

They are very much, in control of their emotions, when NOT alone, together, or so he suspects!

The group like
Mako. HE is of course known to them as being far more advanced, then some of them re intelligence.

Being a sentient life form ONLY, they see him as he chooses to appear to them. His ‘elder’ Kaho chose their forms  as he chooses to appear to them.

Mako can see things the others often cannot. Likewise audible harmonics and frequencies they cannot hear BUT he can !! Guess how useful that is going to be to this group!

Jade Ket ‘SIMPLETS’Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Simplets. do not have. the full power of their elders. They have to learn and EARN those powers. NOR will the ‘elders’ interfere with the Simplets at the Akademy.

Once they are there they have to abide by and follow the rules ! Sometimes they will do something that will trigger ‘elder’ powers, temporarily OR in rare cases become PERMANENT!

Kaho is an ‘Elder’. HE is apppinted as an ‘verseer’. and will view how the ‘Simplets’ are doing BUT will NOT interfere.

‘Simplets’ are NOT graded. All of them are equal AND how they develop is as natural re development as it gets. We WILL see how this brings out some surprises re the Jade ‘SImplets’

They also, have NO, actual MALE or FEMALE labels. Birth occurs from an ‘Embrionne’.

Sopsa. Is a 3rd world colonist, from the Theron home worlds. She is an Hermaphrodite What you might ask is that? Re HER..Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

An organism, such as a plant or animal, that has both male and female reproductive organs, structures, or tissue.

HOW she appears is entirely up to her. Male or female BUT Sopsa chooses to be FEMALE. A stunning as one might say, example of such.

Perfect proportions, beautiful skin and that has the ability if damaged, to instantly repair itself! Tear off an arm or a leg? Watch it grow back ! Truly unreal!

Everything re our Sopsa is emotionally, physically, biologically in balance. One of the most desired and sought after of partners.

Skills? Because of her ability to recover so fast, she can put herself in situations other in the group could not afford to. OH and she one other trait that the others do not have.

She can morph AND in doing so,, slide into spaces and places, like an octopus slithers through them. The only reason she does not do this, IS because to do so means, she has to be NAKED! NO clothing etc!

She has several admirers, one of them is Kesop. HE made sure, to end up in the same group, so we shall see what happens.

Kesop is from one of the Haqux worlds; ‘Camfre’
His family own a huge mining consortium and their main profits come from mining Obsidian.

A post apocalyptic, volcanic age, when centuries, before the planet cooled, to leave behind, a substantial amount of it. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

It could be viewed from space as molten rock bubbling away in its hey day.. NOT a good place to be near! Then it suddenly cooled..

‘ Crysalite T ‘ has also, been found in rich deposits. That has been used as a fuel for interplanetary travel by sub space vehicles.

Thus his skills include. not only knowledge and practical,  planet mining; but also the capture of and retrieval of certain rare minerals from asteroid mining.

He also has. an impressive collection of uncut diamonds. which he brought with him! His intention when he has free time to do so, is to polish and cut some of them. He will not have a shortage of buyers!

Colfra has already, made it clear he would like to learn that as a skill, but also about Obsidian. They use a lot in buildings, to strengthen structures.

It is, a difficult material, to work with. Takes special equipment AND acquired KNOWLEDGE, from those such as Kesop to cut shape. Special DIAMONDS are used in some of the cutting tools.

Kesop has already promised, to show him how to use them for items such as much sought after jewelry! Maybe a special piece for Sajani?!

That made, Colfra’s eyes sparkle and it was not the glint from a finely polished diamond!











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