Spinning around, she now launched another attack at Ameryst. Kets moved out of the way as they saw Ameryst shift to one side forcing her attacker to miss her.
The bracelet on Ameryst’s arm. now glowed. She felt a surge through her body her senses heightened. That sudden flush of euphoria? Power ! !
Now, she felt, her whole body lifted, into the air, like some force taking over and her own abilities as a gymnast coming to the fore. Strength, agility; POWER!
Her assailant, flailing below, her hands out, fists clenched trying to punch at, grab hold of Ameryst, desperate to bring her down?
Ameryst? Her body was now dropping at speed as though guided to target the female below. Liken to hammer blows as her feet struck home. Savage, brutal and without mercy? The female howled as the pain tore through her. As Ameryst took hold of her? The bracelet on her arm flared bright and the female assailant felt a sensation within her whole body; one of absolute fear. She would NEVER go near Ameryst again.
Cxan muttered. ‘Blasted Zeixan! They’re all alike! Always spoiling for a fight! Well this time” He smiled. "She met her match!” Lady Cistera grinned. “Oh if she had only known Ameryst !” 
Ameryst was well known, for her gymnastic capabilities. Her brothers, would NOT take up any challenges she made to them. Cxao had taught her boxing and how to use ‘shi kai ta’
A very ancient form of fighting. It heightened your senses, improved yout muscle tone AND your responses.
Her agility to such a level it was terrifying to watch. Few could master it BUT Ameryst? A born natural.
The figure in the shadows had watched all that had taken place. IaSiuu knew, the moment, she had slipped the bracelet, onto Ameryst that they were now as one.
HER power, almost tripled the power Ameryst already possessed, that girl was sooo good to link with! She had to get used to that feeling they shared, to know when the time was to put their affinity to the test; they would NOT fail to win.
Throughout the next few hours, the incidents continued, until finally, it seemed peace and some tranquility was restored.In part due, to tired Kets.
Our ‘Lady Cistera’ is NOT a Haphket Princess, she is a 'Contesssa' of the Royal House of Fendiq. Accorded within her status, certain privileges, associated with her title. Becci regards her in high esteem.
Becci’s mother is we know called Cistera! Most of the Kets that arrived on the satellite with ‘Lady Cistera’ won’t tolerate other Royals or Imperials disrespecting her status, as anything less than the Lady she is.
Royals, Imperials and various Consorts, Ladies and similar can be found at the Akademy and they are all EQUAL regardless of their titles, status et. Whilst they’re there, they have to learn humility and respect, for each other. Some, will not find that, to their liking.
Several hours later, when Captain Hanser met up with Captain Nielstrom. “You want a break?” She grinned “Are you kidding. Miss all the fun?” He laughed
“So you tell me, what’s been happening here and I’ll let you in on what happened in the lower level." A drink and something to eat, whilst they talked and recounted events. “KETS!“ They were not disturbed until the strips along the bulkheads started to flash, time to load them onto the transporters.“
Outside the satellite, docking, were three Tylon4 transporters. In the space around them, two huge Galacia Federa 'M' class warships, stayed on patrol. General duties, nothing unusual.
All they, were there for, was to ensure the Kets were safely ferried to the planet below. The loading went well, the transporters ready to leave?
Suddenly, there was an almighty racket as the alarms screamed into life aboard the first Galacia warship the Pagallion.
Aboard the transporters, the Kets watched the screens, as two craft appeared. Their size equal, to two large 'M' class battle cruisers.
What, those aboard, the Galacia vessel ,had been more than aware of, was the fact that these uninvited guests, had their weapons primed and ready for deployment. WHO were they? For the moment they could only be regarded as hostiles.
The Galacia Federa, 'M' class warship Pagallion, was the first to move, to intercept. Their objective, to block the vessels, from getting at the transporters. The mysterious Alien intruders, continued towards one, of the Ket transporters.
Captain Ortman’s sensors, monitored the craft and its occupants. It tracked the path of the craft and gave a predetermined outline of what the craft was most likely to do next?
He knew, from the limited data he had received, that he HAD to block the Ket transporter from them? He knew, if he didn’t make it clear to the Alien intruders they weren’t welcome! Trying to communicate with them was a waste of time. No response.
The Ket transporters, didn’t carry heavy weapons, just heavy Kets! Minutes later the cannon arrays opened fire from Ortmans vessel, but only, after the unknown Alien vessels refused Captain Ortman’s orders to back off. He fired two plasma blasts that flared out and died back to nothing in front of the craft.
One of the Alien vessels, broke away from the other, to sweep around behind him. To his horror he realised too late that he was now sandwiched between both of them.
Captain Nielstrom, had her heightened senses now picking up a lot of fear from the Kets? She knew she HAD to calm them down. ! Yet for some reason she felt at ease. There was a presence in the room that could not be explained BUT it was a VERY powerful being. She was glancing amongst the Ket wondering WHO was giving off such energy?
Captain Ortman realizing all too late, this typical 2 on one strategy! He cursed realizing what a fool he had been.
Distracted and focusing his attention on the one craft, rather than taking in the data for the other that would have told him what it was up to and given him some warning!
Ocasa had been watching events unfold. He knew all too well, thanks to Corky, what would most likely happen!
They’d concentrate their fire power, until the craft could take no more, beating down its defences, preventing the other craft from getting closer to it, to support it?
But then., given their size even ‘M class’ warships would be no match for an ‘A class’ let alone a Galacia Federa warship, fully fitted with the latest high yield weapons!
These two, had no identification markings, weapons that he would soon be forced to accept, had not seen in action before? From the first weapon used, it was all too clear, they were heavily armed. The first savage attack, by both vessels targeting the Pagallion brought the shock realization that they were beating down its defenses with ease.