Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Celia could not stop laughing. No matter how hard she tried to compose herself it would not happen. Becci and Delise had stumbled upon her in the recreation dining area. One of their domiciles ‘shared’ areas.

“Come on!” Delise, was shaking her head. “It is unfair to prejudge.” Becci stared at her, glancing at Celia as she did so.

“Have you seen her?” “Who?” Celia glared at Becci as though to growl some disapproval at her interrupting their conversation.

“OK, I give you that she is TALL. Not so fat mind you, BUT yes I’ll agree, she is TALL.” “TALL?! She’s a GIANT!! AND! her brother is even taller! GIANTS! “ Celia300

Becci was trying hard, to put two and two together and, it was NOT making FOUR!  “Who is TALL!!” “Well it’s not Shrimp (Doona) and that’s for sure.”

“Well he likes her.” “Nothing wrong with that. BUT! The Suzie concert is coming up and she has asked Shrimp to act as her escort. They’re like crazy fans.”

“Who is HER?” Becci looked at both of them, still it would seem being ignored? She put her arms down by her side and stamped her feet.

NO. Nothing. “Shrimp, does not eat enough, as it is! How much does, a GIANT eat?” “Hell if I know, though I suspect, probably more than you and I put together.”

“I don’t think, his parentia are rich. A modest allowance whilst he’s here? Which means, buying her food as well?” “But it’s OK, if it’s a one off and not, going to happen all the time. The Suzie concert is a one off !”

“I have told Shrimp that I’m here for him. whatever happens! I like him, don’t love him, don’t get me wrong. He’s sincere and he’s cute. Small but cute. SMALL! “

“Which ‘Group’ is he in? “ “I don’t think they’ve decided yet because of his size. Shrimp IS SMALL! Not many smaller than him! “ “Do they have a MOIS (mouse) group “ They both fell about laughing.

“Probably, put him in the same group as his ‘Giant’’ Do we know what ‘Group’ she is in? “ “Do they do one for the long neck Snau (Giraffe) “  More laughter and, Becci by now was definitely snarling!

No matter how hard, she tried, she could NOT recall ever having seen any ‘Giants’. Nope, not even at the Stratorium introduction session.

“Giants.” Becci leaned in to hiss at them both. “Yes GIANTS and SHE is one of them. Twice the height of Shrimp! Twice his height though not fat, slim to thin, but definitely not fat.

“Hey he’ll be able to ask her for a weather report.” “Well it won’t be Shrimp with his head in the clouds thats for sure.” “Hey there is one consolation.” Uhh?

“Someone to look up to !!” That did it, now they both all most fell over poor Becci laughing so much. She was now losing her patience let alone her temper and Becci was not well known for being good at doing that.

“Who is a giant? “ “One of those Toija from.” She paused looked at Celia. “Imahan dynastic I think, one of those off world planets with I believe TWO moons.”

“Whoa, really? “ “Quite beautiful or so I am sure I saw on some Globecast presentation on worlds. They did say it was a GIANT planet.” Becci scrunched her lips, moving to one side, as they starting shaking with laughter AGAIN!

“Let’s hope, they don’t have those flesh eating plants that Shrimp was worried about.. Snack size delight for them !  Hey I can hear it burping now ... “

Becci had moved over, to pour herself a drink, having decided, certainly for the moment, to give up, on trying to find out more.

She picked up her shelde and, looked up ‘Giants’. Oh yes, a lot of information on GIANTS, NOT the ones she was interested in ! What the! Might spring to mind. Still she was going to the Suzie concert which meant ?!!  Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Cxan and ANORA!! What the was no longer of minor consideration.The hostility was more than apparent but wasted on those like Anora. Jogarth? Nah, no emotions, no sensibilities re feeling upset at the reaction from them.

“So I hear shorty ! Is dating a Giant.” Cxan smiled, Anora was being very abrupt about it all. “See my sister was right, short in stature and short on intelligence. I mean does he even know how much a Giant eats!

We won’t take them as slaves. The bands won’t fit them anyways but, definitely a no for us. We got more sense when it comes to them. Which is more than can be said for him.” 

Anora was grinning, but went quiet as Becci felt her gems start to flicker. Her patience had been stretched to the limit. Cxan was not making things any easier either, fawning over Anora like some love sick ‘ ushie’ (puppy is close.)

At least, she thought, Ocasa is not here!! It was debatable whether that was good, bad or indifference in how, she was actually feeling about that.

“So, how many of these ‘giants’ are there? I don’t recall seeing any of them, have you?” “Of course I have, I told you she is TALL, dammed TALL. Not so much fat but thin and TALL. Too tall for Shrimp!

“So you’ve actually seen her.” Celia stared at Anora. “Do I look stupid to you?” “Uhh no, slave material maybe, though I’d, have to come back to you on that one.”

“I think the way, you keep on about Shorty, with the ‘Giant’ you are jealous.” Celia was starting to go red with rage? Cxan was more than aware, of the fuel, Anora was chucking on this fire. Raging inferno sprung to mind.

A bit like, when Ocasa, had been with the FemiGok, the naked one and him also being naked. Ah the one they had modified, no appreciation of the time it had taken them to produce such a work of perfection ?!

AH he could still see it now.. Ocasa chasing after them his fists in the air. “I think that is our cue to go. We’ll catch up with you later.”  He grabbed hold of Anora’s hand and they left them.

“What the hell does he see in that piece of ! “ Celia paused to scowl. “I think, we all are thankful, for Ocasa not being here! “ “She is stilll not as bad as her two sisters though. Van Ea and?” “Illia.  Now that is ugly even for a Joggie.”

“I hear our baby beat her down.” “Oh Illia. Yes she went for keeping her off the leadership. Does not know how tough she is, or if she did, she clearly learned her lesson. Not talked about it since.”

Becci had finished, her slurpy and,, was now, whilst they finally, had gone QUIET! Venturing to ask again, “Who is.” She was about to say ‘Shorty’ when she realized that might not be good for her to be echoing Anora’s words!

Before, she could rephrase her words.. “So that is how it is. “ “Looks like it..” “I still think she is TOO TALL for him. Not fat I will give you that BUT TOO TALL! “

Ethan had joined them, “Who is too tall?” “Shrimp is dating a Giant.” “Oh that., I’ve known about that for some time.”

Becci moved in close to him, resting her hands on his shoulder gently massaging him. She knew he liked that.Jess Corbin

“Giant eh, What Giant would that be?” He shifted his head for his eyes to rest on hers.

 “Didn’t you know?” “Brother I would NOT be asking if I did! “

“Guess not. She is TALL, I reckon about twice the height of Doona. BUT they do like each other.

Her brothers. like him aswell, Not to be telling. “ He paused to grin.

“Tall tales BUT! They are going to the Suzie concert together.”

Becci finally lost it. She threw her hands down by her side and stamped her feet, her gems starting to glow.. “WHO is ! “

“Oh I thought you knew.” “WHO!” “Amir. “









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