Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Nathan, was somewhat relieved, to see others arriving! He left them.. He felt pleased, to have had the chat with Ocasa and genuinely felt, perhaps, some might be judging Ocasa a little too harshly. Cxao came in with Tanya, she glared at Ocasa, scowled. She watched Sobie pick up her cloak and head over to him. He stood up, left with her. "Well I'll." Muttered Tanya. "Sobie!" Nathan grinned. "She'll sort him out!” Tanya smiled.

"Will she ever AND she’s a confirmed by affirmation; celebate.” (A celebate is an individual male or female who will not indulge in over closeness beyond what they deem is acceptable closeness. To some races that means certain boundaries must NOT be crossed BUT where ‘celebates‘ are concerned?

It can be, their own personal morality / ethics that mean they will not go beyond nor accept anyone who attempts to cross their line? Affirmation occurs when they make it clear to others that they are ‘celebate’ and abide by the given standard codes that apply to being such. )

Some of them. were in what Nathan referred to as the Arena below decks. Usually a massive storage area that they had adapted so that they could play the big screen with a massive strategy game devised by one of them. They could chose their character play the game. Winner takes all.

Dees, had been aware, of Ocasa, taking up residence in the Roul suite, with Sobie. She had told him, he had a few hours and that was it!  She had replenished the drinks and a few other essentials.

The Ocra (hot spring tub) was also available AND she had provided some clothing for them both in compliance with ‘Celebate’ rules! should they wish to use it.

The suite, was indeed palacial. An ambassadors suite that had some 12 hours ago been occupied by someone who had departed with some of those who had unloaded Kets.

Sobie was astonished by how breathtaking everything was. As for Ocasa? "Isn't that beautiful? So peaceful." They were sat in the Ocra, as they cuddled, talked. "You know where I am. I'm not, going anywhere. Come and find me, when you're ready to pick up where we leave off?" Ocasa kissed her, smiled.

"We do have coms you know! Its not like I'm vanishing into, well wherever! Its the Akademy! I doubt anything will happen of real interest there cept studies. I want to be a Venture Class Captain, with the Galacia Federa."

Ocasa knew, that Sobie was an affirmed ‘celebate’. Lianna who was fond of him had told him after noting his fondness for her. “No one can disrespect them. It takes a lot of moral courage to become one. I just hSobella Kets Akademyope Ocasa you can live up to her faith in you.”

Ocasa was not without his admirers beit female or male. He had at times a most affable personality. Any real indifference or animosity, especially towards others such as  those like the Jogarth were some might say, understandable. Cxan his brother he knew had a soft spot for Anora. That did not help his resentment towards her.

Before they had parted, Sobie had taken Ocasa to one side, he had now seen her as she was. “NOW you know what you have to look forward to. Make sure you prove to YOURSELF, NOT me,  that you are worthy of my love. Now we have a problem and I need to take care of it, without breaking my vows... Remember this, until we are joined as one; I will not, deny you this.  “

Leaving him relieved and astonished at how the whole moment had had cleared his thoughts, his emotions now in check? She had left him with a small package, as he made his way to join the others. Opening it he was smiling. Not only a special ‘keepsake’ to wear next to, as she had put it, his heart BUT ?

So Sobie was already an esteemed scieste of some renown. Working at the shaker was a way of giving her a break from her studies. By the time he got back, she would be an Elite. She would be almost as good as his Papa or Noge!  So that was why his Papa had been pleased, that he had an attachment to Sobie! “

Raptor, gently accelerated into the deep darkness of space, headed towards the Satellite orbiting ‘Onica’ The planet on which could be found, the Kets Akademy.
Systems checks, were being carried out on some newly installed; updated ‘early warning’ sentient devices. “Noge insisted we have them installed. Not sure yet as to how good or effective they will be but?”

“You’ll miss them!“ Cistera had been voicing her sentiments BUT he could guage some of them were due to the fact, that some hours away, they would be letting their kets go. Nathan laughed.

“You can say that again, I'm looking forward to some well earned, peace and quiet!.“ He glanced up, as Commander Serenia entered and Cxao moved to let her sit, whilst he fussed over her, fetching her refreshments.

There was, pandemonium on the various levels that had been opened up and certain barriers removed to temporarily house the Kets.  This would be their last night, together aboard Raptor before leaving for the Akademy? Liana and Desiree each had one of the levels organizing them.  Extra shower and cleansing facilities had been temporarily installed.

Commander Serenia, had once again, laid down the law with them, making it clear, there was to be NO TROUBLE. "Raptor is leaving in three hours time, If you've forgotten anything, or left anything re the vessels that brought you here? IF they are still here, you should contact whoever and retrieve it. Check the archive systems for delivery of goods, personal possessions etc IF they have been delivered / offloaded? That will allow you to identify WHERE they are now!

No one, luckily, could think of anything they might have needed! "Yo Desiree?" "Yo, Li we're clear!” If the Kets were wondering about sleeping? Dees had, on Cistera’s instructions, flooded their sleeping quarters with a soft film of gas. Yawns all round and soon, snoring! They were all fast asleep, well, not quite all of them

Corky poured him a glass of ale, he sat down, his face one of a totally relaxed chilled out individual “Just think, in a few hours, they’ll be unloaded, GONE! I get my power terminals back.

As for the arena, the gear they installed. Have you seen that?” He was almost smirking “Damm terminals take up half the area. As for those recline units, what’s that all about?” Cistera watched as Kelvin came over.

“They attach nemnod sensors, lie back and drift off to Ultra reality worlds, whilst their bodies sleep they’re off doing battle or fighting Ikuku (dragons) or falling in love with some Bynard babes.“

Cistera glared at him. “I hope the Kets are NOT toying with Binards.“ She looked over to Nathan, who shook his head. “Don’t ask me, I didn’t install the gear, they did it all themselves.“ Corky was now clearly taking note of the conversation?.

“All of it?” “Yep told me, leave em to it, in no uncertain terms! Before they closed the hatches, they grabbed a couple of the Throx (worker tech.) drones, and didn’t come out for hours!” “Best bit of peace and quiet...” His voice tailed off as Cistera glared at him again, he rapidly went quiet.

Nathan, was grinning as Kelvin tried, to weasel his way out of his, digging a hole for himself moment. “Kinda missed them, but obviously, enjoying whatever they were doing.“ “Well the whole installation, was, from what I saw, well installed and nothing out of place. Damm near perfect.

Even Tovinak, complimented them on it. When he went to initialise the power couplers?. Tested the main flux units and that was that. No problems, no surges, nothing! Their adapting the forward screen array for their imaging was some of the best work he's seen. Some VERY smart tech Kets in amongst that lot, were his exact words!"

“Well that is, partly due to you Corky.” Nathan sipped his ale and smiled “They do, take notice of you, especially when it comes to tech stuff. “ He laughed. “Even if you’ve never used an Ultra Realt unit.” Corky grinned. “They let me try out one of the ‘Ultra Realt, inceptor modules.’ I tell you, those Bynards, are so dammed.”

He was abruptly, interrupted. This time, Cistera was definitely being caustic. She faced Kelvin, her face flushed, with some real fury, in her eyes? “I think you, ought to check, they do NOT, or have NOT, installed improper connections!”Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Nathan, looked at Corky, rolled his eyes muttering back. “We will check to make sure.“ Corky whispered. “We??” “Anyways, best NOT do it, whilst they’re still onboard, they’ve made it off limits to us.“

What the.. might spring to mind! Cistera’s eyes flared, as she screeched at them..“I MEAN SOON AS, like NOW! OFF limits??.“ Minutes later Nathan was sat sipping on some of his favorite Iridian ale in Corky's chambers.

"We should, be safe out of the way here! I restocked when I came aboard so we have plenty of drinks!" There was the sound of the hatchway sliding open and ? "Cadie! C'mon in. We're hiding out!"

He grinned. Kelvin, Nathan and? "Ale?" "I tell you, I am not going anywhere near OR doing anything re the Kets and those Realt units. Keeps em occupied!" Kelvin started to laugh. "You won't be laughing if Cistera finds out!"Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“Well Cxan and Ethan, you should be proud of them. They worked well with the twins from Chaquanestra.. hmm.” Kelvin interrupted him. “Azure and Limar.” He grinned. “Azure collected some of the intercooler assemblies from me.

That is one smart Ket. Her knowledge of astro physics and dynamics is astonishing.” “Must be cos they’re twins. Her brother is as smart, winner of some galacia awards..”

“Well at least Cistera, did not know about the ‘Bynard project’. Kelvin stopped drinking his ale as he leaned forward to hear Corky almost grinning tell him?

“I will add BEFORE I say anything else that this must NOT leave here! If Cistera finds out!! “ He was being almost harassed to ‘spill the beans’?

“The problem is their papa. Nathan! I suspect directly or indirectly Noge, is also in part, responsible for them doing what they did. “ “WHO!! “ “Cxan, Torvan, Ethan and ..”









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