Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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POLAR BEARS   Endurance, tolerance, survival.

Ocasa, Ortora (Group leaders) 
Zeus & Anous -  -  Qize -  -   Nmbi and Qizan, Ditz,  Ariana - Inor - Doeji - Linguist


Ocasa Ah yes, the Prince from Fendiq. VERY skilled tactical and strategically clever.  Plays a good game of Chess which kind of says it all. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Ocasa

Thinks very carefully. before he makes his moves. Does not waste his thought processes, as many, soon discover when they lose to him.

He, is promised to ‘Sobie’ who resides on Raptor and is in training. They regularly, keep in touch. He has vowed he will NOT see their relationship compromised whilst he is at the Akademy away from her.

Thus he tends, to concentrate on what is currently hapening within the ‘Group’, HE is NOT happy to be group leader with a VENDERAN... They have a hatred of them though NOT as much as his hatred of the Jogarth.

However he does note, that Ortora  has a hatred of the Jogarth, almost equal to his. Slave bands, don’t work on Venderans, so, the Jogarth, tend to slaughter them or take pleasure, in personally executing them.

That often means, removing their heads. It would also appear that the Clossistrial fluids, don’t work as well on them. Thus they will ‘do unto them, as they do unto them’ by removing their heads.Ortora450

For large numbers, they employ a machine similar to a guillotine. Five at a time in quite a display of affection. Well as they say, the Jogarth are a cut above the rest.. uhh ‘head’ . 

If they meet up, the hostility is very clear. Again, something Ocasa likes. Her abuse towards the Jogarth can at time be quite ‘colourful’. As she often points out their Vestige, is too much of an eye sore.

Ortora likes Ocasa. He can be rude, aggressive and domineering at times BUT nothing new to her. Their race is a dominant race, so there is no way she will be anything but, a shadow copy, in many respects to Ocasa.

That will mean as ‘Group’ leaders, they will get along well. Ortora has many of the same skills and interests. Tactical, strategically and competitive with a will that means WIN, I  NEVER lose!
She is a bio chemist, able to use the Clossistrial conversion units, loading, cleaning and maintenance on them. 

Converter units take prisoners, pump them with the fluid and then release them to be obedient to their will and forced to fight in huge armies of what are known as ‘Clonectics;. They all carry a powerful  weapon kown as a Cabilista.

Ocasa knows the power of one of those weapons when his baby sister was attacked by an Assassin who attempted to murder her and Kelowi who was with her at the time, they were both Kevletings.
The Assassin killed Besrek, a honour guard at the palace. He had been, a good opponent. Fought well. But ultimately LOST.

IT would be Lizet also a guard but more of a martial arts fanatic who challenged the Assassin AND used a ‘Cabalista’ she had stolen off a dead Clonectic. Her opponent, had never encountered such weapon, which is what Lizet suspected. She beat the Assassin down and then, savagely  executed her.

Of course, we have to make it clear, once again, that NOTHING, other than WORK related, or mild social interactions, applies. They don’t mix, with other races. No love, emotional ties, affection. That does NOT apply to their own race!  A Vendaren will kill, to protect those from their own race, whoever they are,

Zeus & Anous work for ‘Globe cast’ Media inter stellar, They design, maintain and refurbish or replace the Globe cast satellite units in service across the Qiverse. zeis1300

Retrieval of some devices, for upgrades, modifications can be quite time consuming. You also have to know what you are doing, work to a tight scheule at times AND irregular hours.

Globe cast ‘industries’ also produce, other mobile scanning and security units, including; the Akademy Opticons AND the military MONICONS.

These two, are here, to see the new units put in, the old ones removed and scrapped. They will of course be helping their ‘Group’ with skills they have of a technical nature.

ALSO, they have devices, that can block, overwrite, erase, delete data from  the Opticon / Monicon sensors. Any others, caught with such devices, would be instantly expelled !
Now I wonder what this is leading up to?  They are both well liked by the others.

Zeus is typical guy with his interests in sport, gaming and similar pursuits. Anous is into music, globe cast movies and events.  She is currently looking forward to the Suzie debut concert.

Qize a typical clone of our over curous, eccentric at times; Alice in wonderland. Scatty at times, over zealous and sometimes unpredictable.qize1450

She is however, punctual, reliable and has a host of strange talents from good, bad and or indifferent in measure. We shall see them as time transpires, coming the fore.

Stupid she is NOT, is resourceful AND prepared to not only LISTEN, pay attention and sometimes as we might say, be led astray by her own ‘white rabbit’.. taking her off to land her in trouble .. though we hope ‘cut off her head’ will not be in the mix.

She is as Becci (his sister)  called her, a clever little ‘Minx’ NOT to be prejudged or taken for granted. Sometimes she may not say much, often deep in thought and a world of her own BUT!

She has, an amazing memory for details and, can recall certain things, that some will tend to discard; guess what happens when she saves the day, because of those discarded details by them?

Nmbi and Qizan, (sharing domicile with Taila and Jojo)

Ah yes Nimbi & Qizan. Into hot tubs, hot springs and other supplementary equipment for relaxation.
Aqua technicians, utilities service engineers. Ultrasonic cleansing units, Hydro fusion energy systems.

They were, somewhat amused at the antics of their domicile companions. Taila and Jojo. Noisy lustful and not too shy about their lust ful encounters. They both get on really well. Jojo is no mouse, as Qizan discovers, again much to her amusement.Nmbi450

Insisting, on the additional soundproofing, was them both agreeing it would be a good idea. Qizan was not usually ‘QUIET’ and it had, been difficult for her, not to bring the house down so to speak certainly;  over the last week or so.

Their schedules, would be varied. so different at home times, would also be good. They would, make the most of time ALONE together

Qizan is good at some things, but cooking is NOT something, she likes doing. Jojo is an excellent cook so she takes care of all of their meals.

In return Qizan takes care of making sure, they have toiletries, personal creams that the females have a liking for AND all of the dom service GOKS..

Taila and Nimbi are left to ensure any other tasks are handled by them. NO slacking on their part, well apart from when  its together time..

Qizan gifted Jojo some more intimate gear, as she noticed, she had only basic plain items. A country girl is about right. She certainly spiced things up!

Their friendship would last and, see them survive, the unknown to them; hell, that was about to erupt.

Ditz is from the Jopen They are at war with Teglen Diasac Dynastic worlds, the Auroja Dynastic and Vendaren outposts, the Hapetsu Mie Cu Empires

A war like race and don’t be misled by Ditz with his calm peaceful mannerisms. He is the son of one of the biggest warlords. Sent to the Akademy. to learn more about the other races BUT for his own protection. There is a hefty bounty, on his head!Dixt400

Their wars are often savage and they can be like the  Mongols on Earth, cept using far more advanced weapons. Resourceful, strong and brilliant tactician, brutally savage, take no prisoners, loot, pillage, plunder and kill.

Learned some tricks, from his family on staying ALIVE and yes he has been in some, battle situations, where the odds were not always, in their favour.

He has a large scar down his back from a Clonectic using a Cabalista on him. One of the Vendaren outposts has been under frequent attacks from them. Hit and run tactics have proven very successful against them.

SO, we can guess, that he has NO love for the Vendarens, including Ortora. The moment she discovered to her horror who he was?

That he, had been responsible, for taking some of his mercenary horde, wiping out over 300 Clonectics but also twenty Vendaren Clonectic unit controllers or overseers? Rage, a lot of rage!

BUT there is nothing, she can do, because at the Akademy, she is under oath, NOT to kill or injure, others maliciously.

Ariana - is, along with her sisters, Salerja,  Inxi, one of the ‘ Ishaui’  Kets.

Their mental processes, are freakishly potent. System faults, programming errors or simply to HACK into a system by THINKING about it?Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

They can rearrange, reprogram and delete, or transfer data archives / repositories at ultra fast speeds. Freakishly POTENT.

They, have to wear, special devices / blockers, on the outside, to protect themselves, from being detected. Within the Akademy they have to wear a ‘marker’ that idetifies them to the Opticons AND Monicons as being automatically TRACKED.

Everywhere they go, what they are up to AND the status of their as it is known ‘awareness’ is recorded. NO cheating when it comes to the Group trials, competitions !

Certain, highly sensitive areas, are forbidden to them!
The device they have to wear, can be triggered by the Opticon or the Monicon to physically deliver a warning to them AND incapacitate them.

Their ‘gifts’ make them targets for kidnapping and abuse.
They can also ‘mind control’ by interfering with  neuro pathway interceptions and perceptions within the ‘brains’ of certain biological beings.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Can cause mental confusion, blindness, loss of speech, instability and ataxia. Stumbling, incoherent speech. Even if they so wish; brain death!

There are certain races, that IF they know who they are will automatically ban them ! However in some instances you would NEVER know WHO they are.

They cannot shape shift BUT, they can, cause YOUR perception of them, as YOU see them, to be radically different, from the truth! You could not for instance, use ‘facial tracking’ etc on them! 

Non organics do not like them, as they can interfere with their system ‘Hioretics’ as it is known. Tamper with and create havoc, within artificially created neural synapses.

Those such as La Toyah and Leyla as an example have sensors that identify WHO they are from the identifiers / markers they have for accessing ie domiciles etc Otherwise they would NOT or could be deceived by them !

Ancients AND hyper intelligent beings can automatically sense them. 4th generation to later generation races are NOT worried by them. They cannot do anything to them.

HOWEVER some more advanced races, can manipulate them! IaSuii can actually destroy them, reform them, turn them into zombies. Notice Ariana? You would NEVER, normally think she is capable of such freakishly potent powers !  (Torven is absolutely besotted, with her. )

Inor - Doeji. are what are known as ‘Apassive Cojoined, twins’, .thus, they sleep and live together. They will NOT, survive being apart from each other, for long periods of time.

The bond they share, is so powerful, it can be painful. for them to be apart. Outright agony. Extremely rare and only happens one out of every thousand or so within their race. inor450

What Inor feels, Doeji feels. Taste, sensations, feelings, emotions are as one. Their condition was discovered, shortly after birth. Separating them, even for short periods of time, brought on almost fatal consequences.

They get on really well with the other Kets. Almost every race they have come across at the Akademy has warmed to them.. well the ones that can feel HEAT!

Good sense of humour, good social skills. Piper language compilers, programmers for some very sophisticated applications.

They Share a domicile, with and will be working with, Zeus and Anous. Re the Opticons and the Monicons. They also, can overwrite, rewrite, reprogram, delete data systems from those devices.   They ALL have a class one, system analysts pass.

Linguist is a twin. Her sister, is Cunnie. Hypersonic, supercharge systems analysts and technicians. Very capable and resourceful.

A lot of experiencce, when it comes to things on top OR when they have to go down, under, the floors of most interstellar space craft. Linquistxz350

Tight spaces, limited room when going down, tight, cramped and sometimes it can be quite hairy / scary. Raits can be another real nuisance. Hazardous and frightening!

A good staser, can eliminate them but suddenly appearing out of nowhere can scare the eebie jeebies out of you. Tightness of the throat, dryness or dampness can sometimes be problematic.

Limited air conditioning, or dry air, can make your lips chafe, bruising, burns and other not so good health issues.

Thus they try where possible to not go down unless it is absolutely useless for a mekGOK to go in there.

The air conditioning systems, can play havoc with them. Vibration, dust, short term use sometimes works BUT! in the end that it does not ultimately solve the problems entirely.











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