Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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IF the Kets needed to ‘chill out’, there were plenty of places including the popular ‘Renais bars / Ovirs’. Usually decorated with items gathered from all over the Qiverse AND there were some of the owners of such establishments who went to great lengths to keep everything as original as possible.

Nada and Seocia were VERY much into ‘Renais’; MUSICA.
Artistes that they had grown to love from as ‘Kevletlings’ onwards. Often inspired by those around them, who also liked and in some instances; loved ‘Renais musica’.

“She is appearing inaren3” Seocia stared at Nada. “Don’t worry.” She reached into her ‘Renais bag’ to pull out two small metallic strips. Tickets as we would know them! “Front seatsNADA Jess Corbin Kets Akademy, special meet and greet afterwards! A drink with Suzie!”

“Whoa.. I loooove you! “ Nada grinned. Suzie was one of the most sought after artistes across many worlds in the Qiverse. The Akademy had decided they needed a treat for the new Kets. After a quick poll amongst the Kets who they wanted to see the most as a guest ‘Renais’ artiste; Suzie!

It is of course, NOT easy, to gain access, to the Akademy, as an outsider. However, some bribery and it can definitely be agreed, persuasion, by some of the Elders, within the control of the place; who’s Kets kept pestering them to allow her through?

A special escort, AND oh yes. Corky had been assigned the responsibility on that along with Margise. Her and Yoyo were crazy about Suzie. Thus Margise had ended up with a list of requests re as we know it autographs and!

The moment Suzie, had arrived at the Satellite, (Sibellius) she had been met by Vessa. Promoted, as a security officer re the Satellite’s security. Her previous bravery, had NOT gone unrewarded.

Making sure, she had everything she needed for some refreshments AND too freshen up.. befoe Corky arrived with Margise and a detachment of military. VESSAS300

BUT also protection, against the Femwokes or ‘Karens’ as they were known. WHAT you might ask are they?

Well a bit, of a history lesson here. Let us go back, to the time when the Human(a) were at war, across their world but also colonies thanks to those they called ‘Feminist Woke extremists’.

It is always essential that you do NOT forget the past and its history.
OR as many over time have realized too late! It can come back to haunt you.

There were always, those, who hated to hear the truth. Over the centuries writers and those recording history, who were bullied, cojoled and forced to write according to their oppressors; their version of events or face acts of aggression, opression and worse.

We are lucky, to have the testament of those who recorded with a high degree of accuracy what transpired on Earth before the Tirkwan.

Tha planet, Earth, the home of the race known as the Human(a) was in two sections. The WEST and the EAST. Some SOUTHERN areas were of the same beliefs as those held by the East. BUT there were some whose notoriety equaled the notrhern countries; the Americas as was known?

The female, of the species, had attempted to enslave and what was called ‘emasculate’ their males. To such a level, the balance was so corrupted it was too broken to fix, without taking apart, the hell that had been manufactured, milked and abused by the females who had created it.

Thus THAT was never going to happen. NOT whilst they now had all the power?
The males, could do little or nothing, to stop them. Under the pretext of freedom of speech, protecting their human rights, whilst denying or trashing those of the males?

NOT forgetting of course the biggest lie of them all and making some of the most insidious of  females ever a stack of money?

Diversion, Equality and Inclusion. SO long as you were not male. Gender claims, pronouns and so much more. Like some rancid pile of ! you could fail to smell the stench.. Festered by the uneducated, stupid, ignorant and ?

The politicians, leaders, ended up, with a majority of the females in power. Those males, that remained, were nothing more than ‘simps’ bowing before their female masters. 

The domineering, bullying females, liars, users who had tricked their way into positions of power. The law courts, the penal systems that now brought terror to the males.

Accused of crimes, that even if it was proven the female/s had lied, they would be forever labeled as being offenders, criminals, whilst those, who had been the accusers? got away with no punishment or nominal rebukes?

We, cannot forget, so history tells us, of those ‘Human(a) females ‘living it up’ with luxurious life styles, paid for and maintained by their ‘simps’;  the enslaved males, made to wear ‘control collars.

For almost a century, the hell the females created, embellished and nurtured; delivered decade after decade. Their filth, squalor, debauchery turned the males more and more into emasculated, weak, powerless nothings.

Those, who they kept control over, by doping them, OR encouraging them. to become reliant on, addicted to;  the drugs they bought, sold and traded. Taking males to experiment on them, for brain and similar lobotomy. Mindless, powerless amusement for them.

The ‘ west’ of that world,  with its drug infested streets, the impoverished, the weak, the depressed and often starving, thieving, former gun toting killers, now too drug induced and weak;  were easy prey.

It sometimes can seem crazy, that such things went on. No control and freedom, to do whatever you want, which ends up in the hands of extremist madness ? Media broadcasting their constant Only fans, twaddle made things worse.

Then came, the Tirkwan Imperical invasion. What they discovered, was a shock beyond belief.
An almost emasculated planet, called Earth? It defied everything they held sacred. Males dominated, bullied and controlled by FEMALES?-

The East, and some others in the West, males actually still in control, welcomed them. Once they had established an agreement with them it was time to break the male enslavement.

The insidious domineering ‘Karens’ made it clear that the Tirkwan should NOT be doing business with those males who were their servants; their slaves. IF they came in peace they were not worried. They needed to make the Tirkwan aware of who the real masters were re this lot.

Selecting, some, of the most vocal, amongst them, they sent them, to make their demands clear. No trade or discussions, until they came and made their requests to them.  In short their demands.
You see there were off world Human(a) colonies and thus ALIENS were nothing new.

This lot had a reputation, for fair trade and respect for the female. Thus they could make their demands and be treated as equals by these ‘aliens’ or face their wrath, well words to that effect however obnoxious and insidious the way they made those demands might have been.

Their ‘Karens’ theri so called  emissaries, were beheaded and the parts, sent back to them in pieces. They unlike so many they had denied re a choice/ choices; would surrender, submit to them and  their continuing enslavement of the males of this world, as masters? That would be at an end.

Panic? Fury? They would send males the next time but threaten a male army would send them packing.
How dare they treat their female emissaries by butchering them. Diversity, Inclusion and Equality ruled here That was about the only thing that brought a smile to the faces of the Tirkwan.

Diversity? Equality? Inclusion? They would teach them what that was. NOW a full on invasion with several thousands of their military. The ‘Karens’ could expect the subjugated males to fight them? Uhh.. NO! They did what they had been bullied into, emasculated and ? Thanked the Tirkwan for what they were about to do. The Tirkwan had made it clear they would NOT harm the males.

They were there, acting on behalf of others, re Earth, who wanted order restored. The females, were too weak, to stop their subjugation. Ordering the males to defend and protect them failed. The males walked away, their collars taken off them and put on the females. The jeers from the males telling then to  try and ‘dominate, emasculate the invaders?!’

War was short. The devices the Tirkwan had went far beyond anything known on Earth. Monitoring  immobilizing them. Removing them of their insipid means of communication, rendered them powerless.

They totally destroyed, the power, of the females. In return, the males? Allowed them, free access to take as many of the females as payment. Thus, heavily reducing the female numbers and, making the herding of them, easier.

The Tirkwan did not despise the male Human(a) . Intelligent to see for themselves, how such a nightmare had evolved.  Weak, emasculated, a beaten down semblance of what they had once been thanks to the wiles, the treachery of the female conspirators, ah yes the woke feminists? The ‘Karens; as they became known.

The politicians and the judicial system, had failed the males time after time. Lining their own pockets, getting fat off the misery the males had been subjected to.

Those found responsible, were now subjected to re education or sent off to work, in the mines with female overseers; to get beaten, punished by them. Many of them former ‘Karens’ who sought revenge for what had followed.

Weak emasculated males, not standing up and protecting them, buying their meals, paying massive amounts of their earnings to them, for just walking away.

Meanwhile those overweight, overbearing and obnoxious ‘Karens’, were given special treatment. Training, discipline or face the wrath of their new masters.

‘Speak when you are told to! Bow in the presence of your masters, before ALL males. Those who refused would end up, not long after special training; bowing or be executed.

When, the Tirkwan took over the Earth, they slowly gave back the power to the males.
Restored libidos, strength and renewed vigor.

Chemical treatments helped to boost their bodies masculinity sometimes with astonishing results. The masters were now as they should have been where the Tirkwan were concerned; back in power.

The females, were auctioned off, to the Tirkwan, some of the uneducated  not retrained; ‘Karens’ fetched huge prices. Prized by them, thus they always sold well. They would hold competitions to see WHO would have their ‘Karen’ submit first.

NOT ALL, females, were treated with such vehemence. A size able number, accepted the situation and adopted the ‘ religion’ of returning, to what had been accepted, almost a century ago, as being females.

Submissive, taking care of their male partner, having his Kets and living a peaceful co existence. NOT being subjected to an extremist minority infecting their minds, bullying, intimidating; indoctrinating them.

NO flaunting their bodies (on the threat of execution)  to other males, no ‘only fans’ or similar prostitution. Single ‘mothers’ were given male partners. NO choices AND the Tirkwan, had a rule of theirs, enforced. Males could NOT, nor were permitted, to ill treat, beat or disrespect their female.

Auctions, were still carried out, mainly in the beginning, to get the female infected ‘Karen’ indoctrinates under control. Uneducated, stupid, tattooed and obnoxious mouthy, pushy, arrogant and insidious.  The Tirkwan loved them. BUT

Some, Earth males, sought to have them, at their mercy. The sheer pleasure, from that, could not be given a price. They paid up. Powerless and pleasured by the males who had been their slaves, their beaten down emasculated sometimes castrated males.. now they took their revenge.

The Tirkwan succeeded, because one half, of that WORLD, was NOT allowing, such extremism to prosper. Thus it, welcomed the support of the Tirkwan invasion, to finally put an end, to what was known, as the second greatest civilisaiton, found in the ‘West’.

Earth was transformed. 









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