To the real ‘parents’ and my would be KETS!
Don’t worry no one is going to ruin a good story, trash it, leave it with rubbish film or series scores..

This is a NO WOKE, website / publication!
We don’t need those lining their pockets at the expense of everyone else paying for their arrogant, egos, their self righteous pretensious in your face bull crap, minority mob ruling. Intimidating, bullying, domineering pathological liars.
Must be painful for some who can’t come at me re my Kets, with MY storylines that include
without their / your sweet bull crap incorporated into your so called morality, your religious would be indoctrination. Ah the ugly, overweight, insidious, feminist, in your face ‘Karens’.. The ones who were BORN a MALE, BORN a FEMALE who are a MALE who are a FEMALE who claim they are anything but.. pushing their own agendas, bullying, intimidating threatening to have anyone who has a different opinion to theirs punished? Ah yes whilst preaching the usual bull crap ‘its a democracy and we are entitled to free speech’ YOU are not of course though it seems those who disagree, are not included in having the right to free speech. Democracy ? NO the word you are looking for is HYPOCRISY.
and of course the media morons where all that is the new vogue...
My Kets who have beauty, not necessarily re looks but with wisdom, strength .. Ugly, indifferent, weak and not without their emotional highs and lows. BUT!
A place to learn, develop, to tolerate understand and realize WHO they are, for WHAT they are NOT having the preconceptions of those who want them to conform, obey and become copies of them.
NOT At the mercy of the drunk violent, abusive, controlling, gamblers, manipulative drug abusers. Liars, thieves, gun toting killers . Immoral, debauched, money grabbing, ‘only fans ‘ OUR Santa Claus not even into those ho ho ho;s. We’ll have a Flintstones GAY ole time NOT the corrupted version AND free of money grabbing pathological lying POLITICIANS.
Welcome to my worlds! To the world of the KETS! Jess Corbin.
PG rated publication with some parental guidance suggested
we can’t be responsible for those so called parents who neglect
those duties..
Where will HIS story take YOU today?!