IaSuii had called Ameryst, to meet up at one of the Galesia gardens. The Jinsha. They had a sacred flower; Jasmine. Their garden here, was to honour the Haphketsut Omini ‘Jasmine’. who had destroyed the Orowq, attempting to enslave a whole world. 
Mixed colonies, but that in itself, can cause weakness, division and the inability to agree or make decisions to benefit all. Self doubt, incrimination, do not, make for good bedfellows, let alone discrimination.
They invaded, taking out, the bulk of the military left over stragglers with ease. It looked as though they would all have to surrender.
Ah the pets, of the Jogarth. They allowed them to do this often with them as back up should they need a bit more Often with at least two battalions of Jogarth landing to take slaves, up to 1,000 at a time.
Now, your trials, are about to begin. No one will question your absence.” Ameryst wondered about that! Ocasa for one?! They all believe, you are off training, for the Galacia Federa champions tournament!”
That made sense. A lot of training had been going on. A female appeared now approaching them. “This Ameryst is Kiwoo. She will be taking you across to, the ‘Far Away’ Lands. Beyond the estuary. “
Ameryst looked puzzled. Kiwoo was now feet away from them. “Hi Ameryst. IaSuii! “ “Hi, uh you can see her?” Kiwoo smiled again. “Kiwoo is an Omini, an ancient with immortal powers. Looking good Kiwoo for 300 yea.”
“350 actually, but then, who’s counting.” She moved in closer to Ameryst. Sniffed her? “Whoa you reek of it.” Uhh?
“IaSuii ! Too much, in one go is not good for her.” “Thoth.” “Really! Well, before you face them, we need to spice you up a little.
Some pheromones, to confuse them and, hide your real essence. You really are almost double the power of when I last watched you in action with that, what was it?”
“Megadon.” “Oh yes, nasty critter hitching a ride, using a Simp like that, to bolster ITS powers. Still, good to see you, in action AND, protecting a Jogarth! NOW that takes some seeing.
I love this garden, for the smell of Jasmine, would love to use that on you, BUT that, would be for, them smelling and seeing, a walking living spectre from hell.”
Ameryst, was remaining, naturally confused? She remained quiet. Kiwoo was somewhat amused. “You have told her? About my taking her into the ‘Far away lands.? “ The FORBIIDEN LANDS?
IaSuii nodded. “Do you see this garment strap down the front.” She turned to show of her back. “ That also runs down my back ! When I transform, I doubt IaSuii has told you.
I am Animorphic.” She pointed to the emblem on her ? I morph into a Pelagornis Sandersi. Typical wingspan of 7 to 7.4 mi (23 ft 0 in to 24 ft 3 in). Mine is thankfully a little less ! She grinned.
“Only 3 mi (9ft) so a baby! This.” She pulled at the strip as it now started to open AND fast, VERY fast, revealing, almost nothing underneath?! Her hands moved again and the strip closed.
“IF I start to change! I release this outer and it all falls away. It would take, about the second flicker, of your eyelids Ameryst, for me to transform. Luckily I now have full control of that.
When I transform, YOU WILL feel very nervous. Only natural,. BUT, when you climb onto my back, I can easily carry a Ket as light as you.
Grab hold onto me, you will find some tufts to cling to. Don’t worry about pulling or gripping too tight! I feel nothing from you doing that!
IaSuii will prepare you, she is going to make you look absolutely gorgeous. I know you are a little more towards less makeup and that is really good to see.
BUT and, this is VERY important, if you think about this carefully, you will I KNOW, understand when she says.
If, you can’t beat them, confuse them? Clever piece of prose, BUT I think you, are going to use that, to win against them. Not so good at your grades eh, BUT YOU ARE NOT stupid!
Watching you in action, was real treat. You fly through the air to drift, like a feather on the breeze. Listen to what IaSuii tells you AND remember, that NO harm, can come to you! NOTHING can happen to you.
THEY, will want you, to feel they, are the ones with all the power, that you are insignificant, a toy for them to play with. Play on what they believe, will bother you, NOT, being as smart intellectually, as your siblings.
Let them believe that ! Our champion, is going to see THEM for what they are, make them know, that you KNOW. Will tear down their walls.
Before I leave and, IaSuii, gets you ready, I will, tell you this. It is in their NATURE to be WHO they ARE. Do not ever, believe otherwise. That they are genuinely ‘there for you?.
As you will see, when they, get annoyed at you, seeing them for who they really are? They too will see YOU for who you really are and YOU Ameryst have on idea of the true power that lies within YOU!
YOUR sisters have the gem implants? “ Ameryst nodded. Kiwoo shifted for Ameryst to feel the soft swish of her hair. For her fingers, to rest on hers?
They are there, within you and, though yours, are for now, controlled by the band, they are still there and YOU.
YOU are ALSO a PRINCESS, but you are a HAPHKETSUT Princess. Never forget that ! When the time is right, that WILL be your greatest power.