Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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“The Raptor, and the Sovereignty of Fendiq have been placed in command, by the Elect. All Galacia federa vessel commanders  will obey orders from the Fendiq appointed overseer, or answer to the Supreme Elect.“

Nathan stared at the multiple sceens that had appeard in front of him. Surprised by the ongoing rhetoric between the various vessels. but moreso by the decision that had been made re the fina command decisions of all those present?

Akinov on the ‘Illustirous’. was not amused. at having to take orders from those who were NOT Galacia Federa command? “The reply was to the point, succinct. “YOU will obey the wishes of the Elect! “ That was it. The screen in front of him vanished.

One by one, the various multi screens shut down. Nathan was left with one screen?   The female who now appeared on that? “Good to see you Ka.” “Comtesse!“

“They have their orders. I need you to do me a faour.”
“Indeed Comtesse.” “You have witnessed the power of those aliens. Talked to those from the Canderi and Pagaillion. Apart from the courage, I hear of the two, who came to the aid of our ships. The female, I hear from Keizen took on the control of their weapons like a pro.

I had him, deliver a package to them, to reward them but to also make sure, they did not suffer any other losses thanks to coming to the aid of our vessels.

Apparently, the merchants association, had already decided to pay them, a sum in recognition of the services, from them, that indirectly, protected the merchants vessels and of course their cargo.

We, will reimburse you, for any costs re making sure their vessel is repaired and any other extras you would like to gift them.”

Nathan informed her of all that had been taking place. Repairs and renovations were being finalized to everyones satisfaction. “Excellent. OK, those enemy ships and the aliens? I gather you have never met that species before?”

“NO, before we could find out more, the Li Nia 7th race stopped us. I, think they, know more and were determined we should NOT. BUT, that is my opinion.”

“We will agree with you. Your assessment of the overall situation re the weapons we have in operation at the moment, is something I need you to do for us.

Check the vessels, give us advice on any suggested upgrades or changes. Where you can go ahead and make those changes; make them.

Also, I hear, the Satellite weapon systems, should be upgraded?” “Yes and I would suggest deployment of some deep space probes programmed with what knowledge we do have, of those aliens. Early warning, should they ever venture into this space again?” Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“Any specific ones you have in mind?:” “I hear the type 4 series with ato 5 infiniti power sysems? I will seek more advice from Noge.”

“ I’m sending you, Commander Serenia and Bui, two of my most trusted weapons and tactical commanders, to assist you. Until then, any problems with Akinov, let me know, he can be a little brusque, but he’s proved himself in battle as a capable commander.”

Corky stepped forward. “Not Uvarian’s son Doquar Akinov?” She smiled “Yes! Why?” Corky grinned. “I knew his father, I served with him, on the ‘Shimaune’ M class battle cruiser; the Sukashi battlefront!”

Doquar Akinov, had been eavesdropping, on their conversation. Lianna having left the coms unit open, he screamed , as they now heard his voice.  “Is it really YOU corkscrew!“ Nathan looked at Corky. “Seems he knows about you!“

Finishing off his conversation with the Comtesse, Nathan decided he needed to bring those relevant to what was about to take place; for a meet up aboard Raptor.

Commander Serenia and Bui, were put in place as sesond in command. Specific no tolerance of objections or complaints re the instructions on modifications, amendments and more.
Akinov who was now sipping some ale with Corky was the least of their worries.

Nathan knew, he had to have Serenia with her chosen team members and likewise Bui with his carry out the assessments followed by putting in place all of those necessary to finalise the work, changes and more.

Corky with Akinov, had been assigned the upgrades and changes to the Satellite systems. Two remote cannon units were positioned where any enemy could be targeted. Full on 360 degree scanning, deployment AND they were mobile.

Corky,was impressed, by Akinov. He had some good ideas, knew his weapons, tactical and strategic awareness. Also had a few ideas of his own, that proved worth taking up.

Akinov, would end up in charge, of a new base station. Closer to the Akademy, It had been decided to establish that after all that had taken place.

The realization, of how long it had taken their fleet to respond to the attacks was  NOT good,  BUT Nathan had not been ignored. He had made it clear. Those things ? Would they be back? Perhaps his answer was the deciding factor.









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