Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Delise in all fairness, had not intended to ‘drop’ Chadren in it, well so to speak. Trouble is, as Claria and Cxan would say, she has a loose tongue, that sometimes, gets her into trouble!

Ah Shazam. Chadren kith and kin. A little older and, not like Chadren at all. Smack you, ask questions later, is her kind of, bordering on anti social behavior; when it comes to those who upset her.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

She had, Delise pinned up against the wall and, though Delise, was now feeling the flush of her gems, about to flood her, which would have caused Shazam pain.

Projecting her, with some force, across the Ovir.. luckily Shazam backed off, moving away from her BUT to continue staring at her, some vehemence in those eyes.

“What did you just say, my brother is seeing a,
A VENDAREN?” Delise paused for a moment, her brain trying to engage with her mouth, another NOT so good combination on many an occasion.

“Well that is what I heard. I’ve not seen them together but ... “ She did not finish nor did she need to. Shazam had stormed off muttering.

“Wait, till I get my hands on that tyke.” Definitely, NOT a term of affection. Some aggression? Her fists clenching, did not indicate, a good outcome, re meeting her brother.

Inter, had been watching proceedings. Shazam and her were friends. They both shared the same activities and interests apart from how they dressed.

Both of them, had a habit, though not the monk or cleric variety, of scant clothing, below the waist that left little to the imagination. A pair of frills, sticking out of one side, of her belt like appendage, a result, of hurriedly slinging on clothing, NOTHING unusual for either of them.

If males stared or made lewd comments and she heard them? She would lean in close to them and push her body up against them gyrating her hips, her hands somewhat engaged elsewhere,  before moving back and leaving them, whilst laughing.

The males, tended to keep quiet, when she and especially Inter, were around. Well unless, they were invited to join them, which for some was a regular occurrence.

They did not, ‘come’ under the same scrutiny, that other Kets did, because they were OLDER Kets. What we would refer to, as established ‘Adults’. HOWEVER they were banned from interacting in any physical sense with younger Kets / Ketlets.

Shezam, had a hatred, of the Vendarens, as we know, she was NOT alone re that, BUT she harboured a deep seated grudge, because...

She had been in a raiding party, on a a Vendaren outpost. They had sneaked in and surprised the two Clonectics, leaving them stunned, whilst they attached explosive devices to several prisoner transporter ‘carts’.

Retreating to now detonate them. The fireworks display, was impressive. They were not, out to kill the Vendarens, but to destroy their means, of taking prisoners, using those ‘carts’ and it worked.

The Vendarens, would now, have to wait for replacements. Time and trouble, for those who were supposed to be  the Overseer in charge of the two Clonectics who failed them?

Demotion in class UNLESS?

Woken by the noise, Shezam could now,  a short distance away,  hear the noise of the guards.
The ones, who had been asleep, now being attacked. Completely caught ‘off guard’, they, were soon , either dead from refusing to surrender, or taken prisoner, along with at least 20 others.

Shezam had, with her other brother Noj and, 10 others. escaped. ONLY just and, she had NO empathy re the guards, who had fallen asleep, being executed or taken away. 

The Vendaren ‘Overseer’ would not be punished and instead, given an extra ‘merit’, for his quick thinking and, the seizure of over 50 new prisoners. Enemy prisoners, rated even higher than normal non combatants.

They, made excellent Clonectics, because of their military training, incorporated, into the Clossistrial fluid,now being flushed through them.

Inter had, picked up her shelde and, her fingers moving defly across it, she now, sent an urgent notification, to. Chadren. She put her shelde down and picked up her Frubu. “YOU, Chadren owe me a Frubu. “ Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

HE, was talking on a comcast call, with Sadowan, when his screen flashed up the urgent message notification. About to dismiss it, when Sadowan, told him, she had to attend to some other important, ‘Group’ related items, she left him.

Opening the message, he was somewhat shocked at first, but relieved, that at least, he had been warned, of her imminent arrival! It, would be a pointless activity, on Shezam’s part, to try and track him down.

Elsewhere Kiwoo was with Ameryst. NOW climbing onto her back? Surprised to find, the relative ease, in doing so.

A fluffy feathered, resting place, as she held onto a strap, that allowed her to feel more at ease, whilst settling back, in amongst the feathers, now folding around her.

A bubble of light forming a protective halo around her as now, Kiwoo took to the air.

It was a dark, star lit sky. Yet Kiwoo’s eyes were sharp, and her flight, swift and effortless. Even with Ameryst on her back? As now Ameryst fell asleep.

The, early morning sun rise, as we would know it, greeted Ameryst, on waking. Kiwoo too, had been resting, to wake, as her passenger descended off her back and slid to the ground.

The sudden transformation, from her former state, now back to a totally naked female, was so fast, it was exactly as she had described it to Ameryst. A blink and you would have missed it.

There is no one around us, so I will remain in this form. I am use to being naked, it can, sometimes be a nuisance, but never with strangers. More so to me as it limits my interactions though not with you.

We are both female. Let us attend to sorting ourselves out and we can do that using the ‘placement’ over there. IF, I had known about this earlier, I could have arranged some clothing to be left there.

IaSuii, is not one to think on such things, being an immortal. A sentient lifeform who can change her appearance at will. She smiled as now they entered the quite spacious interior.

Full facilities AND, as they moved, across the ‘room’, the table as we would know it, was suddenly lit, by a flare of light across it. FOOD? DRINK?

Sorting out their essential requirements? Easily done. As Kiwoo went to sit down there was another flash of light across her. From her feet to her head now she became covered with clothing of sorts.

Ah the power of the ‘Ancients’, still amazes me. She raised her head grinning. “A little earlier might have been appreciated! “

“So where are we?” “We Ameryst are somewhere in the lands beyond the ‘Estuary’ the ‘Far away lands’. VERY ancient and established, a long long time, before the Akademy.

Kets are forbidden, because of the natives of these lands, some have mysterious powers AND, some of them, do NOT like the Akademy being there. Thus a truce was forged. NO Kets,NO war.

YOU are protected, your presence here will be ignored by the natives of these lands. The trial area is not very big BUT that Ameyst is an ILLUSION.

TO YOU it will seem huge. I know because IaSuii tricked me into experiencing something similar for me to seemingly get lost in, when it was just a ‘mirage’. I could not even transform. My powers were non existent.

She did that, because, I was worried about you. The ‘Ancients’ do not venture into these lands. Thus we will NOT see IaSuii. Your boosted power, is controlled via the monolith, the Obelisk.

Just remember, this trial, is about POWER but NOT physical power. A test of the mind. DO NOT be afraid. Somethings will bewitch, will bother you but trust YOUR inner strengths. YOUR ability to see beyond the veil. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

NOW, I have a gift for you.” She reached forward, to place her hand on the bracelet, as it glowed bright blue to an intense deep dark purple. “ A present from IaSuii and Thoth.”

Ameryst felt her senses on fire. Totally invigorated as though born anew? She felt she could take on anything and anyone? The surge within her, was far beyond all  former sense of power.

“NOW as IaSuii tells me to tell you. Let our ‘champion’  prove why she IS our champion. When you have completed the trials, I will be here waiting for you! “ With that she leaned in to leave a kiss on her head.

In the square the Kets, at the Akademy, were taken by surprise as the Obelisk lit up, glyphs across it glowed and flashed, as though dancing to some crazy tune, before dying back to nothing.

IaSuii smiled. Anokausomini Pronounced ANOK AU SOMINI looked at  Thoth. “Our champion has to take on 3 of the most irritating, deceitful, lying, cheating; ever conceived, worse than the Human(a) .

As real as it gets, in her universe. We have made sure, they are as we once encountered them. IF our champion”. she paused, “WHEN our champion wins over them, we WILL, be almost ready, for the fight that is to come.

IT, will not stop at trickery, messing with the mind, tempting, deluding, destroying. Up against Ameryst and her cohorts.with the power they will possess? OUR champions, will slaughter it. Ameryst  will teach it who its masters are. “









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