Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Roz ALWAYS, came in and, gave him a hug. A kiss and OH YES.. full on the lips! Raz would give him a smile, more amused, at her twin sister, delivering that lip sucking, breath taking, lingering kiss. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

All too often, the rest of the ‘Cistera’ family would fall about laughing. Did he, could he stop her? She knew and he knew, he never would.

THIS time, was NO exception. Penzi and Zenzi watched, totally taken by surprise, as she grabbed him, pulled him onto his feet.

His arms slid around her, her, pulling him in close, raw skin on skin, to deliver, her prize winning performance. DEEP, like suction cups on his lips, he could NOT stop her.

Ocasa, his arms tightly wrapped around her. the sensation flooding his senses. He squeezed her, something she always encouraged. That kiss, continued to almost suck the life out of him.

Uanita was timing her? Finally she stopped, stepped back, ran her fingers over he lips before running her tongue over his lips? “Damm that was the longest ever Cous. “Raz shook her head. Glaring at Uanita ! “Stop encouraging her!”

Roz picked up his drink looked at it. “I’ll have what he’s having.” Penzi grinned, “I’m inclined to think the same.” She licked her lips. Roz had shifted to sit next to Ocasa making it clear as she shifted Edram to do so.

NOT that Edram was complaining. Their performance was NOT the first time he had witnessed it. BUT she made him hot! He liked Raz but felt for her, having to repeatedly, witness, her sisters ravishing of Ocasa.

His other brothers, received a hand shake IF they were lucky; nothing more!
Sometimes she would sit next to Ocasa and hold his hand. Like lovers?! HOWEVER not even Ameryst would object. She knew, as many of them did, how he had saved her.

A loss, of someone really close to her, had seen her, fall apart, mentally, physically. She was almost unconsolable (sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled.) Finding her in his domicile aboard Raptor, Ocasa had seen her eyes flooded with tears.

He did not want to know why, ask questions. Just took her in his arms and held her, until she fell asleep. He had not just left her, but pulled her onto the recline with him, to lie there just as he so often had with Ameryst, in his arms, sleeping.

Waking some time later, he had let her use his cleanser unit, before sitting down with her. A drink, another hug and for him to whisper to her. “I am here always for you. No demands, NOTHING but listening and if its OK with you, a cuddle or two. “

Her sister, had come to find her kissing Ocasa? A deep long kiss, before she stood up. “I will remember what you have done for me, YOUR promise. Sealed with a kiss.”

Her recovery, had astonished them all. One night, where he had held her in his arms, they had slept and the next day, the bond had been sealed. From thereon, that kiss, remained her way, of telling him, how much she loved him.

Raz had felt her pain, shared it, lived it with her but, felt lost, at how to find a solution, to ease that sadness. Finding her in Ocasa’s arms, so peaceful and, finally asleep! She had left them, to go enjoy a good nights sleep herself.

A little while later at their domicile with a few of the usual crowd gathered, sipping on wine and waiting it seemed for others to arrive?

We’re here at last. Raz paused to lean in and give Ocasa one one of her usual ‘tongue in cheek’ kisses.

She stopped, turned and looked at Becci. We might need to use your domicile for changing before the concert? “ “Of course, we will kick the guys out; have the place to our selves.”

It was the first, that Ocasa knew about that! Becci had smiled.
“You guys are meeting up at Edram’s place. It’s all been arranged and, your clothing is being transferred over there.

Doona is there now with Celia, making sure, his fits, with no problems. You, should probably go over there as well. “

Roz squeezed his hand. “I can always help you dress..” He smirked, to add much, to the annoyance of ? 
“Love that idea, but probably, not this time Roz.”

On his way over to Edram’s he was met by Lexie, surprisingly, without her twin? Now that ,he thought to himself, is a rare sight. “Hi Lex, so how is Pixie? She IS OK?”  She was as always adorable. They had not had an easy life. Their whole family slaughtered by assassins. Soniette with  her fleet from (Bexes) had come to their families call for help, but arrived too late.

The destruction of her homeworld, was stopped, before it even got started. They wiped out their enemy, with a savage ferocity, after, they had discovered, her family, had been butchered and, they were the only ones left.

NOT one would be spared. Using a weapon Noge had given them they sent it into the middle of their fleet. Parsecs before it de atomised. Droplets into space. NOTHING. 

They were the heir to the throne so to speak for ‘Olysez’. . Soniette would control the world, in their absence, until they, were ready to take over. BUT she had agreed with others, that they, needed to get away, from the horror. The Kets Akademy was good place.

Edram, had been put in charge, of their well being. He loved them, for how cute they were, but made it clear. THEY owed him nothing. He had rushed over when he had heard what had happened to Beji or biscuit as he called her.

Reassured by Lexie, she was OK. He sighed with relief. Mama would have cooked his ! IF she found out. He, had sworn Lexie and ‘biscuit’ to secrecy. He did know however, that ‘’biscuit’ could be clumsy! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“Slipped and broke her arm. Her own stupidity, NOT looking where she was going, age old that one eh?! All being taken care of with some Progenisis, BUT.

It means, she is NOT, to do anything for a good few hours. So, I left her to sleep, whilst I went, to pick up some of our concert clothing.“

Of course it means she can’t enter the race, which was a diappointment.” Ocasa was curious?

On discovering what it was and more, oh yes MORE?  He left her to raise hell? Well somethng close to it!

“You can’t come in!” Delise was not letting him past her. Becci is trying on her clothing so we see if anything needs altering.”

The race? “Talk to Mama about it! Though you might have some difficulties there as they are in the dark zone. OUT of Globecast .”

That explained why, he had not been able to get hold of them over the last few hours?

Not the place, you want to be, if you are not prepared for the bizarre, the ugly and the deadly.

The Jogarth, had gone into a section of that deep dark ‘space’. According to ‘Tolgani’ they, had come across some ancient ruins.

Curiosity, is NOT, just a Human(a) trait. As Anora would tell you, her people  have seen places, peoples and things they would prefer NOT to. Beings who play with your mind simply to relieve their boredom?

Cassio, a section commander and, a reputable ‘scieste’ had ventured to open a sealed door.
Finding the means to do so she now stepped in to ?!

The hatch, now behind her OPEN, suddenly and one can definitely agree;  alarmingly, slammed shut, behind her.  A swirl of dust in its wake. BUT on further investigation she realized it could be opened from that side.

Some relief, in knowing that! Ahead of her and into a subterranean cave?  She had established audio contact. with her fellow companions, above ground.

Naturally one might think; wisely, staying above ground as she, ventured into an ominous unknown. THEY had heard rumours. Jxi was an archives expert. Most places, worlds they had been to.

MOST creatures? Well Cassio was about to encounter ‘CREATURES’. Wo *Wolf, wolves..
One at first and then, she heard the sound of more, more;  MORE!

The first one with a glint in its eyes, well, she could swear it was, licking its lips. Its skin, above its jaws, sliding back and, a distinct rasp, like a grr grrr GRR.. 

Luckily a small door, leading into what we would know as an all glass cubicle? NOT too small, enough that you could swing a cat in.. or a Wo.. though probably NOT recommended..

Establishing contact with Jxi ? “OK we’ll bring weapons and ..” His voice tailed off. A pause before he spoke again. “What are the creatures like, can you describe them to me?”

Hmm. “Well a wo is a wo is a WO.. Uhh as Jxi was about to enlighten her. NOT so!
“It does have this peculiar, BLUE stripe along its back. “

“That’s not good, not good at all.” Blue stripe, quite distinctive?” “You could not miss it.
ALL of them have it.” She was seeing the creatures throwing themselves at the glass.

Mercilessly, without it would seem, any care or sensibilities, when it came to being injured?
One after the other. Then finally they stepped back laid down panting their eyes on her.

“I’ll come in to you, I will be armed BUT if the archives are right, DO NOT be surprised to see me and them taking NO notice of me.! “

A little while later, the hatch opened and in stepped Jxi. She stared in disbelief.
“YOU! owe me big time for this! “ HE was NAKED. Naked as the day he had been conceived.

The hounds from hell, took absolutely no notice of him, well bar one of them, who looked like the leader of the ‘pack’. Sniffed, shook its head and went back to the others.

“Listen to me, VERY carefully!  I want you to STRIP NAKED. “ Howls from her falling on as one might say ‘deaf ears’. “I came in NAKED to show you, YOU have nothing to fear by being NAKED!  STRIP NAKED and, throw out, what you are wearing.”Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

She stripped down, to her under clothing. “EVERY THING ! You must be completely;

Her only clothing a pair of pants. Beautifully embroidered, SILK and he noted BABINSKI?  Expensive was an understatement. Hell, did she look hot in them.

He tried desperately, NOT to let his hormones take over. The shift in his stance, was more than apparent, but luckily, going unnoticed by her, as she tried desperately to hold on to her silk.

“I am going to bring in a cannonet and torch those .. my Babinsky.. “ The howls from her as she finally finished stripping. 

The sheer, smooth sensation, as she slid them down, flooding her senses, replaced by the FURY, the RAGE.

Finally, she was COMPLETELY naked.
He checked to make sure, she was, MUCH to her; NAKED fury.. YOU can stop looking ! I doubt it is the first time for you seeing a female naked! “
He grinned thinking to himself ‘NOT like you, NOO  got to stop thinking on that.. ‘

“NOW slowly, NO sudden moves, open the door and, pass me, the clothing, ALL of it.”
She felt, the sweat on her body, the tingle of the glistening bubbles, as they ran off her. Her hands, were shaking, Trying to do as he had told her, the wo packl where the leader? Suddenly stood up.

Her clothing n his hands, Jxi knew he had the attention of the leader; the others now standing up as he threw, the bundle of clothing  into the cavern.

Luckily with some strength, some force behind the bundle which split up but not, hitting the ground, as the hounds from hell, pounced; their jaws tearing the pieces apart.

He literally, had to reach in and grab hold of her, she was still so terrified and shaking.
Pulling her towards the hatch as one of the wo came in and tore over to them.

Jxi, could not, reach fot his weapon, he did not have it! Nowhere to put it! .
“Stand still!, Do NOT move.” IT sniffed her.. lashed its tongue, across the whole of  her butt.. then turned and ran off back to the others.

Jxi was grinning. The site of the hound with its tongue across her butt?! Well at least, she had had, her back to it..

The stepped outside, to find a pile of clothing, for both of then. The whole area deserted.
Just the two of them. She was stood in front of him as his hands went up to his mouth?

She, wondered, what he, was doing ? Out came the silk,. her rolled up panties in his mouth now ? She grabbed at them, completely oblivious to where they had been or the sticky saliva all over them GROSS?..

 “HOW, WHY? “ 

“Well I figured, you spent so much on them, it would be a shame, to see them, go to ‘waste’.
I mean they did look really  good on you,  You putting them on or taking them off..  I quite like the idea of seeing you do both.”

She moved in close to him. Kissed him. Never mind the nakedness. “ Thankyou,  again, for saving these AND coming to my rescue;

YOU, say anything, about that  ‘!!’  wo, licking my butt, to ANYONE.”

He was trying to get dresed, but with little success, he could NOT, stop himself, from falling about laughing.  Managing at last, to regain some composure, he finished dressing. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“So tell me what was that all about?”
“This wo is a Xejian mutant.
They created them, to eat some of their waste.

The things took a liking, to certain compounds, chemicals and such that we regularly use in our clothing especially the Vestages.

Great way of recyling. In one end and out as a non toxic effluent. Hence they will NOT eat flesh. No appeal whatsoever to them, it has to be the real deal or nothing. 

Touble is, some got loose and, killed a load of the Xejian. Hence they were trapped in there and, when the Xejian race, decided to leave. That I don’t know the answer to, well not yet..”

“SO, you have seen, YOUR COMMANDER, note COMMANDER;  naked. I have decided I cannot trust you, to NOT tell, anyone about this. Which means, when we get back, YOU, WILL, become my Cojoined. “ The smile vanished from his lips.

“I realised, when I saw YOU naked, how fit you are. Intelligent, strong and I would be a fool to let you go, especially after today. I  expect you, to buy me, some more BABINSKY as my Cojoining gift”
She held up the silk in her hand.  “These, I will save, for our ‘special night’

He looked at her and started to grin again. “Well they did look good on you and, even that hound liked the taste of your butt.” . “I am telling YOU, you say ANYTHING! “

“I won’t honest! BUT”
He started to grin, “You really DO have a lovely butt oh and at least you had your back to it,”
She paused for a moment before what he had said hit home. HE?

He tore off as one might say, with some speed, running away from her, still laughing, as she chased after him. NOW with a grin on her face?

Ah yes, as Tolgani (Tolgani the book of legends) had written in his journals, the worst, he had ever encountered ? The ‘Aludri;. Sent into retrieve, an innocent explorer, by the ‘Omni’ against their ‘creations’, their TOYS who were clearly hell bent on misbehaving?

Reckless abandonment, springs to mind and he was NOT, talking about the poor female, who strayed into the world of the ALUDRI.

This, he had recorded, is what being DAMMED is all about, DAMMED lucky, to get out of there alive and, with his mental faculties still intact. As for the female.. well that’s, a Tolgani journal story..

Sorry NOT for you Kets!

But I digress. Ocasa was stuck with the current situation. NOTHING he could do what had been put in place. The TWINS were crazy about the whole thing. They loved the idea of such a competition.









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