Volume 1 PART 1 =The Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.
Here is where we are introduced to the KEts, their HOMEWORLDS, culture, traditions, good bad and indifferent WHO they ARE and so much more!
Different RACES, COLOURS, ‘Religious’ beliefs, Their languages, their technologies and of course all of the usual we should expect from the re their clothing, fashion, music, arts, food and and !
You will notice some of their ‘work’ OR non casual clothing is specially designed to give them added protection, capabilities and more!
Distinct COLOURS for some races, styles AND though after year 1 they can opt to CHANGE those colours, styles etc ? The core design remains the same.
Heren we can see Anora from the Jogarth.
HER as it is called ‘VESTIGE’ *UNIFORM to us.has some, unique to her race COLOURS.
The materials are close fitting, breathable and biofermal meaning it adjusts to a given temperature whether hot weather et or cold!
The Jogarth also have what is called EMPRESS and IMPERIUM VESTIGES. Those can also vary, when worn by the ELITES.
Overall, her body temperature, is COOLER than most other races. Hence the BLUE face /skin appearance AND that also warrants some comment on.
Skin pigmentation, as it is known, can vary. Some more darker than others, some with little or nothing. The colour itself does NOT affect the body temperature of ALL, well accepted as normal re ALL JOGARTH.
Lemar, has his own ‘VESTIGE’ with a design across the front that again is not found elsewhere other than with his people.
OK an important aspect to the ‘VESTIGE’. is the FACT that not ALL MALE and FEMALE from the same people etc are going to be wearing the same.
The females or what is accepted as ‘FEMALE’ have the choice on the PRIMARY colours of their ‘VESTIGE’. Many of them, can choose NOT to wear almost identical VESTIGES re their ‘males’
Limar and Azure are born TWINS. Hence another reason why she decides NOT to wear the same !! 
Also her people, are again different, re overall BODY TEMPERATURES. Loved for being someone to snuggle up as they are generally HOT BLOODS. NOT as hot as some Animorph but still HOT!
NOT, that temperature, bothers them. Their body systems contain certain chemical enzymes that are very efficient, at keeping their bodies at the right temps.
Their bodies also secrete certain oils. Hence often they can save a fotune on skin lotions ! Their distinctive ‘musk’ is also recognised as a favourite, with some Kets.
Partly due to the pheromones, generated, which are deliberately attuned, to attracting their own, BUT!!
We have to remember it can also trigger the senses on others NOT their own people. Good, bad or indifferent it is something they will have to live with at the Akademy. 
Some Kets are ASept which means they CANNOT smell or detect ODOURS, something Ocasa will probably be thankful about as his feet SMELL!
Also some Kets, the Zsept2’s will find even the slightest smell too strong for them. They can often be identified with the nasal shields on them.
I wonder if you all notice however that Limar does have some distinct COLOURS that he has added in respect of and recognition of the love he has for his sister?
IF you see, the two of them together? The colours stand out and once you know they are TWINS? Azure may have tried but in the end, her brother takes centre stage!!
Their ‘parentia’ I suspect will have been well pleased that they are not completely opting to be ‘different’. Twins of course across most races are VERY close. Fiercely protective of their own but moreso when it comes to their TWIN.
Ameryst, ah our Ameryst.
Athletic, fit, a gymnastic AND a trained fighter. Cxao had taught her boxing and how to use ‘shi kai ta’ A very ancient form of fighting. It heightened your senses, improved yout muscle tone AND your response, agility, to such a level it was terrifying to watch.
Not as clever, test wise, intellectually; as some of the others. BUT! She made up for that, with her quick thinking, her strategic awareness, which on occasion had surprised Corky.
Cxao, had been given the honour of being her escort, to a special tournament. Five races pitting champions against each other? When this, little scrawny looking female Ketlet, entered the arena against others some who were twice her size?
Cistera had a lot of ‘special’ love for Ameryst. The baby of them all. She had tried NOT to smother her BUT !
At times that could be really difficult. She was sooo cute as a baby AND her brothers and sisters doted on her.
Nothing, was too much for them, when it came to her. Ameryst, Nathan her Papa had noticed however, had a really strong independence streak.
Corky would often say, it was her Papa love, HIS part within her, that had them somewhat amused when she started to do a lot of physical training.
Nathan had always kept physically fit. Ameryst would join him starting off one might say, with bay steps onwards. It amused Cistera, but she did not discourage her from being with her Papa.
Not the smartest kid on the block. The others, were a lot smarter, than her, BUT, what she lost there she made up for, in her astonishing physical fitness. It was thought, that because she was the smallest of them all, that her lightness was in itself a real bonus.
Gymnastics was a natural gift to her. As Nathan would say, one minute she was there and, the next flying through the air, to land with total precision, discipline and strength. Perfectly balanced, her breathing light and showing little loss of momentum.
Ah yes, strength. As they were soon to discover; if she gripped your hands, you knew it. She had a grip of steel might be one way of putting it. For a weak looking. scrawny Ket her kith and kin would NOT shake hands with her!
BUT. Cistera was not to be letting her baby get injured. She had forbidden her to enter, somewhat aware of the size of some of the opponents. Mean nasty looking brutes. The females were as bad as the males! Almost twice her size!! NOOO way she had told Cxao!
Ameryst had appealed to her Papa. Nathan had a soft spot for Ameryst the baby of the bunch. Her other sisters let alone her brothers were much bigger than her.
Corky, had heard about Ameryst and, her ambitions? He too liked her, cheeky, spontaneous humour, which had him grinning, often long after he had been with her.
Finally assailed as one might say on all sides. Nathan agreed ,providing, Cxao was with her AND she was safe! He knew that sometimes winning could leave the loser, seeking some revenge, in the form of attempts, to catch the winner off guard and beat them down, steal the prize?
NOOO way, must Cistera find out!! They had to make sure Koemini did NOT know!! She woud snitch on them to Cistera!! Nathan gave her a cuddle and a little keepsake from his collection of awards.
A gold star cluster, with the emblem of the Uiaw (an eagle to us). “Now go win, not for your Papa, but for YOU!” With the Gold star on her shoulder, a whisper on her lips..
“This, is for you Papa.” . She entered the Arena. One after another, until her final contestant. She left her observers / judges; speechless. Co-ordinated, disciplined and her abilities at the time of the competition? It left them standing, saluting her talents. She took award, after award.
Only one of her contestants , a female twice her size, approached her afterwards. Cxao was only there to observe, He was not concerned. Ameryst was still more than capable of defending herself. The female however, was not the least bit hostile, rather here, to complement Ameryst.
“I can’t wait to see you at the Grand Galacia tournaments. You, are not just talented, ,but truly gifted! “ She reached into a pouch and, pulled out, a gold bracelet. It flickered, momentarily, before the gemstone on it, died back to a soft azure blue.
Placing it, against Ameryst’s arm, the bracelet formed around it. Looking as Ameryst was liking the feel of it AND especially the look of it. On her arm or was it INTO and part of her arm? Very much at home and a beautiful piece of jewelry. 
“As long as you, keep this close to you, should you need my help, call me. I am IaSiuu. I will be at your side.
Trust me Ameryst.
I am the sum of, far more, than you can ever reason, me to be. I could have easily defeated you BUT I chose NOT to cheat. You won by your scores. Well deserved. ” With that she hugged Ameryst before turning and leaving.
Even Cxao, did not know which race she was from other than the competition entrants details which he discovered were false.
Ameryst could not be separated from her gift. Unknown to her, it was attuned to her and indirectly now part of her neural synatics. Remove it she had no desire to but the realization was in the end; it could NOT be removed.
It could be liken to the Jogarth slave bands. The technology, was as Nathan was to observe, beyond their knowledge and that included Noge. He had asked Nathan if he had tried to remove it?
Nathan, was quick to tell him. After a few seconds he, had felt his senses, seemingly on overload, leaving him with a rising fear? One, of the most unpleasant sensations, he had ever experienced.
“It has the capabilities, to defend itself against removal,. Interesting. I think I, have only ever known of one device, that was liken to it. It made those who tried to remove it, live their worse nightmares.
Nah Nathan, leave it alone!
It’s not affecting Ameryst?” “NO in fact she seems more bubbly and bouncy than ever.” “So how did she do re the competition? I hear good things.”
Cxao? As he told Nathan later. She was, one of the best, he had seen in decades. She deserved the awards and, the praise from the judges! NOW, they had to make sure Koemin did NOT find out!!