Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Kets Akademy STATS and climate.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

ONICA [The Akademy planet] Full rotation of the planet around its sun takes approx 510 days. Onica has FIVE seasons! Each one lasts approx 100 days and are marked by changes in the Sun’s position and height in the sky!

FIRMVA (Winter) gives SNOW storms and some can be BLIZZARDS with HEAVY snow falls! Various parts of the Akademy have NOBLES which are specially designed to hold emergency shelter and equipment PLUS food stores in the event of Kets getting trapped! (Which CAN happen?) Its also VERY cold!! Bout -10 to -20 degrees at times!

Parts of the estuary and the bay FREEZE over and kets can go ice grooving or skating quite safely! They also have games on ice similar to our Curling but they wear special footwear which is weighted! It’s quite a challenging game and requires some good physically fit players!

FIRMVAON (Spring) is also known as the ‘Copeala’ (big thaw) when the snow dissolves causing flooding! and sudden flash floods from heavy rain fall; which occurs at random times during the 100 days ! Sun is higher and it is warmer! Bout +14 to -5 on average!

AMAVA (Early summer) the rain dies back dramatically to just the odd light shower! The sun comes out a lot more and the trees and other plants bloom in colour to produce some absolutely incredible foliage! Kets love this time of the year because it stays LIGHTER longer, they can start to enjoy the real warmth as temperatures go up to 18 degrees and seldom drop below 10 degrees!

AMAVA’HALA (Summer) oops this is HOT ! Temperatures soar! and Kets have to be VERY careful as they can easily get dehydrated ! Summer sports including water skiing and a whole lot more apart from beach and other activities PLUS Kets get increased time off !

AMAVA’VALA (Late summer), the time of year most Kets love the most, when its not too hot nor too cold, but as the 100 days come to an end the temperature drops rapidly from as much as 24 degrees to 5 degrees overnight!

Some planetary stats for you.

Onica 6052 Km RADIUS -Mass 4.87e24 Kgs -Moon 2440 Km RADIUS -Mass 3.30e23 Kgs. Whereas Onica has an atmosphere very similar to EARTH (Humana) its moon has a thinner atmosphere and is almost uninhabitable.

IT DOES have a source of minerals, mostly Glim which is very similar to (Diamonds, Humana) or Glacim (Rubies, Humana) Diatrexofaline a fuel (like our oil but much more concentrated, its used in the production of ENERZEN cellular structures which when placed with ROBAZOIN causes a reaction which generates ENERGY - heat - light - power)









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