Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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FOXES Resourceful, cunning, intuitive

Kaila and  Torven, (Group leaders)
Mina,  12eDizx  , Ejia and Riam, Torven, Kelawi,  Besai.
Dexys  & Midnite. Joisi - Aqixi  Inxi


Kaila : A marine biologist, of some renown. Helped develop a weed killer and new renewable food resources resilient to a particularly toxic weed.

Due to a cataclysmic event, that caused water supplies, rivers, lakes to become overgrown with those weeds. Almost wiped out fishing stocks and other marine life.

The killer formula was a natural sourced bio product widely available that was then pumped into kill off the contamination, restoring the natural balance of the rivers, lakes etc.

Joisi helped Kaila to mass produce the cure. Her business and manufacturing skills are really good. That meant the overall costs were quickly overtaken by the profits.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Inter galactic sales, were also, extremely good. To help reduce costs further and, the sale price, there was a licence scheme introduced which allowed some, to produce it.

Many colonists, who had been caught out, by the sudden appearance of the weed AND, the subsequent unfolding nightmare it brought with it? 

Almost saw them, accepting, they would have no choice, but to lose the costs from the original construction; whilst reestablishing  the colony, elsewhere.

Mina - is the daughter of an industrialist. No, not into manufacturing, but ‘oversight.’ His employees and his businesses, are there to oversee huge industrial projects, costs, levies, taxes, rules, regulations including logistics. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

‘Expansionists’ use them to ‘expand’ their interests in the Qiverse. To do a lot of the work themselves would in some instances NOT be economically viable!

Also if something goes wrong, they are ‘insured’ so they can’t lose, especially IF, the original ‘oversight’ seemed acceptably low risk BUT! Lets give an example.

Some one builds a colony, after getting a good report. Everything goes well. NO pronblems UNTIL a some time later, the area gets hit by a rogue asteroid wiping out a sizeable area ? Until then, there had NOT been, an asteroid hit the planet in over a century?

Logistics can also be important. The ability to transport goods, requirements means the MEANS to do that has to exist. Some, deep dark corner of space, where no one goes, or had obstacles such as random wormholes, black holes and and and!

Some rogue planets can cause magnetic storms, sun flares and so much more YOU, will end up having to traverse, every time you want to get to your new colony or base or ! Mina is very savvy when it comes to such tasks.

For the ‘Group’ she can keep control of, manage and be very effective, at keeping their logistics working well for them. Shedules, meet ups , invites. A good down to ‘earth’ practical individual..Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

12eDizx is a geologist, geo thermal engineer. He comes from an established lineage of miners, geologists, engineers including fusion energy.
They can build thermal systems for a whole range of applications BUT also assess the terrain, the geography for FREE, naturally occurring, .energy sources.

Some cold planet bases, can be kept heated from a nearby volcanic vent, which when processed, through the necessary converters, will provide, more than enough energy, for  virtually the entire base, warmth, hygiene with hot springs and !

HIS body is COLD!! Hence he can investigate HOT areas with little or no effects to him. Mining and minerals are another of his interests. He can go into ie a cave and tell you what the walls are made of simply by looking,

Used to using, some highly advanced imaging technologies. Finding a cavern or a way in used to be a problem but NOT now! The equipment shows it all like x rays ! Depth, density / mass, cavities, tunnels, temperature to name but a few!

Ejia  and Riam, are a Cojoined couple! No more, to say on that, as by now, we all should be more than aware of what that means. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy


Glass based re mouldings, cutting, drilling, mounting and design work. They are extremely good at the work they design, produce AND have had NO problems re work in the past on the outside of the Akademy!

The Akademy has been crafty. They, are here FREE, in all respects. Their help is needed, to restore some much loved glass work, on some ancient buildings. Restoration work, that requires not only their KNOWLEDGE but SKILL AND experience.

Re the ‘group’ ?! Optics. They are also highly skilled OPTICAL engineers. Microscopes, telescopes, ANYTHING requiring polished, refined, GLASS.

Patience, IS one of their virtues. Many will NEVER have the degree they have re that! Crystals, diamonds ah yes the list is endless. Polarizing filters, mirrors and ! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Kelawi (Lady Kempsey’s Ket)  / Torven are indirectly related. She is a weapons specialist. She became one, after an attack against her and Ameryst, where an Assassin, tried to murder them both.

Weapons specialist? NOT, a welcomed career choice, by her mother BUT Ameryst and her are VERY close. A lot of the skills, she has mastered, Ameryst has also AND or knowledge of.

Kelawi accepts that Ameryst, has the gems, but at the time, they were NOT of any use. They were both in essence, ‘KEVELETLINGS’!

They BOTH witnessed, Lizet, a guard armed with a weapon called a ‘Cabillista’ (a VENDARAN Clonectics weapon; stolen from one) kill the Assassin.

They felt no empathy, for the death, of the Assassin. Who, had threatened, to kill the ‘runt’ , injure Kelowi so she could NOT run off, but would be forced, to watch her dissect Ameryst.

Thus they had both, been drawn to learning more about defending themselves and they would compete against each other in combat BUT of course, Ameryst is much much stronger. HOWEVER do not think of Kelowi as a wimp.. she certainly is anything BUT! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Besai, is, one of the Jogarth entourage. They are taught from shorly after they leave the Kevletling stage that they are part of a superior race. Others are not as powerful, do not have the technologies they possess such as the slave bands.

NO one, has found a way to neutralize them! HER skin pigmentation is not as blue as are the others. However no one should be under illusions, she is JOGARTH. Attitude, mannerism, naastiness as the other Kets would tell you, she is NO different from the rest of them!

She is however a little smarter, probably even a little more cruel, sadistic even  because she has mastered GENETIC processing, DNA Codes manipulation and all that that includes to a VERY high standard. She can actually go in an alter someones DNA which she had done with experiments on some of the ‘slaves’.

Coleja, does NOT, like being around her. She makes him, feel very uneasy, which I think kind of says a lot!  He had witnessed the results of some of her experimentation when one of her victims broke free and attacked killing two closest to it. Luckily NOT Jogarth!

She is, a favorite of Isabellani, though her mother, is Besise the illegitimate daughter;  thus technically she is NOT related to Anora. Anora tolerates her but is more than aware of the FACT, that as someone who would pose a threat to her right to succession re Isabellani, she would not dismiss HER as a would be Assassin. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Aqixi is from a water based race. A very ancient one. She can submerge to astonishing depths AND has THREE lungs as we would know them. Thus her skills are of course water based That can encompass a whole range of diversities. Sciences, ecology and so many more.

Downside, is that she cannot, stay out of water as long as she might like. Athough as long as at least ONE THIRD of her body is immersed in water OR water is being sprayed over her, she is fine.

She is very close friends with Kaila. Thus it is not unusual for them to be seen together. They both have been working on improving the water quality within the ‘estuary’ which is next to the Akademy.

There are, a lot, of subterranean caves, along the estuary. Many of them had mesh over them to prevent entry to them. l Rock falls, cave ins and more are not uncommon. Thus it was decided to block them off from nosey or over curious Kets!

At the end of that stretch of water, are signs warning Kets they will NOT go beyond them. The what the Kets call ‘the far away lands’ lie beyond.  It is not unusual to see MONICONS, military versions of the normal, if you can call them that; Opticons.

Trespass and YOU will end up being expelled! Stunned by them and taken ‘prisoner’.

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy










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