Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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All in all, the satellite with its news broadcasts, as we would call them cafe’s and bars, soft drinks and foodstuffs, from across the galaxies; was a hive of activity.

The Kets were in a contained section, well away from the usual traffic, through the satellite. Those who were traders and travelers, smugglers who also docked there, enroute to other places, or escaping Bounty Hunters, Galacia Federa patrols.

Nielstrom, was talking to some of the Phaketsut Dynastic Kets, when two Kets wearing Fendiq / Kal Heiron emblems, walked towards them. Directly behind them, Princess Narya, one of the Kets sat in front of them, now stood up. “Nya.“ Narya smiled. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

"Tsai! Good to see you again. I want to know everything you've been up to!" Nielstrom left them, to stop an argument in progress some feet from where they were. Troopers were stood talking to the Kets

“What seems to be the problem?” The male [Chaquesnestra ] Ket, was ill tempered, if not rude! He had ignored advice offered, displaying a more than apparent, lack of courtesy. As his verbal abuse continued towards the two Vendaran females.

“We, don’t want them, anywhere near us.” A male Ket interrupted him. “They only came over to be sociable.” He turned smiled at one of the Vendaran females. “Can’t see why you, have to be so rude Eldrik.“

Eldrik stood up pushed past Nielstrom, to glare at him fronting him. “I’ve heard all about them and what they do to worlds, no better than the Jogarth SLAVERS but worse!”

He turned to move towards one of the Vendaran females, as his friend tried to block him.

“What is it you call them? CLONECTICS; created beings, people taken from the planets they trash and turned into those things for war purposes!”

He lost his temper as the Vendaran female, smiled at his friend. His friend grinning back like some love sick puppy. He flipped!

Shoving his friend aside, moving forward, to hit out at the Vendaran female. Nielstrom realised she had to stop him, as she unbuckled her stun bar. He suddenly felt pain rippling through his body! Stood a few feet in front of him, was Becci!

Her gems glowed; the energy stream, weak for her, as she was not fully in control of the power of the gems,  was still capable of creating 2 rings around him, causing him to fall to his knees, as she drew closer.

“These two, are under my protection, from Raptor. I promised Mama, I would look after them until they get to the Akademy.“ She glared at him.

“Come near them again and I promise you, the pain you feel now, will be nothing, in comparison to what I will give you next time!“ The gems died back, he started to recover, he stood up, stared at her, his lip curled, then he turned and ran off.

“So you.“ Nielstrom moved round her to see the emblem. “As I thought, are Cistera’s kith. A Fendiq Haphketsut Princess." She looked at her forehead, brushing the hair slightly aside.

“Though I am surprised. Normally females of your age, do not have the power to use them effectively, until they are much older?“ Becci smiled.

She chose not, to answer her question, as to why, she, could use the power of the gems. Becci appeared, to be annoyed, at the two Vendaran females. “I did say, not, to wander off, it isn’t safe.“

The Vendaran female, moved forward, to talk to one of the other males. “ I am Sadowan and you are?“ “Chadren.“ “I hope, we meet again Chadren.“ He watched as they walked off with Becci.

A fight broke out, at the far end of the main corridor, a small chamber, two males slugging it out, as others watched! The Rogara are not a violent race, but they are fiercely proud of their heritage and the inevitable had happened. It was NOT, intentional.

What is acceptable or viewed as a friendly gesture, by one race, may be viewed as hostile by another. The Boljarin, had absolutely no knowledge, that the raised hand, with three of his fingers locked upwards, a sign of peace in his culture, was an insult to the Rogara. Aeiaja2350

They had come to blows, but Nielstrom noted when she arrived, the two of them were evenly matched. She didn’t stop them straight away, she had learned to let them expend their energies then pounce.

A female stepped past her, walked over to the Rogara, totally fearless. Shoved him hard back, against the bulkhead!

As the Boljarin, moved to attempt to shift around her so that he could still land punces on the Rogaran, she raised her hand to grip his fist, squeezing it, he screamed, she let go and he backed off.

She hissed at him.  “You, want to learn more on etiquette, Prince Xuqan! 

As for you.” She turned back to her brother?. “You, should know better. Papa told you about this. Not everyone, is the same. Not everyone’s gestures, mean the same as ours. Be tolerant, THINK FIRST!“ She moved to look at Nielstrom.

“Apologies, I, am a Rogaran Sovereign Comtesse. Ariaja;  my brother, is too quick, to take offence!“ She looked at the Boljarin. “I apologize for my brother’s ignorance, but you really should, learn more about our customs and our body languag;  before trying to flirt with me. “ So that, was what this, was all about !

Later, another disagreement? This time a tall heavy set Ket, bullying another Ket, in front of others, making sure he had the attention of a group of females. He has set upon a smaller Ket? Nielstrom moved, to stop the abuse, when a male Ket, who had been watching proceedings, knowing what was about to transpire, stopped her. “Not a wise idea - not at all.“

She watched, intrigued? The smaller Ket suddenly furred up. He had hair over his body, over his face, transforming? The animal form, was NOT one to argue with! “ Animorphisis. He’s from Bexes, name is Prince Edram.“

He continued talking at her, not the least bit interested, in whether she was listening! She smiled, as she watched the bigger Ket, back away slowly, then run for it!

Hi I’m Prince Cxan from Fendiq and this, he pulled her round to introduce her. “Is Prince Coleja of the Jogarth.“ Prince Edram transformed back, into his more natural form. There were, one or two tufts of hair, still around his pointed ears, which several of the females stroked.

They had never seen anything like this happen! Salerja was in love! Another female moved to shift him away from them. “Oh that’s Princess Anaset, his sister, also from Bexes.“

“He’s lucky, he didn’t spray him!” There was some more laughter. Prince Edram and Princess Anaset came over to them. “That’ll teach him, not to bully.“ “Bit of a shock for a Cagamorian. They’re terrified of animals let alone Animors.“ Coleja grinned. “I just love, the way, he backed off slowly, then ran!“

Such incidents. were not exclusive male terrain. Two females were having a dispute that looked as though, at any time; it would come to blows.

One of them, Cxan recognized straight away. “Oh no, here we go again!“ It, was Uanita, she was rapidly losing her cool. Uanita had NOT started it She had gone over to talk to a male Ket, stood leaning up against the bulkhead. checking the contents of his hand luggage, looking for?

Uanita had liked him, the first time she saw him. They had exchanged glances and smiles, so she thought she would go talk to him.He obviously wasn’t going to make the first move!

So there she was, now in front of him and they were getting on really well, when this other female, who had been watching, didn’t like the fact that Uanita had, as she remarked to her friend. ‘Moved in on her male!’

Not that she, was to know this! He was enjoying the attention from her. The female now launched herself at Uanita, to land her a punch in the face?

It was savage. Uanita tried to recover from the shock attack, but it was all too sudden and violent. She stumbled forward starting to fall? Her opponent, seized the opportunity as she hit her again, dropping her to the floor. It didn’t stop there, she kicked out at her!

“You don’t, have to hit her, when she’s down.“ The male went to move towards Uanita to help her to her feet. The female lashed out at her again, causing her to fall back! It was obvious to all, that she was not, allowing her to get up.

Reveling in the knowledge, she had her, at her mercy? The figure of a female, shoved her way through some of the Kets, to block ANY further blows? There was an arm raised, a fist clenched, then swung.

The female, that stopped the fist? now responded. Almost, one could say, an instant response. Honed to perfection, the would be assailant now felt a blow to her face. A distinct howl, as she reeled under the fist. Other Kets, instantly recognized. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Ameryst


Not sure of her assailant, who reacted by throwing another punch at her, it was stopped mid flow. Another punch from Ameryst, straight to the female’s jaw, her opponent reeling back hitting the deck with a thud.

The male was reaching out to Uanita as Ameryst shoved him aside to pull her up. Helping her, towards friends, who had rushed over, when they had seen the commotion, heard the screams from Uan. “You OK?“

Cxan pulled some solution, from his pocket, took a tissue as we would call it, dabbed some of the stuff onto it, then applied it to Uanita’s bruised face. “That’ll stop it swelling up.“

From, the far side of the room, there was movement, as the other female, stood up. Shoved other Kets aside, moved towards where Ameryst was stood, watching Cxan. She had seen, out of the corner of her eye, as one might say, the female moving towards her, relieved to see her continue past her. Had she leant her lesson?









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