Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Celia had been in the ‘Ovir’ when Doona arrived to sip some frubu washes with her. He had of course heard all about the previous debacle.

“Don’t be put off Shorty! Each to their own and, if you both, are happy, then whatever happens next, is up to you. Well OK, a little more than that, but some, should definitely not interfere.

If any of those Joggies start picking on you.” She was interrupted. “Yes, I know, I do appreciate what you say, they really are a nasty  race.  I would not put anything past them, re doing some cheating.

I swear, every word, coming out of Van Ea’s mouth, is made all the worse because that is what she truly believes IS the truth. As for Illia, well she threatens you only cos she wants you to NOT argue with her or present another point of view.  Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

I am lucky, to have such great Parentia AND two sisters who spoil me but are Cojoined which for the most part; keeps them occupied. Still, I was lucky to get away! “

What did his Parentia, do for a living? “Spacial inter dimensional physicists. Routledge inversion units, designed them and now they’re so rich they don’t know what to do with the continuous drax coming in.! “

He laughed. “Amir is the same, rich parentia and, spoiled by her brothers. She is quite clever. Easily mistaken, for how some think she looks, talks so beautifully; soft? That, she can be taken advantage of. NOT a good idea, to be like it around her.

Never, gave it any thought, when buying her a Frubu wash. She really likes, the Xiji fruit,  (pineapple)  flavour ones.  Of course I now  know, that Anora likes them, most of all.

I, managed to secure, the last one, the first time I met Amir. When Anora, realized I had it, she wanted to buy it off me but I refused, more so, because of who she was. The sheer joy, in denying her, another of her ‘ pleasures’, was truly satisfying.

Of course Amir, had, been queuing behind me and, I had heard  her sigh, somewhat disappointed, that she too, could not have one of her favourites.

Of course she offered to buy it off me, BUT asked NICELY. That set Anora off, telling her to butt out and, stopped only, as it probably dawned on her, that a GIANT; was not the type of person, to be threatening?

I told her, she could not buy it off me. A smug smile on Anora’s face hearing that which instantly changed to a scowl.  “You, can have it, IF you buy me, a Bacura (Black currant) Frubu.

We sat in the open, a good place for drinks with Giants.” He laughed. “Now we stay in touch and regularly eat and drink together. “

Ceilia leaned in. “So what do Giant’s eat?” Doona fell about laughing. After, he finally, composed himself? “Not much different, from a lot of us Celi. Mostly nutritional and, she does have to, have some chemicals in her water.

Mostly, for bone growth. Being so. “ He paused to grin. “TALL! But she is also THIN! “ Again he was grinning. ” She needs those extra supplements. Her brothers were concerned she was not putting on weight, but some of them, are like her, they stay thin.”

He, washed back, his Frubu, as Ocasa, Becci and Delise with Claria arrived. “Oh good. don’t take offence, I, am off to see Arim. Pre arranged for some unpacking, as she is receiving, some merchandise from, Suzie’s fan club.”  Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

They watched him leave, as now they all sat down. Ocasa went to buy them all drinks. Ameryst? “Training for the coming Galacia Federa Champions tournament. “

“Hell, is she, one spunky Ket. You seriously would not believe that little fire ball, had it in her to look at her as is.” Celia nodded her head. “Don’t shake hands with her! It’s like putting it into a ‘Acrc’. (Vice)

I tell you, its crazy, how strong she is.” Ocasa handed out the drinks. “Who is.” “Our little ushie.” “Oh Ameryst.” He grinned, squeezed his hands.

“When we were Kevletlings, we decided after. it finally dawned on us, just how strong;  that we would not, be tempted to step into a ring with her.

Even Papa, declines these days, to shake hands with her! Stretches out his hand and, then quickly, pulls it back much to Mama’s amusement. Our ‘ushie’ can get upset, with him, when he does that! “ 

Corky or Cxao, are OK, but, they appear to be more willing and, for some reason, she does not tend to squeeze as hard. Cxao of course, is quite resilient to her grip.

Hardened skin I think. Risjo (Rhino) hide.” He smiled. “We tend to use certain skin treatments, Sobie likes me to use some of them not just for hardening the skin but moisturising.”

“Oh nice Ocasa. Good to see some of you males using a skin cleanser AND MOISTURISER! ‘ How is Sobie?” “Really good, lot of extra work, Papa is having her working with Noge on some new project. 

They recently, had Haphketsut Omini, Emiya, I think that was her name, join them aboard Raptor, returning from the destruction, of another Matsupa sacrificial site.

Saving those, whose families, friends; they had murdered on their sacrificial altars. NO I am not going to go into detail on that! ”

Celia put her empty Frubu on the table.

“Matsupa? Oh, you better hope, you don’t come across them. Not that I think the Akademy would allow them to be here!

Their military are called religious ‘Zealots’. The Matsupa, have a rage against those who refused to bow down before their gods or some spiel like that.

They invade, set up ‘monuments’ and force the locals, to worship before them. Taking some and, sacrificing them, in front of all gathered before them.

Old to Kevletlings, they don’t care. Totally devoid, of any thing resembling, reason, morality!

Outlawed, by the Galacia Federa and, hey! You two.. “ Her word tailed off as she was staring at three figures approaching them?“

No way! I must be seeing things.” She began to rub her eyes.

“Well well, well. What have we here.”  Celia, shifted uneasily, the same thought, crossing the mind of the others? “You certainly seem to know a lot about us.

As usual, your version of the truth. We do NOT enslave whole worlds, we LIBERATE. Set them free, from the teachings and, ways of the unbelievers. Those such as ..” MarsupaKet400rev

She leaned in closer, as now Becci stood up to face them.  Becci, had felt a really strange tingle, flooding her senses. Her gems were also like, Delise too; starting to glow?

They, had never, experienced such, on a level like this. Forming a  protective shield, around them AND, those who were sat with them?

“Everyone stay where you are.” Becci turned to look at them. Celia had started to move but now sat back.

Cistera, had told Becci and Delise, what to expect IF the shield formed ? It was a defence mechanism AND must NOT be ignored.

A threat. an aggression that was REAL. NOT momentary, but so solid you could reach out and touch it, feel it. NOT that Becci had any intention re these three.

THEY stepped back. “Well, would you believe it sisters. First time I have seen that. Told about it, but ! You really are,  arn’t you! Bit weak, but still very effective. We would be in great pain, if we get any closer to YOU or. “

She stared at Delise. “Two of them. Haphketsut heretics. Heresy at its finest and, one reason we love, even the idea, of ripping your hearts out, of course we seldom ever can BUT, we do have those you try protecting. 

When, we invade your worlds and, colonies, sending in our zealot armies. IT is delicious, to pick out some of them and .. “ They were interrupted. Hellenia?

The rage, on Zetian’s face, was all too real. ‘Haphketsut Impericus’, one short, hop away, from an Omini (an immortal). Far more power than Becci and Delise combined. Their shields died back.

“Enough ! YOU KNOW, that as long, as that ‘Obelisk’ is here, YOUR powers are zero. You have nothing, but empty threats.

You, are only here, in the ‘mistaken belief’, that it might, be good for you, to see how, you could improve your lives. Personally I feel that that, as we already know is pointless.

Helliera pointed upwards to one of the Opticons. “They will be watching your every move. IF I so much as get a whiff of you threatening anyone, I will move to have you expelled.”

Zetian, grabbed hold of her sisters hands. All too clear the rage remaining.They moved off, leaving behind, a lot of sighs, of relief.

“We, will teach, those Haphketsut a lesson, one way or another. If we cannot touch them, we will go after those closest to them. Legitimately of course.  Let’s start with that Ket, what was his name? Doona.”









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