Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Yoho, had taken Margise to show her her new domicile. “I’m next door if you need anything, well when
I am there!” She giggled.

“Corky, had me talk to Tan aboard Raptor and she gave me a list, of the things you love such as creams, potions, lotions. Had me get them for you, I coudln’t get you some of the items..
Don’t worry re the cost, that was taken care of.”

Your mother sends her love as does everyone aboard Raptor. That has my brother crazy seeing it. He teaches the Kets here about dfferent alien craft.

Margise was finding it hard to believe what she was now seeing. IT was even better than her domicile back on Fendiq. Royal was an understatement.

“I’m Princess Yohoist ia mi, YOHO to all of my friends!! “ She giggled. “Of the Tigron worlds, from Naias Ejin, a planet not far from here, in that system, so it is close to home for me.

You are welcome, to come home and see for yourself how beautiful our planet is. Sibellius, Jess Corbin Kets Akademyhas a jump port to my main home world, which means, I get to go home with little time wasted fairly often.

My Mama, knows your’s from the Akademy. I think she will be delighted when I talk to her later. It also means, IF you need anything ‘special’,

 I can often get those items they don’t have here. Mama put the items in the closet over there together for you.

They include, some of our finest towels and linen. We have hot springs here, I can show you later if you like.

I have a EleGOK to do all of the usual clothing and linen et cleaning. Pretty quick and efficient , you will find the details re that already on your Shelde”. “

The Collonade our domiciles are in is looked after and regularly cleaned by the usual service GOKS. We don’t need to do anything. The security has your bio scans imprints already on their systems, so the Opticons won’, t bother you.”

Margise, was more than delighted. She too was a fan of the ‘hot springs’. “Thank you Yoho for everything. I am so delghted to have you as a friend. I hope sometime I can repay the favour as we have, on Fendiq, some VERY rare items, seldom found elsewhere such as Limoki?”

 Yoho’s eyes flared. “WOOO I’ve tried and tried to get some and keep pleading with Mama, when she talks to your Mama, to get me some! She says its too expensive, a small fortune.“ Margise went over to one of the containers in the corner to release the fastenings. Reaching into it she turned as Yoho stared; gasped.

“I have more than enough, as I knew from what Mama had told me there would not be any here.” She handed Yoho two large containers. “I will have Tan sort out a delivery for us. It might take a little while but we have enough to last us beyond that!” Luckily her sisters, were not into it, well, to the level that Margise was. “Use it first thing and it should last you all day.”

Skin rejuvenation oils,in a cream that was extremely rare AND, cost a small fortune was an understatement! Margise was a close friend of the son, of those, who produced the product. She had come to his rescue one time when he was being bulied.

NOT, that she had done anything herself. She had told Ameryst and it was her, who had confronted the bullies reminding them if they ever came near him again! They were runing off at some speed, when she had shown them how capable she was.

She reached into the open container, to pull out some other items. Small boxes containng? Skin masks.
“Use these while you sleep. I’ll order up more of these when I place the order for the other. OH and you do have a good cleanser?”

“You said, you are from Tigron home worlds?” Yoho nodded. “Why?” Opening up another container, reaching into pull out several pieces of clothing? “ Yoho screamed. Babiski Tulon. Our planets most well known designer and.” She giggled.

 “Evey felines dream maker. Pure as silk and soft as a feather to the skin. Margise YOU are one classy
Princess.“  She was now holding two of the items in her hands.

“You do realize Margise, that these are, wear?” She giggled again. Exclusive to the brokers who specialize in cojoining. Usually a gift from them to the ones joined in” She giggled again. “Marriage or Couplets.”
Margise had to convince her that she was not in any of those situations. much to her amusement.

“Well I can’t fault, your choice of exclusive clothing. She unzipped her top to expose a thin top beneath her Vestage. “No way.” Margise reached into grab hold of the material. “I can’t get hold of the items with ease that I have and you.!!! “

“It’s who you know Margise, and YOU well now as my friend, us as friends. I will let you into a secret.!
 Babiski is married to my sister. Princess Omisioka. SO, the moment I want somethng?
She grabbed Margise to take her next door?

Sliding open some ecli to reveal, clothing racks filled with exclusive items. From basic to more advanced. Loving the look on Margise’s face. “My sister keep sending me more and more and ! She’s been driving me crazy! BUT! Sweet, delightful Margise.. “ She reached in and pulled out a dress, placed it against Margise.

“I think, we are the same and this will fit you.. “ Before Margise could say anything, Yoho was stripping her to have her put the dress on... “WOOO see I was right! Which means SISTER.. You can have any of these, well bar these..” She opened another ecli.

“Bar these. Sliding open a lower single shelving unit  stacked full with items she grabbed handfuls of the items, to place them into Margise’s hands. “PLEASE !!! Take some of these! Some of them are a little more couplets gear but! “ She giggled.

There was a flicker as the device on her arm flashed. She looked at the entrance. Grabbing hold of Margise.
“Watch.” A levletling appeared hauling a crate to place it on the floor in front of her. “Ah some of the items sent over for you Margise AND... oh yes... FOR YOU Margise.. “

Apart from the pre ordered items.. her sister had sent over the seasons collection of Babinski..
“I’m not saying my sister, is stupid M, but ! She has already, sent me over this lot! SO this lot is YOURS! NO arguments! Yoho left her to it She had been called away and seemed somewhat pleased to see Margise in stunned silence.

As she leaned in and pulled some of the items out she gasped. They were so exquisitely made it made her heart race just looking at them. True enough, in one of the ecli were identical items AND Yoho before leaving had made it clear she did NOT expect to see these items when she returned later in her domicile!

It was Yoho, who had made sure Margise would not be bothered for the hours that followed. She was smiling to herself as her brother joined her for a drink and a bite to eat. “So when are you going to introduce me, I want to go aboard Raptor!” Ah well, at least he would not be bothering Margise for any other reasons.

Margise was laid on her recline, well on a small mountain of clothing  before stripping to try something else on, trying to make up her mind what to wear !! Thankyou Yoho!! What am I going to wear!! She felt like a Ket in a sweet shop, being told, you can have anything you want!

It would be, some time later, when Yoho returned, to find Margise asleep on the pile of clothes. Snoring her head off. She softly giggled to herself. I think, we, are going to have, a lot of fun sister!









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