Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Domiciles have rules and those rules are stricly monitored. Tidiness is next they say to ‘godliness’ you could say here; prevails! Inspections can happen on a regular basis UNLESS a domicile gets an accreditation whereupon they are excused them.

Kets do NOT do their own laundry et  UNLESS, the items are specialized, or like items from the house of Babinski where the price of the item, is so much you would  NEVER, trust automation to ruin them!

AN exception to the Kets, do not do their own laundry, can apply to the ‘couplets OR ‘cojoined’ couples. They will have a domicile where they can do their own!

Personal items, for the ‘couplets’ can be very intimate so they tend to do likewise.. Also other Kets must be aware that  their domiciles can be off limits to them.

Domiciles for ‘couplets’ / Cojoined AND the teachers / tutors /instructors are  NOT in the same area as where the Kets are.

Dress within and out of the domiciles, when NOT obliged to wear the ‘Vestiges’ is optional, If some are wearing next to nothing or some appearing to be too much? It is an accepted rule you accept it is THEIR choice,

Sharing domiciles, with those chosen 4 of  you, means you all, have agreed, to accept each other. Good bad or indifferent that, is assumed to be, the choices; all four of YOU have made.

If those sharing, do things, that might shock others, they accept, that as their sharing companion you will be discrete, keep what happens there private and personal. YOU don’t reveal to others what your fellow companions do, say or wear etc!

Ameryst is used to seeing Ocasa, wearing next to nothing, thus seeing him in their dormicile like that, is nothing new to her. HER BROTHER has only one issue that she finds unpleasant, his feet smell! 

Likewise if Ameryst is in a hurry, she may strip naked, head into the cleanser and come out with just a towel wrapped around her before putting her other clothes on. Ocasa has gotten use to it! Sometimes he will even dry her hair for her OR help her  get into her much hated Vestige.

If she is ill, he will ALWAYS, be there for her. That includes bathing her, applying creams and other topical treatments especially if she has been in a tournament!

Their sisters, brothers, never intervene, as the two of them are like twins. They have always done this since birth!  Ameryst has done the same when he was seriously ill. Seriously ill with a virus that had him not only being sick but open all hours is an understatement !

They wanted the Medisents, to look after him, but Ameryst refused! It took over three weeks as we would know it before he was even able to recognise her. Impressed by her love and dedication AND she had gone through a lot!

Everything to the point, where he had now recovered to tell her how grateful he was as she climbed into ‘bed’ let him hug her and fell asleep, To sleep for two days! Cookie and Nookie Kets Akademy

If, they end up in bed together, that also is nothing new, to the others. Fallng asleep in each others arms happens all the time like the first week or so here. Comfort, reassurance, brother to sister.

Relationships? Are monitored. Unless you are ‘couplets’ /cojoined etc Margise is and will be like a counsellor, Sometimes she will have to intervene and stop or give a warnng re a relationship developing !

A ‘’couplet male OR female, are NOT available to any others as future  partners, they are, already as one might say; spoken for. YOU don’t interfere in their relationship, with falsehoods, lying and trying to break them apart OR you can end up, badly injured, OR dead. FACT.

They do NOT make commitments, to each other lightly. A ‘male’ will defend his ‘female’, as will a ‘female’ re her partner; with their lives.

Attack, injure or kill a ‘Couplet’ (or cojoined) and you will end up EXECUTED, NO TRIAL. There are, some VERY, rare exceptions; BUT NEVER long drawn out trials. (others profiting from,  enjoying the delay in carrying out th execution! Attempting to delay the inevitable )

IF the FACTS are MURDER, as we would know it , then the EXECUTION will go ahead IF they are found guilty through absolute evidence to support the guilt, it WILL happen.

IF an execution carried out, is WRONG, ie some have given or falsified evidence they WILL have a bounty placed on them. Their entire family will be EXECUTED one by one, until the wanted surrenders.

This does NOT always apply, re the Akademy, where in situations, it is accepted that an element, of high risk exists doing something that is known to be dangerous or life threatening. HOWEVER.

Couplet or cojoined partners will NEVER allow those situations EXCEPT, where BOTH of them, take on the challenge; TOGETHER.

An instructor or trainer, will NEVER, allow a single partner to do something that would put their lives at risk. BOTH TOGETHER or NOT at all!

I need to emphasize this, as we will, discover situations that occur, where there are delays OR projects canceled due to this ruling!

THUS ‘Couplets or cojoined’, are not always, welcomed as part a group! It can cause friction with the others. Whereas some manage really well and NOT all ‘Couplets OR cojoined’ are guilty.

Many, will actually, work VERY hard and, add to the potency, within their assigned group. Other Kets also realize, the value that they place on each other, with a loyalty that is, as I have said, VERY; highly respected. 

Intimacy is NOT frowned upon BUT discrete and NOT breaking the rules! Kets have to abide by the rules, they are all made aware of the moment they are on Onica. Flouting those rules can end up with warnings; at a certain level they will be expelled!  There are defined levels of ‘intimacy;

A Ket may declare in thier desire to ‘propse’ a closeness to another Ket by giving them a RED ROSE. By doing so, they are telling them, I would like more, from our relationship, are you interested? IF the rose is returned then clearly NOT!

BUT if the rose is kept? A mutual PRELIMINARY interest is accepted. Those such as Margise OR one of the other CO judicators has to now make decisions, talk to them and ?
Well we shall see.  

A Ket or Kets, may NOT go beyond certain levels, because they are NOT permitted to, or have been made aware of, the consequences IF they break those rules.

UNLESS, they are accepted, as ‘couplets, OR have gone through the cojoining ceremonies. THAT can happen on Onica IF it is legal to do so,. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Ameryst

NOT to be taken lightly, breaking your vows or cheatng on your partner is DEATH by execution for BOTH of them.

Bullying, intimidation and general abuse is NOT tolerated and again the rules / regulations can see them EXPELLED!  Intolerance, indifference, discrimination is a NO!

If for instance our Ameryst retaliates because she has been forced to defend herself OR someone close to her AND can prove she had justification for such; she will NOT be punished.

Likewise LITTER! as we would know it, here it does not happen! The ‘monicons’ are fitted with shock units that can target you, if you do certain things that are deemed by then to be in violation of the rules!

It would be, liken to being hit by lightning but on a heavily, luckily! reduced level. More of an unpleasant tingle.

The ‘shelde’ or tablets as we would know them, are personal to them. Some content they can add, but in general, thery are used to communicate to them, their ‘diary’ for training shedules and other relevant data.

Comcast and GlobeCast is available and the popular across the Qiverse ‘Tmail Version Xtai 7 ’ accessable via their Shelde with encryption which is essential to stop other races from eavesdropping!









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