Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Doona, was on his way back, to his domicile, when he was waylaid, by Stefan; a Rogarian?
“Good to see you Doona. I’ve been invited to a party with drinks and food ! For nothing! PLUS zetianSeKets302

Some gorgeous Ketlets (females) I met earlier today. I’m into Lixii but the other two are stunners as well. They said, I could come, providing YOU come with me. Apparently Zetian really likes you. “

Well it was not, two of his most hated, the Jogarth or the Vendaren. He quickened his pace to match Stefan. “I’ve been here for a year now and this is the first time I’ve actually been persuaded to join one of these random parties.”

It was good to note that Stefan although much taller than Doona, was not being rude or demeaning. He had made it clear that it was obviousl Zetrian as she was known, liked him.

The fact, that Doona was seeing, note seeing, not dating Amir, made little difference, to him joining Stefan. Curiosity, probably. Flattered, that this female, good looking and well defined, refined might be debatable. as Stefan had emphasized, grinning like some crazed ichu (hyena); liked him?

The moment, they stepped through the door into the domicile, they were both immediately aware, that there was, quite a lively party going on.

“He’s mine.” Zetian hissed, at the Ketlets, (females) around her, as she stepped towards Doona. Her two sisters, each taking hold of an arm, on Stefan, before dragging him away.

The moment their eyes met, Doona was spell bound. Totally immersed in her pheromones, her beauty and his puberty on overdrive.

I have you. Zetian knew he was hooked. Flailing, like some fish as we would know it, on a fishing line. I am going to have so much fun with you.

Taking you away, from all of your would be friends, separating you, isolating you and then, trashing your life in front of all of them knowing they can do nothing to stop me.

Coitus, had been. in one corner of the room, talking to Olaf. She, had seen Doona enter, watched how things unfolded. KNEW exactly, what Zetian was up to? Interuptus shifted close to her. interuptus300

“Go and drag him out, be rude, offensive, but do it! “ Interuptus nodded and moved. Zetian was watching Doona, pour himself a drink, unaware that it had been drugged?

TO make him even more compliant? Interuptus grabbed the drink off him, turned it upside down and let the glass fall. Taking hold of him by the hand, like a Parentia with a Kevletling, before making an unapologetic retreat.

Doona, had turned his head, to wave at Zetian who was fuming?
A rage building up. What the ! Was that ! doing? He was gone. All that effort wasted!

She did not like Interuptus. Too strong minded, too easily able, to see right through you. Not one, to watch Doona being taken advantage of?

NO. She stopped let go of his hand. Now facing him she bent her knees to crouch down to his level. “If I ever see you near her again I will put you over my knees and spank you! In front of her! That will make sure, you never go near her again!

Doona, what you do, has nothing to do with me, BUT it does, where Celia is concerned and, she would be furious, if she heard what took place tonight.

NOT at me, but YOU ! She really cares about you and as for Amir, giant as she is, I get a strong impression, she really likes you. Don’t go and trash, the love, so many have for you, because of HER!

SO, I, am going to say nothing and, YOU, are going to say nothing. BUT you WILL heed my warning. If you want a good spanking.. let me catch you near her again.

She stood up, as Doona said nothing and ran off. Coitus and Inter now joined her. Kicked out?
“No but left anyway the atmosphere, was distinctly cold. Did he get the message?”

Ruptus was shaking her head. “I don’t want to but I am going to have to tell Celia. He is in way over his head re that lot. Manipulative, controlling and whatever they had planned for him, does not bear thinking about!  He is so dammed cute.”

“I don’t feel good, with them being here.” Ocasa shifted in his seat. “All three of them, are trouble. Zetian or whatever her name was, is definitely the leader AND, the way she glared at Heliera!”

“They, will have to comply, to others rules and regulations. Not, going to be something, they, are used to. Others obey them or get sacrificed?” “Uhh we won’t go there. They make the Joggies or the Vendarens look saintly. “

The arrival of Uanita, had them telling her to be careful. One lot, to be avoided. “Oh the ones holding a party in their domicile earlier.” Doona? Now they were all ears to her telling them about what had transpired.

“Interruptus, walked over took his hand and dragged him out. The look on Zetian’s face, was something, not to be forgotten. Definitely rage there. Liken to her just having had her toy taken away from her. “

“You, need to talk to him Ocasa. He, needs some male friends, that are genuine and, not leading him, leaving him to end up, at the mercy, of those like them.”

“I know Cxan, talks to him, they have met up for drinks and food. I might have a word with Celia. I know she would be furious to know what happened. They’re like vultures and I doubt they’ve given up on what they’ve been planning.”

Celia was busy, concluding a call to her family. Pleased to see everything was without any real problems. The Akademy was not so quiet.

Too many different races, customs, traditions and trying hard NOT to do something that would offend or create a situation that could easily be misunderstood?

Luckily, the Akademy, did have extensive archives, on those races AND, a lot of useful do’s and do NOT do tips. So the Rogarian like to eat Animorphs, in their natural form NOT transformed.

That guy Stefan who had been chatting her up ? Well she wasn’t an Animorph! He was definitely a player though. NOT one her family would like at all to be around them.

Thankfully, she had turned him down. One might think, lucky for Doona. If Interuptus, had threatened him with, as she had put it, a good spanking. Celia might have not been so restrained, he would have got that ‘spanking’ ?

Her earlier encounter, with the Matsupa had been enough to convince her, that they were anything but pure trash. Evil. Those, wanting to give them a chance, were stupid beyond belief.

Some do NOT, nor ever will change and, that lot? Born into it, bred into it and indoctrinated, into the belief, that you bow down to THEIR gods or die..well bar being enslaved, tortured, regularly beaten; subjugated. coitus300a

Seeing Coitus, enroute to an Ovir where she planned on having her usual drink with Doona? Usually, she did not, give her even an acknowledgment glance. She did not like her. Too brash and loud mouthed.

Today however Coitus stepped in front of her blocking her way ahead. “We need to talk.” “I don’t think we have anything to talk about.”

“You really need to take that stick from up your ! and listen to what I have to say.”

Celia, went to push past her, making it clear she was not interested? “So you don’t want to know about Doona? I thought you cared for him.” She stepped out of her way.

“Never mind eh. I don’t have to waste my time in talking to the likes of you.” Celia now blocked her. “OK, it is clear you have something that YOU, think I shoud be hearing.

If, it’s to slag him off re his size or, its to offend me, I won’t resist giving you a slap. What, do you want in return? I know you and your sisters, never do anything for nothing.”

“Yes, its true, we’ve seen and done, done a lot. BUT we’re all, wise to things, a lot of YOU are blind to. We know, a user, abuser for what they are, simply by looking at them.”

She paused, stepped in closer to Celia. “I don’t like you, my Sister Interuptus, admires you, why the hell she does, is beyond me BUT, she does. Which is why. “

Leaning in, she told her what had happened? “Be gentle with him. He’s cute but stupid, when it comes to, understanding those like them, who will play him like a vio stringing him along.

Interuptus tells me, she could smell his puberty pheromones, before, she even got, to take him out of there. Like an aphrodisiac to her.” She removed a bottle from her pocket and handed it to Celia.

“Tell him, to start taking this, whilst he is here. It’s a blocker agent. Will do his body NO harm BUT it will, tone down his mating pheromones, made worse by his puberty.

I have seen, that look in Zetians eyes before. She is a user, an abuser and would destroy him. No one would be able to stop her once she has her claws into him. This is the last time I am helping YOU. “

Celia watched, as she turned and walked off. To coin the term used by us ‘cat amongst the pigeons’ ? For now she would say nothing just observe what happened meeting him. See if he says anything.fountainofyouth400

Doona, was feeling too embarrassed, to meet up with Celia. He sent a message to say that he was resting, not feeling so good after something he had eaten?

Talking of food. Celia was not swallowing that load of ! She headed over to his domicile? That might have been a wasted journey. Stefan had dragged Doona out and was taking him over to the fountain?

“I am told, it is good for those who bathe in its waters. Like what do you call it. a fountain of youth. So I’ve been told.” He grinned as now they turned the corner?

“Doona! “ He stared in disbelief. Standing next to it? Lixii, Xuxian?  Zetian?

She was stood in the fountain smiling at him. She was hissing to her sisters.

“I want him stripped naked, NAKED! Then throw him, in the fountain with me.”









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