Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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“Is it true?” He looked at them. “Is what true?” “About Mama?” Nathan was confused. La Toyah smiled. “Yes it is “ Becci looked at Margise. “I told you.“ She thanked them turned and ran out, with Margise in hot pursuit. “What?” mutters Nathan “Was all that about?”

La Toyah smiled as Corky looked at Commander Caden to glance back at Nathan. “You didn’t know?“ La Toyah stood up, went over to a screen, pressed her palm against the screen and the main screen illuminated with a large picture.

“The Trophy.“ He looked at them. “No way, you are kidding me.” Corky grinned. “Big news at the time, made her father Ka Colfra a very happy man.“ La Toyah smiled. “For someone who was totally, a no way was she ever going to win anything. Ket, she achieved what most Kets only dream of!

Becci and Margise had returned, with two goks, carrying a large box. Becci placed a small metallic disc against the box, the key to unlock it. Releasing the shrans, (covers) for Nathan to gasp!  ‘The spirit of fulfillment;.’

The object was made of Derillium Dracodia. (a very rare and precious metal.) With solid gemstones for the eyes and a large one to the forehead?, it must have been worth a fortune! Becci moved close to La Toyah bowed. “Mama says, that us Kets from Fendiq, may declare the trophy as 'Reta'. To be taken back to the Akademy.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy the trophy

In doing so, we issue a challenge to any of the Kets permitted to enter the competition, to try and win it, within the recognised rules.

Mama is aware of my promise that I will co ordinate the efforts, of all of us from Fendiq, that any of us from Fendiq, have the right to challenge other Kets within the rules. to bring it back! We Kets have Royal assent to act in the name of Fendiq.

La Toyah looked at her. “So, you all understand don’t you if I 'mark the challenge', you forfeit the trophy, until such time, you win it back?

But if you lose you lose it?” Becci bowed “Ma ma has talked to us, asked me to tell you, if it is our wish then so be it! We challenge!“

Taking the key off her, La Toyah inserted it into the side of the statue. The disc glowed as she swept her hand across the eyes, they flared with light. Bright intense almost blinding light, before the statue vanished. Now secured aboard the Xitonea.

“Your challenge has been accepted!” Becci bowed, grabbed Margise.Turned and walked out. “Forgive Becci “ Nathan smiled. “She can be quite forward when she wants to be!“ La Toyah smiled. “Becci may have issued the challenge, but she will not win it! “

Nathan was put out, by her response. “That’s a little unfair?!” La Toyah would not be swayed.
“You may rest easy. It will come back here, there is, one amongst your Kets who stands to win it, but it is NOT Becci!

I should warn you, they challenged all of the new entries to the Akademy, there are some very strong contenders. Rules preclude those already at the Akademy. But I should tell you there are, some exceptional, challengers in amongst the new selections, so yes, you will be VERY proud of the Ket who does win it back for you.“

La Toyah had retired, to the Palatirian suite, the Comtesse had been insistent she had the full use of that suite. That however had never been at question.

“We leave, for the palace banquet, in an hour?” She had acknowledged his invite “It will be informal so NO questions or similar re the Akademy!“ He had nodded in agreement, fully understanding the reasons why.

She would, like a break from her work. He could relate to that. Not often actually achieve it, but yes, he often tried to put that into practice himself.. Becci was talking to Cistera.

“Ma ma we will win it back.“ Cistera had glanced at Soniette, turned to Becci and smiled. “Taking on the challenge and doing your best to win it, is good enough. If you win, of course its a bonus but to lose is no dishonor, so long as you remember. Soniette Kets Akademy

It does not mean, sacrificing what is right, or cheating, to win. There is no honor in that. I would sooner you lose! What is earned, is worth so much more, than that.

Nothing is worth of any substance, that is given, or acquired by ill gain, or force. That includes respect, for taking part, however the outcome. My Ket will see others who will do just that and there will be moments you will feel some despair BUT !

Always remember that within that despair, what is gained, is often worth so much more, than what is lost! 

Onto, a different subject young lady, a message for all of the Kets aboard Raptor. I expect you all to be ready, for the banquet to be held in honor of our special guest. Formally dressed please!“

“Mama! Oh alright! I’ll tell the others!“ “Is she always like that?” Serenia looked at Nathan as he sipped his ale, Corky grinned. “Quiet most of the time, until she decides, she wants to be heard and believe me, when that happens. Becci can at times, give 'K' clear cut competition!“

“At least she’s not lacking in spirit!” Caden interrupted her. “My son wouldn’t be doing so well with the Galacia Federa, if it weren’t for his time at the Akademy!“ Corky nodded “I heard he had done really well.“ “Lightstrom officer none the less, with good promotional prospects beyond that!”









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