The Challenger.
If Kets did not like the choice of ‘Group leader’ or even ‘leaders’ they could challenge their right to be OR to choose someone ?
One such group,
Illia (Jogarth) was nominated to be in and she did NOT like the male that had been ONE, note ONE; there are TWO in every selection per ‘group’.
Ameryst, was also in that same ‘group’. The proposed leaders, were Agraria and Megadon. Agraria was Sesista Emperical and though Illia, did NOT like her, some might say; for good reason,
They had aided and abetted, in the destruction, by Hellenia, who had torched the Jogarth homewold, killing millions AND the death of Illia’s ‘father’.
Thus hatred ran deep, but this
‘Megadon’ came from a Qiverse, recognised band of pirates. Thieves and despots, of the lowest order and illia held a grudge, an inner rage, of one might say; epic proportion BEYOND reason. The moment they had seen each other she instantly recognized HIM.
HE and his band of thieves. had helped provide the devices, Hellenia had used, to burn her people alive. Megadon had no knowledge of this, until she openly challenged him to a duel. Almost spitting in his face?
NOW, it cannot be to ‘the death’. That on Onica, the Akademy is forbidden BUT. IF she can make enough ‘combat’ points, she can take his place OR select someone else as leader? She had already made up her mind, that she would, assume the position of ‘Group’ leader.
The ‘group’, consisted of
Agraria and Megadon, to add insult to injury; Ameryst. The others
Nefri - Conad - Zadoi - Naibisi - Joisi were of no real concern to her. THEY, were however concerned.
Zadoi was a Jade ‘Simplet’ a 7th generation entity in ‘male’ form. It was more than aware of the issues in question AND questionable, was certainly being parsed through its nemonic synapses.
This ‘Megadon’ as he was known was a peculiar being. He had so Zadoi had observed, a strange aura about him. Visually, to him (he was, not so sure, the others could see it ) there was a ‘presence, a benign being? ’ attached to him? A seeming ‘ghostly apparition’, as might be known to us.
It did not, sit well with Ameryst. She did NOT like the Jogarth and that sentiment between them as we already know; was mutual. If Illia won Ameryst felt, she would have no choice, but to challenge HER. Illia could NOT, become the ‘group’ leader.
The challenge match, went ahead. It would not be an easy one. Illia had delivered some punishing strikes against him BUT?
It was, one of those moments, when Ameryst desired, some advice from IaSuii ? Sure enough she appeared beside her to look at what was unfolding?
“She’s good, really good. Nice articulation, control and like you, disciplined, BUT a fool. She will NOT win this. To this thing, it is like swatting q ‘fly’. She is a nuisance that must be taught a lesson.
When, she is exhausted, the realization, will be too late. The ‘smack down ‘ as you know from competitive challenges, can be good, bad or indifferent. The moment she challenged this thing, she was doomed.
Ameryst did not hear, most of the ongoing conversation from IaSuii. She, was too engrossed, in what was happening. Illia was almost crazy, with .. rage?
I KNOW, it will seek to make an example of her. TO stop any of the others, thinking they can challenge it ; NOT killl her, but seriously injure her? Cripple her?
The outlook, is not good. Allowing her inner rage, to challenge such a being with a.. “ Isuii stopped mid sentence. The THING attached to him was glaring at her AND Ameryst?
Definitely female in form?. An entity of sorts? It was hostile and it added, just as Isuii tripled the strength for Ameryst ‘that’ whatever it was; also gave Megadon a lot, of added strength. Not that, given its form, the build of its armoured shield? Cheating might have been another perspective to all of this taking place
YOU see, well actually Illia could NOT see the full ‘image’ of this thing. She was being deceived as all that was visible to her, was a normal form of a male, a little bigger than; well A LOT bigger than her BUT! IaSuii knew what was going to happen. Could see events unfolding and they, for Illia; were NOT good.
Zadoi, was momentarily distracted. ‘IT’; ‘he’ had sensed another presence. An entity? but he could NOT see it. He was drawn to look in the direction where Ameryst was. NOTHING.
The being, attached to Megadon was now whispering in his ‘ear’. He moved to hit out at Illia. The first blows hit home and she felt the power behind them, liken, to one of us, being hit by a sledge hammer?
Never had Illia, ever felt such blows, the pain, the shock horror, as she crumpled. The being was laughing? The next blows would cripple Illia, even if it did not kill her? She would NOT, be standing again and probably, NOT able, to ever walk again?
The whimper from her, as she tried desperately to stand ? Her ams out flaiing mid air as she cried out. IaSuii whispered to Ameryst. “GO! Protect her, the next blows will cripple her!” 
The being, attached to him, had shifted its ‘head’ and was now focused on Ameryst but IaSuii? Was there some fear in its eyes? It hissed at him, to back down, NOT to do anything more. Time to retreat?
Something wihin the form that had almost destroyed its prey? No stopping it now. fuelled up and ? Yes the desire, to ignore her. Shifting to strike Illia one more time, to strike the final blows.
Ameryst blocked him. Illia had slumped back, too weak to do anything. A blinding flash of light momentarily seemed to blind AND stop any blows from Megadon.
Enough for Ameryst, with the full force of her blows against it; striking home with a full on flush across her senses leaving her as one might say ‘super charged’.
Smashing into him and, that thing, carried above his shoulder that could NOT be seen by her, BUT was now realizing, the power behind Ameryst, was anything but natural.
Suddenly it let out a howl. A long piercing HOWL. A voice that would be the last it would ever hear. “Yes I am, the essence of all of your nightmares. All knowing, all seeing and I, I have seen your fate.
Destruction, death and you, have the satisfaction of knowing at least, well actually NOT knowing, because you an your puppet, will cease to exist. YOU are an abomination, a parasitic life form that needs to be terminated,”
The final full on blows that now hit home from Ameryst, were to it, like nothing, it had ever experienced. She smashed it apart. Ripping off th protective over coat like taking paper off a !
Smashed down, as a blue flash like a flash from a plasma weapon, rippled across its form. To leave nothing. Dust, to dust and then nothing. Ameryst stepped back to lean down next to Illia..
Helping her, to get to her feet as others now, helped her to leave, to rest. Zadoi was not emotional, they cannot ‘feel’ emotion, BUT the ‘smack down’ was beyond even his comprehension. HE had however realized, that Megadon was a physical apparition.
A form, maintained and manipulated by that, as he had heard; ‘parastic lifeform.’ YES the Jade knew of such things. Theyt existed, BUT? This was the first time, he had actually witnessed such. This certainly was what his mentor had told him to watch and learn; about.
As for the power, behind Ameryst? That he could NOT see, but he did HEAR clearly what was being said to that parasitc lifeform. The power, that had Ameryst deliver such destruction to it? Beyond even his peoples 7th Generation race of beings. Beyond even the Li Nai?
The fact, it could be there in front or near and he could NOT see it? That took some incredible power to be able to achieve. Had it been deliberately setting Ameryst up?
They were quick to make Ameryst the replacement ‘group leader’. There was no dispute from Agraria. Illia would need a lot of rest AND discovering that Ameryst was now the new ‘group’ leader? She had saved her from ending up crippled for life OR dead?
The moment, she had been beaten down, she had felt genuine terror. It was so brutal and savage, beyond even her own comprehension.
Ameryst KNEW and had witnessed her, in a ‘beat down’ of opponents. She was as IaSuii had said, a very talented and powerful, disciplined opponent. Against that parasitic alien entity she had stood no chance.
The parasitic being had enjoyed the moment. Took pleasure in seeing her to the point of ending up crippled? NOT that Illia could see it, What she did see was Ameryst blocking it, protecting her. That she would NOT forget.
Ameryst, was no friend of illia’s BUT a fair competition should be just that. That thing was as IaSuii had told her. ‘An abomination’; it should NOT have existed. Brought into being, out of hatred an a terrifying inner rage.
Still, that was, the first time, that a true test of Ameryst being able to deliver with HER power added in the mix. IaSuii knew she had proven again; together they were unbeatable. What was to come would not win against them.
NOT that any of them ,except for IaSiuu would remembter what had just taken place.. Thart monstrosity beaten to pulp by Ameryst? Let us be honest, just too much as you might say to digest in one go.Indigestion? They literally had their memories wiped.
In its place? the fight that had taken place between her and Illia? NOW that sounded far more plausible. As for Illia.. post traumatic shock, memory loss...
Zadoi could remember, but only bits and pieces, of what had happened. Confused? It felt, as though something or someone, had been inside its ‘conscience’ and messed with it? It would take a long time for it one day? to remember.