Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Dexys  & Midnite. Another Cojoined couple who have already made a lot of friends.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

They are recognised professonal Astronomers and astro physicists. Qualified level 5 pilots. Systems management  and researchers into new star burst technologies.

Almost inseparable. Both very healthy and very particular about what they eat AND drink! They both enjoy MUSIC, DANCING and what we call KARAOKE!

We have to remember, that some ‘food’ products can be substitutes OR simply chemicals. Alternatives tend to be expensive.

The Akademy offers a varied selection of foods, drinks, supplements etc BUT you can, pay a little extra to get a little extra! As they are a Cojoined couple they can if they wish opt to buy, prepare and cook their own foods etc!

Dexys employs a Doservice that provides a non bio lifeform to clean,, cook, manage the domcile for them. Midnite looks after the ordering of necessary  supplies, usual requisites such as toiletries, other health  and well being items.

The Doservice, also looks after LAUNDRY re selected items / general, towels, linen, curtains, coverings etc NOT Midnites more intimate clothing as that is a gift from Dexys and VERY VERY expensive. Equal to Babinsky!

The washer as we would know it contains special ulrafine cleaning for a variety of more delicate fabrics etc Thus Midnite does NOT hand wash those items! (She did for a little while) until, she was convinced the ultrax as it is known, worked!

Inxi is, along with her sisters, Salerja, Ariana, one of the ‘ Ishaui’  Kets.

Their mental processes, are freakishly potent. System faults, programming errors or simply to HACK into a system by THINKING about it?Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

They can rearrange, reprogram and delete, or transfer data archives / repositories at ultra fast speeds. Freakishly POTENT.

They, have to wear, special devices / blockers, on the outside, to protect themselves, from being detected. Within the Akademy they have to wear a ‘marker’ that idetifies them to the Opticons AND Monicons as being automatically TRACKED.

Everywhere they go, what they are up to AND the status of their as it is known ‘awareness’ is recorded. NO cheating when it comes to the Group trials, competitions !

Certain, highly sensitive areas, are forbidden to them!
The device they have to wear, can be triggered by the Opticon or the Monicon to physically deliver a warning to them AND incapacitate them.

Their ‘gifts’ make them targets for kidnapping and abuse.
They can also ‘mind control’ by interfering with  neuro pathway interceptions and perceptions within the ‘brains’ of certain biological beings.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Can cause mental confusion, blindness, loss of speech, instability and ataxia. Stumbling, incoherent speech. Even if they so wish; brain death!

There are certain races, that IF they know who they are will automatically ban them ! However in some instances you would NEVER know WHO they are.

They cannot shape shift BUT, they can, cause YOUR perception of them, as YOU see them, to be radically different, from the truth! You could not for instance, use ‘facial tracking’ etc on them! 

Non organics do not like them, as they can interfere with their system ‘Hioretics’ as it is known. Tamper with and create havoc, within artificially created neural synapses.

Those such as La Toyah and Leyla as an example have sensors that identify WHO they are from the identifiers / markers they have for accessing ie domiciles etc Otherwise they would NOT or could be deceived by them !

Ancients AND hyper intelligent beings can automatically sense them. 4th generation to later generation races are NOT worried by them. They cannot do anything to them.

HOWEVER some more advanced races, can manipulate them! IaSuii can actually destroy them, reform them, turn them into zombies. Notice Ariana? You would NEVER, normally think she is capable of such freakishly potent powers !

Torven, is from the Fendiq, like the others Ocasa, Cxan, Becci, Soniette and and !
A very skilled meknik professional. HE is also capable of converting, rearranging and manipulating those forms such as the GOKS, the FemGoks etc AND rumour is that he was one of those who played the trick on Ocasa?! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

He is also, very close friends with Edram who is  from Bexes (animorph) . The moment Torven set eyes on Ariana he fell in love with her SO, we can look forward to some interesting developements re that!

She is, liking his attention and knows, he is a very honest guy. HOWEVER and here we go again.

The odds of their relationship progressing is likely to be ZERO. Those around them would be too skittish to enjoy their company, socially or otherwise. Of course we KNOW, he does NOT KNOW, what she is capable of!

Torven is well liked and has a lot of admirers, which she will also have to contend with. Those  who deliberately make it their ‘mission’ to get close to him, whenever and wherever they can.

Her sister Inxix is also going to be a nuisance. Letting slip, WHO they are and more, as her and Torven  are both in the same ‘Group’? She might try to persuade her to shift ‘Groups’? We shall see.
For npw, it is certainly going to be an interesting series of events?

__________________________________________________________________Jess Corbin Kets Akademy


Kaila and  Torven, (Group leaders)
Mina,  12eDizx  , Ejia and Riam, Torven, Kelawi,  Besai.
Dexys  & Midnite. Joisi - Aqixi  Inxi


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy










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