Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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It can be said, that many of the Kets, seldom met up re their ‘groups’ until they had to. An instruction sent to their shelde by La Toyah or Leyla.

On this occasion, there was, Ethan noticed an absence? Most of the time that surprisingly, well so he had been told; seldom ever happened.

The others were being acquainted with each other.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy
A definite buzz. The group, was shaping up to be one, with some astonishing skills. NOT that he was into knowing too much about the other groups.

This lot. well those that were present were sociable, agreeable and definitely team players. Golli G had appointed Taskoemini (Lady) to take charge of the Shelde updates on schedules. invites and current news etc

1aLIAS is from new frontier Colony 455. We see this life form wearing a special protective Vestige that covers his head, upper body and delivers a xeo 4 gas mix. Yes he is a silica based life form. Onica, is NOT good for them, when it comes, to their respiratory systems.

He, has, a special emergency burst pack, built into his spinal system. That will sustain his life systems, for almost a day without the protective suit. He is of the reptillian species.

One of three, of his kind on Onica. The other two are elders. They, have been here for almost two years. His skills, include biometric and isomorphic specialised defence equipment, build, maintenance and research into new systems.

Hot humid domicile, that many of the other Kets will not go into! Regular meet up at an Ovir! He does NOT normally have to remove his Visage whilst ‘at work’. Fluids and food, can be absorbed through a special flap, found to the front and below, his head piece.

Good dexterity. Nimble and agile. Some of the systems controllers or weapon triggers he, can access, with not only ease, BUT SPEED and ACCURACY!  His knowledge of weapons systems and associated can  be invaluable. to the group.

He, will find, a lot to talk about, with

Midor. Her parentia own one of the biggest weapons construction
businesses, across the Qiverse. Some of the most advanced to less sophisticated systems. Personal weapons or massive Plasma cannon arrays. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

She is, what we might have called a ‘gunslinger’. Quick off the draw AND blink and you will be dead! She took on some of the Kets at the Galleria aboard Raptor. NO winners there. well apart from her!

Very feminine, but very masculine, re her toughness, but, she is here unknown to the others, on her own personal mission. To end up being cojoined or at least a part of ‘couplets’.!

YES, to someone, who is here, amongst the new arrivals. La Toyah knows who and will be putting them, into the same domicile, with the intention, of her chosen one, giving her a red rose?!

Anokausomini Pronounced ANOK AU SOMINI (Haphketsut Princess Aten worlds.). is rumoured, to be one of the ancients.

Not saying much. not exactly a talker, BUT she has some astonishing astronomical skills and knowledge of the Qiverse. Want to know where to find such and such a planet or race?

About them, strengths, weakneses and so much more. Sad but true, some races simply because of her knowledge AND for being one of the ‘ancients’ can be not so good for her to be around.

We shall learn more later. Golli G knows all about her AND the benefits she brings to the group go beyond all measure. Her presence has had some, wondering, if there is something more, to the presence of some rather peculiar, if not surprising members, to the various groups.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

She was not alone re that. Many of the Jade ‘simplets’ had been viewing arrivals, with similar thoughts. An Ancient one amongst them?

Well, whatever, the odds, appeared to be getting more and more, stacked in their favour. WHOEVER or they suspected; whatever the ‘enemy’ was; lurking in the shadows?

Poor Zadoi from the ‘simplets’ had still felt uncomfortable at having had as he put it. his conscious rifled by something. leaving it a jumbled mess. He had to remember something but, WHAT ??

The others, could not, help him. Even if at the time of the so called, well not RECALLED, incident, with their synaptics linked, when his, had been messed with?

Whatever it was, seeking within them,  their systems deleted, rather than allow having IT, mess with their ‘ consciousness’ .They did sense, it was of great power; beyond theirs. They were NOT, going to incur its wrath.

A guest of the Akademy - NOT a member of the ‘Group’ is

Thoth. The appearance on the Akademy grounds of a massive ‘Obelisk’ that lit up and every now and again parsed streaks of lights across it as though processing data or was it ?

Acting, as some kind of, beacon warning system?

One might have asked WHY
NO ONE was the least bit concerned by its sudden appearance. But such is the power of some of the Ancients, that it could appear perfectly normal, to them AND, not at all out of place?

Anoka was in front of her, they stared at each other, said nothing. They did not need to. Such a level of super intelligent beings ? The  one word. ‘YES’ said it all.

“IaSiuu, make yourself known to us!  We know you are here! Do not provoke me into using my powers! “ Thoth stood back. A form now materialized in front of them.  

“I am glad, to see, you adopt that form and not, your usual one! “ She paused “Our champion! I gather you have one?” IaSuii smiled. “ I sense from your expression, she is near.” Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Ameryst had been summoned. She could see her, but none of the others, could?  Well so she thought. These two, were new to her and somehow her bracelet glowed BUT not the usual colour. This was more of a purple regents colour.

“Don’t be afraid Ameryst! This is Thoth and this is Anoka. Both of them are and will be your friends. You have NOTHING, to fear from them AND, if they ask something of you, as you would if I asked,  will you do it?”

She nodded. “We are going to ask much of you. I am told your strength, your speed and overall power are phenomenal.

Believe us, what IaSiuu gifts you, is nothing in comparison, to the powers we will give you.

At the moment you are not ready to receive, BUT when you are, you will understand the true meaning of POWER.” Thoth moved close to her and placed her hand on her bracelet. “I will gift you a taster of that power’”

The sensation that rippled through Ameryst was heightening her senses moreso than before AND she knew it was happening.

“THAT will do for now. We will bring you a new toy, for you to play with, so you, can see for yourself, the power I, have just gifted you, in action.”

Turning to IaSuii. “When it arrives, watch and report back to us, how she gets on.” She looked at Ameryst. “The Megadon and its parasitic lifeform? you exceeded our expectations.

This new toy, is much less about strength, more about strategy and wisdom, it is a deceiver; cunning!  Now go rest ! IaSuii, will bring you to it. “  IaSuii and Ameryst left them.

“She is so tiny! Yet the moment I touched the bracelet ? The power within her, I have seldom seen such a being, with the power she possesses. IaSuii had been right. The moment she had witnessed her take down opponent after opponent !

We shall see, how she fares re the next test. I don’t think we are going to be disappointed. NOW. We need to prepare the other groups for what is coming BUT they must NOT know until we have our champions ready.

The Obelisk is primed for observaton AND defence. We will not be bothered by that race of primitives; the Li Nai. I have placed another Obelisk on the moon. “ 

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy










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