Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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The Stratorium consisted of 9 massive arenas. Each of them housing 4 or 5 levels which operated the
Alt Realt systems. Training, teaching and every Ket has a unique ident tag.

WHO they are, their ‘Group’ AND, how they are perceived by those, operating the core Alt Realt assessments. Many will already have a Seis marker telling the systems a lot about them AND this is important.

Carbon based? Silica based? OTHER and yes there ARE as some of us already know; life forms OR ! Sentient beings that inhabit ‘shells’ that can be anything !

Illnesses, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, allergies? Air mix, which can also vary with nitrogen /oxygen mixes for example? Some, require a blend that included ‘methane’ others acids such as certain ‘amino acids’ or !

Not just INNER, re internal organs, structures and ! BUT also, outer re appearance, skin maintenance and protection? The list is substantial.

Clothing, no clothing, protection, Vestages and so it goes on, well most of the time! Some of those who require certain waters or other chemical washes.

The Stratorium, the moment they enter, knows all this and more. If, Kets require certain air mixes, pressures, gravity levels and or other physics into play, then it may generate a dome over their heads OR bodies.

Ambient air temperature, air temperature and pressures, gravity; we have to remain aware that some races are used to much lower or HEAVIER gravity. Lifting a rock or boulder from a low gravity when your muscular build is for a heavier one? Easy.

Within the Strat, the balances maintained, are incredible. Mostly due, to alien technologies that, go beyond, the normal, we might aspire to, whilst disregarding other races requirements?

NOT, because we necessarily choose to do that. It is, that we, don’t understand, nor can comprehend, the complexities of such arrangements.

Many races have been in the Qiverse for centuries ahead of us Human(a). Even a basic class 2 generation is still way ahead of us.

We also suffer, with an insatiable curiosity and, if we were cats, well we know what happens re that; though I would not tell some of the Kets from Bexes that !

Some, might be inclined, to replace the word insatiable, with what they deemed, to be far more appropriate; INSUFFERABLE.

New tech, new strategies, old ones mixed and fused to allow comparisons plus extensive archives that allow you to select a given time and place to view a battle and so much more.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Extinction. Ah yes always a good one to realize, that some races, actually DID go extinct. For many reasons and whilst their own greed, stupidity and warmongering could in some instances be to blame?

In the Qiverse, it is nothing new re supernovas, black holes, white and convex, novex projection of folding space, portals and !

Trillions of stars, planets and races where even here we don’t touch even 0.0000001% gives you some idea of the vastness or should I say in some instances the depth of DARKNESS.

Yes  the Stratoriums are the gateways for many of the Kets to experience for themselves without all of the risks, the peril and so much more that they might otherwise live OR DIE from.

So where you might add did the Akademy arise from?  That my Kets is a story for another day and well worth the wait.

Thoth, may be one of the oldest of the Ancient ones, BUT ‘she’ IS NOT THE oldest.










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