Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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The Twin dilemma.

Ocasa, was sat, in one of the ‘Ovirs’  talking to Delise and Cxan, NOT with Anora. She was busy with preparations, for the concert.

Van Ea and Illia, were not interested. Celia, had been helping Doona, pick out some gifts for Amir. Yoyo had tried hard to make sure, those Kets who were desiring certain items, could get them.

Providing of course, they were ordered in advance and NOW was no longer an option.
 Unless, the items, were commonly available AND, Sibellius had them.

Lukar, was talking to Lilibu, who was receiving her gift fo the concert. A beautiful, retro renais brooch. A VERY,  large diamond; Drax with Polymidium coated claws. Priceless.

It, had been worn, by some famous celebrity. VERY rare AND one of a kind.
 “You really spoil me.” She leaned and kissed him. “I will treat YOU later. She lifted his hand to place it against her.

“All yours, to do with as you please. It is, OK, if you want to become my Cojoined OR Couplet.
The answer is yes AND, my parentia, who you have met before we came here, also give their consent. “Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Lukar was ecstatic. He was being congratulated as she went to leave.  with the ‘Sephren’ twins close behind her.

Nian, had stopped to talk to Ocasa. He had been surprised but, was trying ‘hard’ not, to feel his puberty kicking in.

Especially, as she leaned into whisper to him. “I, would love, for you to take me. to the concert, well both of us. We are twins.”

It must, be like those, who are Cojoined. He could understand. They worked well in harmony. Always protective of each other.

Uanita, got on well with them. She too had told him that if Sobie was not going to be available then he should take them instead. Including her of course.  

Cxan grinned. They, were certainly beautiful and, not short of admirers. Nian, was very much, what we would call a ‘tomboy’ whereas Juan; was almost the polar opposite.

Soft, effeminate and always, had his puberty, kicking in, everytime she got close to him. It was not the same primeval urges, he felt with Anora. She, had him roused, all too often; delighting, in teasing him.

They left and, Ocasa was smiling. Others around them, had noticed what transpired.
“I do like them, I have over 6 tickets. The ones, I got some for, have gotten their own. So the tickets are surplus. It would not be a problem, taking them with me.

Sobie, is across the Qiverse with Noge, working on some new science projects. It is impossible, for her to come here. She trusts me and I trust her, we are almost in our minds; Cojoined. “

Delise, was now watching, as Mezza and Tezza approached them. She often talked with them. Tezza, had a really good sense of humour and, like her, was prone to be a little dippy on ocassion.

“D!!” Ocasa stood up, to fetch them all drinks, as they sat down. “You two, look too dammed hot!

You make me, feel under,dressed. Where did you get those outfilts! “ “Mama sent them over.
Along with a load more, you need to come over and try some of them on.” Nothing unusual re that situation. “You do have something for the concert?”

Delise smiled. “NOT quite as hot as I suspect yours will be BUT it’s good. Becci and Yoyo helped me out. I got some Babinsky from Margise as a reward for helping her out with cleaning her domicile. She’s been so busy lately, that it was getting a little grubby.

She giggled, “Some intimate you know, Cojoined stuff. I have to admit I love the feel of that thin, soft silken material! Get’s me all tingly! Still I know you two, always wear that.” Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Mezza, ran her hand, over her thighs. “It does feel good. REAL good.” “So.” Tezza leaned in close to Delise. Glancing across at Ocasa now picking up the drinks to bring over to them.

“Is Ocasa, taking anyone to the concert?” “Funny you ask that. The Sephren twins, you know, Nian and Juan? They were here, just before you two, asking him to take them.”

“I know Ocasa likes you two. I think sometimes, he has a thing for twins.” She smirked. “He always asks how you both are, when I’ve been over to see you both.

I don’t know, if its one of you or both of you but I get the felling its BOTH of you. He can be a little immoral that way. Two to enjoy I think would suit him fine.”

Mezza grinned. “We’d be more than a handful for him D! He’s quite a catch. Always liked the way he keeps fit. Love those muscles and his looks, are not to be taken lightly.”

Ocasa had now joined them. Twins again?! Hell his puberty was kicking him good and ‘hard’ as he inhaled their parfum. They always smelt good, real good.

“Are you, taking the Sephren twins, to the concert? We are going, have tickets but can we join you? We are going with Delise? We don’t expect you to pay for us.”

Delise was telling them, he would be joining them. Her brother was NOT going to be with Sobie so he was free for the evening. They would definitely have a lot of fun.

Mezza, had watched Ocasa, as he sipped his Frubu, put it down. Delise too, was now looking for a response. “OK, the more I guess the merrier.”

THEY were delighted. Finishing their Frubu they stood up leaned in and in turn, kissed him on the forehead. He was going bright red. Delise was teasing him.

“See, I told you, he has this perversion for twins! “ More laughter as they left. They, had to make sure, they had no competition from the Sephren twins.

The appearance of the Kephlar Twins? Ocasa had been very close to them. NOT physically but work wise they had shared some knowledge on physics.

Surprised, as to how knowledgeable they were. Beauty and brains. Stunning and a total raging inferno, when it came to his hormones.

He, had been, somewhat distracted, by and no male in their right mind would not be; the way they dressed, NOT leaving much, to the imagination. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Some twins, were independant thinkers.
Close yes, but a mind of their own, whereas these two? Like an echo their actions, thoughts mimicked each other to perfection.

“You are going to the concert ? “ He nodded.
“Good we will see you there. Drinks are on US!
Oh and that little project?

Thanks to your suggestion, it worked ! So we owe you! “ With that they turned and left him.

“I like him, I really like him sis. Were we not, bonded to others by our Parentia, he would definitely be in my sights.” 

“Fendiq, his sisters are Haphketsut Princesses?”  “
 A definite bonus if you want to negotiate, a second choice option.”

For Ocasa, still taking a little while to recover. They always left his primitive urges, raging, long after they had left him. Sobie! It was so difficult, to keep his promise to her, with all of these stunning females !!

The arrival, of Doona and Celia, helped restore some sanity AND calm his puberty in crisis.
“Why is he so flustered?” Celia watched Ocasa fetching drinks. She had offered only to be told to sit!

Cxan was smirking. “Come on! “ “Well the Sephren twins asked him to take them to the concert. THEN just now, before you lot arrived? The Ezza twins. You know Mezza and Tezza? “
She nodded. “The Keplar twins?” “No, not familiar though I think, I have seen Ocasa with them.”

“Zoi and Zoz.” “Ah yes. Whoa I think those two are well out of my brothers reach. Expensive tastes both of them. I hear, they want, they get. At least there is some consolation in Ocasa not being in their sights. Would be crazy for him to have any free will with those two.”

“Has he got a thing re Twins? “ Doona was now looking over to Ocasa. “He told me he likes Juan, loves how feminine she is and, vulnerable, he always wants to coddle her.

He does get on well with Nian. Ameryst and her, sometimes work out together, general exercises. Running and light sport.

They have, spent the night together, at his domicile with Becci and Delise. They shared his.”
 He was about to say recline, when he had to smirk, shook his head.

“He, slept in Ameryst’s part, of the domicile and they, had his part to use. Not too much of a squeeze. At least he told me, they don’t snore. Delise however! “

“Yes she snores!” Ocasa passed around the drinks. “Sometimes, its like a desire on her part, to wake the dead. Papa, always laughed, when I told him how bad she could be.

They, had her checked over, appparently, it was nothing to worry about. When her gems, develop more, she will probably lose that.

Of course, when that happens, I won’t be having a go at her even if she continues to snore.
I have no desire to feel the effects of her using them however mlld.”

Setj and Kejc? Both TWINS, but male and female. NOT stopping for long bar to check they were going to the concert?

As they, were regular friends, they would be there. Join them? They would be delighted. Ocasa was more than aware of Setj

She was so dammed hot, not only in how, she dressed, but how she spoke, her accent sent his hormones begging for mercy. Close to her brother and, making it clear NO other male had her interest, BUT! she could be naughty in teasing and, Ocasa had on more than one occasion, been on the receiving end of that! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

That closeness, her chest shoved against his neck, his head pulled back into the folds of her more than ample !

The heat of the moment. the raw sensation of her naked skin next to him sent his body temperature through the roof.

A spiraling fever? Ah, that was where the term truly came into its own, she would whisper to him and NOT being coy about it.

 A TEASE a full on TEASE!  Run her hands through his hair, squeeze his shoulders. Softly and only he, could hear her obscenities?

Wash her mouth out? WHOA she was so graphic it would leave him quivering for hours later.

Sobie? She could be, almost as graphic, BUT Setj? Knew things he was sure, he would never hear from Sobie. Setj loved teasing him.

She, knew, of Sobie and, the promise, he had made?
 SetJ loved her brother with another almost obsessive passion. They were INSPEPARABLE

Celia like Kejc, he had a crazy sense of humour. Almost as bad as hers at times. She was looking forward  to the concert. Setj had started to move towards Ocasa as her brother grabbed her hand and dragged her away. NOT without her eyes resting on his, whilst she  licked her lips?

Cxan had to leave them. Anora was expecting him and whilst he did not always ‘obey’ her he did have good reasons for not doing so and now was not one of them.

Celia and Doona, now left them and headed out with him. Coming in past them  as they momentarily stopped to exchange a few words of greeting?

Torvan, Edram and Becci. Uanita in tow AND Cxan looked over to Ocasa to grin.
The ‘Libre twins’. Fun loving and definitely the ones in charge of any given situation.

Even he had to feel the sweat. What they were wearing was tight fitting, revealing and already had a lot of males eyes on them.  Not much left to the imagination.

Cxan, leaned in close to Penzi, to whisper to her.
She stepped back, as he nodded, a smile forming across her lips?  Making her sister, now aware of what he had just said? She too now, started to grin.

“You did didn’t you?! “ Doona looked at Cxan, “Could not resist it. Those two? Whoa, they both leave yo,u feeling like, you are in a whirlwind.

Every time, I see them, they are wearing something like today, that gets me slapped by Anora, if she sees me looking. It’s like they go out of their way to make life hell for some of us!

They are both Katsu Ju trained fighters. They can take on most guys with ease and, beat them down. Fans of Ameryst, they can wear what they like and, have the guys drooling, but touch.
Look maybe, but touch?

NOOO way if you want to live. I saw them once in a tag competition. They slaughtered their opponents. One is bad, two is lethal. Damm, if, Anora finds out I’ve seen them, I am going to get slapped! “

Torvan,  Edram and Becci, with Uanita? Torvan and Edram took the orders for drinks and moved over to the bar. “We’re all sorted for the Concert.”  Becci smiled. I’m glad that we are going together.”

“Oh good.” “Sis!” Soniette ? She took Ocasa to one side. “Mama wants a favour from us.
Have you still got extra tickets?” He nodded. “Three? I need three.”  He leaned in and took out three tickets passing them to her.

She handed them back to him. Uhh? “YOU must NOT let go of them. Mama, will be really upset, if you do not, keep them, for the day of the concert.”

He, was looking puzzled, but made it clear, he would keep his word, especially for Mama.
“Three, will be joining you, just before the event,. Mama has made a promise

YOU, note YOU, will look after them.” “Well so long as they are not TWINS.” 
He growled. “No definitely NO twins.” He sighed with what appeared to be some relief.

Uanita shifted close to Soniette explaining about the ‘Twin dilemma’. She was  laughing.
The Sephren twins, the Ezza twins?” Uanita nodded. “Both of them, want Ocasa, to take them to the concert. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

NOT, that he has much choice. They are all our friends, so they will be joining us on the night of the concert.” 

“Well, he, will have his hands full, re that lot.” Soniette, was laughing AGAIN!  Ocasa was not amused.

“Never mind bro, I will be there to help you out. “ “I can see that happening.” Uanita was shaking her head.

”YOU with YOUR harem, your stalkers!” Torvan would get mad at her calling them that,

“He is, worse than Ocasa sometimes! At least O has some feelings.. some warmth.
Cold as ice is your nickname.

Don’t talk to me, about you, Edram and Kejc.. Mama would be wupping your backside, if she found out what you two get up to. “

“What females? “ “NO” Tampering with the Ejits.” “Poly morphic assembly ots.” “UHH? “
“Hell Becs you can be an ‘ejit’  yourself sometimes.”

Uanita, picked up her shelde, showed her some pictures. “Oh those! Female or male bots for instruction, training, guidance.” “Damm those males look hot.”

“Well this, is one of the females, AFTER Torvan, Ketji and Edram; have been making illicit modifications. Not content, after their modifying that ‘fembot’, and, terrifying Ocasa, even Papa, had to admit, their workmanship, was really good. Hell that one looks just like Setj, have hers gotten bigger? ”

Torvan looked at Edram a smirk across his lips. Edram had the same look on his face after they had released the moridified fembot on Ocasa? ‘If only he knew,  that Setj ealier was a modified.
So far, it had fooled everyone.

Steering it away from Ocasa, the thermal inductors, were not working properly, thus, IF it had done what Setj normally did, Ocasa, would have realised, it was COLD, not the normal, hot hot HOTTIE, he had come to know as the REAL Setj! However, the night of the concert, would be, its real test.

“Whoa! “ Beci grinned. “Wonder what they could achieve re some of the males.” BECCCIE !  “They were forced to some punishment back then, I wonder what Corky would say to this latest piece of 1 Yeah that definitely looks like Setji, little bigger on top but!  “

“Anyway I can’t, be with you for the evening of the concert. You know, I can’t, don’t you? “
Uhh? Soniette smiled.  “La Toyah, Margise and Yoyo, have me on security detail. Corky is staying out of it.

All together I think, there are about thirty of us. We will be, acting, as arbitrators, should the need arise.” “Pen, Ze! “ Uanita giggled, she was now beckoned them to sit.  Torvan, was quick to offer to fetch them drinks. He liked Penzi. Something, she WAS, aware of.

“Thanks Tor, we’ll have our usual
‘Green fury’.” (A health cocktail of various vegetables as we would know them with a stabiliser additive to allow slow absorption of the contents.) NOT cheap, but Torvan, was not the least bit concerned re that.

“I hear YOU Oki (Ocasa) have, a lusting for TWINS. “
Uanita now fell about laughing. HE was NOT amused. “So what is the count so far?” Zen looked at Uanita.

Ezza Twins, Mezza and Tezza. -Sephren twins Nian and Juan - Keplar twins, Zoi and Zoz? -
You two?” Oh, yes, Tor got us the tickets. So we will definitely be in your party Nita.”

Leaning back, as Tor arrived to hand them their ‘shakes’ they did not see Ocasa MUTTER under his breath, MORE TWINS! How come he had suddenly realized there were so many of them?

NOT clones either. IF they had been clones he could understand but none of this lot were.
He was familiar with them mostly because of their closeness with Ameryst. Even to the point, on some occasions, being persuaded, by her to join them. NOT that often!

They were to him, like old Human(a) prize fighters. Damm they could swing a punch. They insisted, he wore a protective helmet and other gear, as they would NOT, be sparing in their sparring with him.

Having learned, one or two tricks from his sister, he had managed to dodge most of their punches bar the final two. OUT cold and they at first had been somewhat concerned. A mediscent had given him a jolt to bring him back to reality. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

NO damage, no long term lasting effects bar his jaw! Bruised? Treated but still the sensation of being hit by Penzi’s fist followed, in quick succession, by Zenzi’s? He had called it a ‘FOUL’. THEY were being unfair.

Storming off NOT amused. Ameryst had followed him to sit and sip a drink with him. Listening to him berate them? She had smiled. She loved him deeply,
BUT he could he a little reckless sometimes.
Pride, vanity?!

HE, did NOT venture another bout with them.
Penzi liked him, she did try to apologise for the fact, that they had BOTH hit him, simultaneously; out of habit. NOT intentional on their part.

The sight of the ‘Haph twins?’ Direct cousins as one might say of Delise and those from Cistera’s family? Thus, there was, NO lusting on the part of Ocasa re them, BUT! They too, could be dressed to the point of driving his senses to the point of insanity.

Uanita had nudged Becci.

“Wait for it.. you know what is going to happen now.. “

She looked at Penzi and Zenzi.

 “Whatever happens DO NOTHING, even if she ...









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