Aboard the Ket transporters, the noise died away, hardly a sound. Fear? They watched, listened, said nothing. The enemy vessels moved again, this time blocked by the Canderi, they started to pound its defenses.
Hawker knew, even with help from Tila targetting one of them, it would not be long, before they would break his arrays power thresholds. As they had done with the Pagallion.
If he had pondered, upon reasons why they had not simply used the high yield energy devices against him? That they obviously had as weapons, he sensed that they were enjoying beating down their enemy.
They must have relished their first kill, decided they were not in any rush! Savoring the moment? Becci had returned to concentrate on contacting her mother. She must try and reach her! It was then that Captain Nielstrom, took her hand. Suddenly Becci felt a flush of power across her synaptics. Her thoughts were boosted ! She could feel the rush across her senses.
The Raptor, had been the last vessel to unload Kets. A Mobilien 'A' class battle cruiser. Secretly fitted with weapons and technologies that went, way beyond Galacia Federa knowledge.
IT had originally belonged to Nathan. When Cistera had arrived, it had been designated, the Fendiq flagship.
Becci, along with the other Kets, had been watching the fight in progress, her gems had started to glow. If the Aliens attempted to board the Ket transporter, Becci knew, she could protect herself and the Kets.
However, outside in space? Others were linking with them, known as. Ishaui Kets who had mental powers including telepathic. They could look into things simply using thought processes and track faults, rewrite code at astonishing speeds.
They, had glanced at her, linking hands in a line to her. A phenomenal boost to their power. Unknown to her; her gemstones had a unique frequency harmonic.
Her thoughts, coupled with the energy from others, were now being resonated by them, to such an extent, what she was trying to achieve was not beyond reason. 
Aboard Raptor, Cistera suddenly stumbled forward as he gems started to glow? She felt the surge of energy wash over her consciousness.
All was not well with those she had left behind at the satellite?She screamed at Nathan to turn Raptor around and head back.
“There’s something wrong!“ They tried contacting the satellite and when coms eventually got through, they discovered the truth. This was the first time that he had had the opportunity to use the Blackfold adaptation unit.
In front of them a figure. A female? Kaho from the Jade Imperium. You msut return to the satellite. Use the rift device
They were a race beyond all compehension so why, did they need Nathan and Raptor? They had simplets Kets who were deliberately without all of the power, what made a Jade !
They had no desire to interfere with the Simplets Kets. Power must be learned, must be seen in action by the weakest to illustrate that working together ? What can’t be achieved! Power is unified strength.
I have informed the Li Nia. They too will be with you shortly after you complete your mission.
I have already put in place the co ordinates for the journey. Do NOT remove the device now installed ! She, was in communication with Lianne? Activate our rift device!
“Rift device activated.” The Jade Emperium ? Raptor was the closest to the satellite across a momentary rift in space? One step, two steps..
There was a ripple, forming ahead of them a fold in space, that allowed them, in almost an instance, to jump from one moment in time to another? Like steps, one, two; we are there.
The Canderi, had started to feel the first strikes, hitting home. Bulkheads started to creak and metal twist.
The Kets, were a mixture of apprehension of frustration, TERRIFIED? Knowing they could NOT do anything but watch the unfolding events. Tila was still managing to batter one of the hostiles.
Concentrating, their plasma cannons, on the one closest to the transporters. Their fire power had to be having some effect. Hawker was thankful for them being there.
Suddenly, one of the craft released another of the devices. Tila had seen it. He backed off at speed away from it as it continued to follow them out, locked onto his craft?
Vessa targeted the device. This held no surprises for her. Experienced from the journeys they had made carrying illegal cargo made her used to them being attacked.
It exploded, but the shock wave from the explosion, had damaged his craft. To go back into the fight would be foolhardy. He had no choice but to retreat. Hawker was on his own.
Some of them, who were experienced in battle strategies, already knew, the hostiles were winning. It was painful, “Two on one!“ Ocasa looked at Becci “This, should never have happened! They never stood a chance. If only Corky and Papa were here.“
The Canderi, was now seriously in trouble, array strength tapped and decreasing rapidly, Hawker was unsure as to how much longer they could hold on.
Perhaps, he could lure the vessels out, away from the transporters, to at least give them a chance to slip past, escape away to the planet. For a few minutes, they followed him.
One, of the ‘Enemy Alien’ vessels, must have realized what was happening and broke off the attack on the Canderi. seizing upon the breach in the defences, it moved towards the transporters.
The transporters had been fitted with a light weapon array. None of the crew knew how to use it. No reason until now to dwell upon such.
They were not, battle cruisers or designed to be opponents to M class warships. The captains watched as the huge expanse of the ‘Alien’ ship got closer and closer. A stark realisation that any time soon it would pick them off like ducks in a shooting gallery.
Suddenly, like taking a length of carpet and unrolling it in front of you? A flicker within the shadows? It took some a little while to register, as its shape moved out of the dark jet blackness of space at speed.