Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Nathan, had indeed, taken Ocasa to talk to him. He was sat in the shaker, which was almost empty. They were sat to one side in a reserved area, so he could talk to him, uninterrupted.

"I know, we've all one way or another, been through a lot and you know, from what you've been told, about your family history. Events that brought terror and so much horror to your people.

Things like that, tend to make us bitter, because we feel, those responsible, are still getting away, with the crimes they committed?”

Ocasa sipped his drink, about to say something as Nathan interrupted him.
"Hear me out, Ocasa?" He nodded. "When Princess Isabellani, executed Princess Hellenia's mother and broadcast it, across the networks.

Princess Hellenia, totally lost it! The pain, the anger, the rage?” He poured himself some water then winced as Ocasa grinned?

"I think I'll get myself some ale." He stepped over to the bar, grabbed a bottle, opened it and poured it, to sip at it.

"Much better. Now where was I." Moving back to face Ocasa, he sat down. “She destroyed a whole planet. Millions died. Some of them her OWN enslaved people, and those who were just ordinary people, who never hurt anyone in their lives?

Kets, Kevletlings ( babies) all gone. Executed thanks to her desire for revenge. Blinded by that moment of total rage. Even if she executed Isabellani’s father in the process, does it still  excuse her, for what she did, to so many innocents?

I know, it was a turning point, yes, it made us free of the Jogarth, but it still makes me shiver, to think of a whole planet, decimated. A WHOLE PLANET, that will be uninhabitable for how long?

In her own way, she had reasons enough, but it still scares me, because she gave others, the excuse to do the same, should the occasion arise. If she got away with it, does that stop others who may think, they can too?"

That weapon, modified from a terra forming device or devices? Who else could also modify and use them? You know we have on Raptor, some of the most advanced weapons in existence.

YET I would NEVER use them, without regretting having to do so!  They are there as a warning, a deterrent!  I will only use them IF we are in a situation where we have NO choice but to.

Why you, haven’t witnessed the full on power they can yield.
Your mama can tell you how terrifying that is!  Your mama and the gems is something I have witnessed exacting punishment and believe me Ocasa, I was terrified at how powerful such a weapon is.

Your sisters have the gem implants! “ He started to grin. “If I was you, hmm, I would be trying NOT to upset ?!! “ Ocasa stopped sipping his drink then started to grin? “ He was now starting to laugh.

Kieran, who ran the bar they were in, came into the shaker, looked over to them. "I see you have drinks, I'm opening up in ten. Some refreshments?”

Nathan was about to refuse, when Ocasa turned looked over at him and nodded "Don't know bout Papa but I sure am hungry!  A female appeared as a hatchway sild open.

Sobella. She waved to Ocasa, who waved back, then quickly stopped, realizing Nathan, was watching him and grinning? "Why I do believe, you have a soft spot for Sobie.”
Ocasa went a darker color.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about, I’ve been hearing good things about her from Kieran..” Nathan grinned, as Sobie now approached them, with items of food. She bowed to Nathan,
“Good day my Ka.” “Good day to you Sobie.”

Turning to Ocasa. "Nothing special, but I prepared this earlier. I knew, you would be coming to see me, before you leave? Anything else I can get you, just shout."

Leaving them, he grabbed some food and started eating. Trying to shift Nathan’s eyes off the departing Sobie. "Trime from Bexes (Agrimorph) told me, what they did to her and her family."

Nathan, had taken some of the food. "That does look good. I never get sauce with mine.“ “Wouldn't eat it without it, Sobie knows I wouldn't." His voice tailed off. Nathan stopped eating, then looked over to see Sobie blowing Ocasa a kiss?! He grinned.

"So, Luka tells me, you had a go at Margise?" Ocasa stopped eating, didn't say or do anything for a moment. It appeared to be annoying him that he was now having to justify his actions earlier?

“I did try papa to apologize later to her, but she wouldn't let me and Becci was really angry, she almost, thumped me. Margise dragged her away, so I did try Papa.”

"Oh well, that saves me time on that. It’s up to you though, to do it somehow. He grinned. "Still she couldn't have been too mad with you, or Becci would definitely have slugged you one." Ocasa laughed. “Lucky for you that Ameryst really loves you, would always stick up for you.”

"It did occur to me, she might, but funny you say that Papa, she didn't. It was almost as though, Margise knew, I ‘ve been stressed out recently and, part of that is I suppose, going to;  the Akademy?” He glanced in the direction of Sobie wiping down surfaces in the bar.

“Margise doesn't know it was a Fendiq male, who sold Amiras mother, to the Irowq, so keep that to yourself, but I think we owe her and her father?" Ocasa nodded. So that, was why Amira had a step mother!

“Tovinak, still blames himself for not having protected her! SO yes, he can get a little uptight on occasion. He has admitted he loves Amira but everytime he sees her he is reminded of her mother.

The bruising, is NOT from Tovinak! Luka told me her step mother has a temper on her and she does NOT like Amira being around?!

Even I, Ocasa, have moments, when I feel anger, rage, hatred. But it should be, at those who ARE responsible, not those who are their Kets, or innocents, who know nothing, or have done nothing, to warrant that rage?

Knowing, when to let go, to vent our rage and knowing when to keep quiet, to be tolerant, is harder believe me, than just lashing out. It is, what makes us, in the long term, far more mature, in ourselves and to others.

Don't think everyone, is going to expect you, to love everyone, all of the time.“ Nathan looked over to the bar where Sobie was still glancing across at Ocasa. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Sobella

"I think Sobie might not like that." He was finding it hard NOT to grin. Ocasa glanced around, smiled back at her, then turned back, to nudge Nathan.

"Papa.” Nathan ignored his pleas.
"I think maybe you might like to take time out with her. She seems very keen on you." Nathan stood up.

“I’m going, to have a word with Kieran, I’ll be back.’ He moved over to the bar area, past Sobie. She was now talking to Ocasa. Nathan was in conversation with Kieran.

Minutes later, he left him as he moved back to Ocasa. Excusing herself, she went back to the bar, Nathan passed Ocasa some Drax coins.

“Kieran is letting Sobie off for the evening. You have a little while, before we leave. Buy her something nice;  take her somewhere nice. Don't tell any of the others, but you can use the Roua suite on deck 3. I’ll have Lianne make sure it is NOT occupied for the next 24 hours.

Behave yourself? “ From what Kieran had told him, Sobella was a ‘celebare’ so Ocasa would have to behave himself, re his urges BUT, he suspected that Ocasa was, surprisingly, so Kieran had told him, respectful towards Sobie. He treated her like a Princess..









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