Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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ONICA Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

The Akademy planet. Full rotation of the planet around its sun takes approx 410 days. Onica has FIVE seasons!

Each season, lasts approx 85 days and are marked by changes in the Sun’s position and height in the sky!

There are NO, magnetic fields, like we have on EARTH (Human[a}.

The defence grid indirectly protects  Onica from asteroids, space debris, comets and of course to block  uninvited guests.

From the satellite (Sibellius)
to Onica and the outer grid, takes about 12 hours (Eath time).

KEIS is its MOON oribitng Onica on an an elliptical orbit . An oval-shaped path, like a slightly elongated circle. This is due to the gravitational interactions among the Sun, planets, and other celestial bodies that move in elliptical paths. The moon takes 50 rotims (180 Eath days) to move around Onica. As it does so Keis slowly  rotates on its own axis, causing the top to end up at the bottom every 24 rotims (90 earth days APPROX!)

Keis is forbidden to outsiders and, the Kets. It is only accessible by those authorised to do so AND the Li Nie 7th generation, have a large installation, protected by force fields. Power units and control modules for the grid defences.

The TIGRON and Esim worlds, are open to the Akademy Kets, who can take, approved trips, from Onica to their planets etc ONLY selected Kets are permitted and for good reason. Those who would be high risk targets, bounty hunters and would be assassins?  DO not get to travel out of Onica.

Kets, may still buy goods etc BUT the planets will deliver to SIbellius, at the assigned docking areas OR IF a vessel from the Akademy is available after Kets have gone shopping / sight seeing. 

Onica has a large number of shopping facilities including what we would call cafes, bars and restaurants. Entertainment is also available at certain arenas. During the spring and summer sometimes the autumn

FIRMVAON (Spring) AMAVA (Early summer) AMAVA’HALA (Summer) AMAVA’VALA (Late summer),

Clothing and other items including toiletries etc are generally provided by the Akademy. HOWEVER the Kets can, with approval, buy and wear ‘casual clothing. Each group of 12 Kets has two goup leades (male / females (though that is subect to some comprolmise as we will see later)r who is nominated to

More intimate items can also be acquired from the FemGoks who will NOT reveal any personal information, on any purchases made by their ‘customers’. The FemGoks are provided by the mercants federation on Sibellius. FREE. NO charges for using them.

Specialised items for aSepts etc or other races allergies, necessities re medical health and wellbeing ae provided by the ‘MED SENTIENTS’  also known as MedGoks though they are generally far more advanced IA wise than those!

Advanced, AI, medical,health and other aspects of well being re the Kets is constantly monitored by systems within the entire Akademy. If they decide to immobilise you they will!

That can also happen if unwanted advances occur OR a threat is neutralised. Surprisingly rare.  Illegal acts? The punishments for those, is decided by the Kets themselves, through a committee, made up, from those nominated, by the Kets.

It does not matter, what RACE, COLOUR, CREED, you are. Rules and regulations apply equally. Break them and try using any of those as an excuse? NOT GOOD.

NOR can you use, the excuse more than twice, that something you did that offended another Ket and they complain ? was because you were unaware that what you were doing or saying would cause offence etc

The Omnicons are constantly monitoring Kets and if you do something illegal? Your ‘elders’ will know! Again NOT GOOD!Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

The Kebears are Kets / KEVLETLINGS; who are deemed babies by the Akademy. YES there are a number of them ! They are easily recognisable by the emblem on their clothing !

That ‘emblem’ contains devices that monitor them, protect them and act as locators. You can’t lose a K’bear !  Any Kevletling younger than 3t (6 Earth years) will NOT be found within the K’Bears!

The older Kets, are NOT responsible for, in any way shape or form for the K’Bears. Socially, mentally, heath wise; NO. HOWEVER a Ket may nominate a K’Bear as adopted by them subject to that being approved.

K’bears, are NOT allowed, in the main Ket residences ONLY their own approved areas. The Akademy can refuse an adoption without giving a reason or reasons why!

The Kets, were being advised of approach into the ‘Grid; area and beyond that could be seen  as they stared out of the windows? Onica. Time Ocasa  thought to freshen up as he made his way to  Haszof room, bit like a washroom.

As he turned the corner, into a short corridor, he could hear the muffled sounds of? He peered into the semi darkness of a small ecline (cupboard recess) to see a?! A K’bear! Tiny in size and in tears, shaking?

He knelt down and it now stopped sobbing, wiping its eyes,  to look at him. “I’m Ocasa.” The K’bear said nothing as Colfra pulled out a lo’stick lolly) and handed it to the Kevletling.

A tiny hand, reaching out to take hold of it, still slightly trembling as Ocasa continued talkng softly, asking if it would like some help.
Sipping on the lo’stick he finally coaxed it out of the ecline and managed to get it to stand up next to him, when a Femni Gok suddenly appeared.

“There you are.”  or words to that effect. Femni Goks have NO emotive senses or responses, the term EMPATHIC, does NOT apply to a GOK!  Thus they can, sound a little harsh at times. The K’bear was now gripping tightly Ocasa’s hand, shaking with fear?

Of course, we know don’t we, the trick that had been played the time Ocasa had stepped out of the refresh unit to find himself facing a disrobing Femni??

Thus, whenever he saw one of them, the sight of what had been forever etched into his mind was repeated every time he saw one of those things, however basic in comparison this was it still triggered his fury.

Seeing and feeling the K’bear’s sense of fear, he decided he would NOT allow the Femni Gok to remain. It said nothing, looking at him and then at the K’bear. “I have to recover and return this Ket to ..” Before it finished Ocasa spoke a few words overriding its commands, dismissing it.

Some noticeable relief, on the part of the K’bear? It had stopped shaking and was now being lifted by Ocasa into his arms to rest its head against his shoulder. He was a little unsure what to do next when he saw.









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