Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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The Suzie concert venue was, finally being completed.
A pre comcert meet up at one of the Ovirs was now in progress. Chadren, had arranged to meet Sadowan, from the Vendarens. Much to the surprise of his friends.

“Are they into Suzie then? “ Poppy smiled. “I like you Chadren You saw them, when they were in their Vestige? I hear you protected them?” He nodded.

“So I guess, you are just curious to know, how they dress, when they are NOT in that? More casual, if such exists, re the Vendaren.? “

Poppy was dressed, in what they called Renais. Old world, almost antique clothing. She looked stunning in it. NOT necessarily, the type of clothing, a fan would wear re Suzie BUT ! “Your style as always Pops, is looking really good on you.” Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“I gather, you’ve been talking on Tmail, to who is it?” “Sadowan.” “So they usually, are in two’s am I right?” “Depends on their class structure. They have an hierarchy, just like most of us do. They are what we would call in twos, ‘domins’.

They don’t have parentia. they have ‘Seerelites’ like bosses, but far more formal. They teach them chemistry, sciences, genetics. Hence a full understanding of the ‘clossistrial’ fluids.”

“Doesn’t that creep you out?” Chadren shook his head. grinned. “So long as they have no intentions of putting that into me.. “ He grinned again.. “They can do anything else involving fluids.”

Poppy now shook her head. “Typical male! Though I think, you’ll struggle there! NOT, that we, know anything, about them, re mating rituals or ! Nor I think, we can expect them, to be wearing, anything stylish; so don’t get your hopes up! “

Her voice died away as her head moved to see two figures enter the ovir and, a distinct murmur, across the lips of those present? There was, some good reason for that.

They appeared, a little way from them, one of them raising her hand to wave at Chadren.

Closer to them, Poppy gasped. Not that Chadren was anything but speechless as he mumbled; yes mumbled incoherently!

They sat down, as Poppy, volunteered to get them all some Frubu washes. Jaxfruit is a strange mix of what we would know as tropical flavours.

Very sweet and also. well liked! Meladi preferred the Wubu a kind of melon drink with a dash of ginger.

Meladi had glanced at Sadowan to grin. She turned back to Chadren. “Thankyou for looking out for us that time.

 I know, we haven’t been able, to talk since with all of the ‘Group’ assignments and other introductions including fitting for out Vestiges.

Do relax. when we have freedom as we have now, we do FEEL emotions, our senses are not as controlled ! Look we can even smile! “ Chadren now grinned with them. “Who is your, friend?”
“Oh sorry, forgot to introduce you.” He paused as Poppy now arrived to hand them drinks. “This is an old friend; Poppy.”

“Nice to meet you, I believe is the right term. Don’t worry we won’t be sat calculating how much closisstrial fluid we will need for you! “ Chadren started laughing, that dying away as Meladi added. “Well not just yet.” Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

She looked at Sadowan and they burst out laughing. “We, were under the impression, that there was such a thing as a sense of, what is it they call it; humour.”

A little while later, they were laughing again. Much more relaxed, with others watching somehat bemused, NOT amused or simply dumbfounded, at seeing the ‘Vendaren females’ as they were?

Two females approached them, to pause nervously before asking them? “They’re Suzie Renais costumes arn’t they!!” They nodded. They looked at Poppy, it appeared they knew her?
“We can’t afford them.

They cost almost twice, what we paid for our Doso (second hand) ones and, the one’s you have are exclusives, limited editions. We can’t even get those.”

Meladi looked at Sadowan and, then at the two females. Come and see us, after the concert! You can have these. We DON’T keep things like these, they don’t have any long term meaning to us.

Our ‘Seerelites’ got them for us as gifts, a special treat for the concert to show others that we are NOT quite as they expect us to be. Though Sadowan, wore hers for Chadren. I don’t know if Chadren, will allow her, to let it go BUT! ”

They looked at him almost pleading? “Come and talk to us later!” With that they left them. Poppy left with them as Meladi stepped up to the bar to get some more drinks.

Sadowan, leaned in close to Chadren, to whisper? “This, is a small sample, of what I have on offer for YOUR pleasure. While I am at the Akademy I have some freedom, providing I do nothing, to get me kicked out of the Akademy; a LOT of freedom.

Much of that, I want to share with YOU. I like your physique, your beauty, your stamina and, how you look out for me. Don’t think that we did not know about the incident with the Orgom.

Big ugly and yet, you stood up to him defending us again. That I will not forget. I do expect for you to take us to the concert, Well me. Meladi is going with Ortora. Which means we will be on our own. I expect you to treat me as YOUR female. This ‘Ketlet’ is YOURS.”









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