Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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 Nasfrioki (Naias Spize - Tigron worlds) Ah where ‘Yoyo’ hails from. Not related BUT still from a family she knows. A total nut case when it comes to anything  mechanical, fluids, hydraulics and more. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

An ace at the skills she possesses re those! Fast, accurate, diagnostically brillant when it comes to finding FAULTS ! 

The guys, love her, as she has a bubbly, sometimes over the top but still loveable personality. Quick retorts, that leave the ones, who seek to make fun of her?

The one who is so crazy, when it comes to her fault finding skills, her abilities to repair, replace faster than any of them! Left, looking rather silly!  Yoyo was there to greet her

Pleased to see Margise.

Moodo? Corky had asked her to make sure that she could settle her in? She would probably be feeling a little lost?  Sponsored by the Su Ran Cybernetics division after she had floored them with her astonishing test results?

That, unknown to her, had come about, after a visit to a friend of his;  Corky, had found him staring at a comscreen.  “Look at this Corks. See how dammed fast she is AND how talented! Fault diagnosis, repair second nature to her.

She expects to be paid a nominal sum, for the work she is doing when it would normally, have cost me at least five times that!  I have to pay her that Corks, I’d be genuinely upset; NOT to.

When I think, of some of the lazy ones who are attending the Kets Akademy and getting all that training, knowledge provided for them that they waste? Simply because their parentia can afford to let them? I can’t afford to sponsor her and I’m getting too old now.”

It, had stuck in Corky’s mind, to have a word with Nathan.
They could have sponsored her, sent her with their Kets BUT, he, told him to have a word with Noge?

Letting him, view the recording, of her in action, he too had been well impressed. “Hell, if it does not remind me, of Nathan the first time we put those GOKS together. Cybenetic skills, are really good. Would be a shame to let her talents go to waste.”

What to do? Noge had told him what NOT to do. “She will NOT like being GIVEN help. She has to EARN it. The Su Ran cybernetics division are touting recruits.

She is young, so they will send her to the Akademy for probably two years. All paid for. In the meantime leave it with me. DO NOTHING! “

Noge, had been very crafty. Sending her the trial and assessment documentation in such a way he knew would have her hooked on trying out. A challenge, was something he knew she loved.
No pressure, win or lose, was she up to it?

ALL and he meant ALL, of the equipment she would need would be provided for her. A little while later, she received it. NO cost to her, NO return of it ! When she first saw it, she felt tears coming to her eyes.

Not second hand, not used or premium, but the best quality gear. Absolutely everything, she woud need AND a shelde with the details of what to expect, what they would want her to do and so much more, to help her. The rest, was up to her !

Canderis, was a mole, employed by Noge, to keep an eye on her for the hours of the intensive at time tests. Practical, theory and more. She would NOT know the results straight away.

NOR, did Noge influence, in any way, on that day, the outcome of her test results. THEY spoke for themselves. Canderis of course knew from those carrying out the tests.

“She astonished them ! Wiped out the competition and some of them, had far more experience than her. Professional qualifications but lacked the intuitive skills she has. It all comes so natural to her! “.

So here she was, Su Ran cybernetics, could NOT, employ her. She was too young. Tears forming, disappointment? Until Canderis leaned in to pass her a shelde.On it was the decision they had made, all she had to do was to say yes and ! 

She had, to attend the Akademy. ALL her costs, expenses and more would be paid including a salary that turned out to be an eye watering figure. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Her family, would also receive a substantial gratuity payment for signing away their parentia rights. So she was NOT to feel guilty about being away from them. They would be receiving a regular stipend. Canderis would be her apppinted ‘Guardian’. Available to her at any time in the future.

She had been updated by Noge on the assignment of Corky to the Akademy. He and it would appear, Margise; would look after her.

Thus here she was. Or they were. Moodo Nasfrioki. Well, if they could both stop the two of them, from their what would seem to be non stop babble?

Same interests, skills, abilities and ?! Yoyo had stared at them both before looking at Margise equally bemused or?

A momentary pause, mostly for both of them to catch their breath?
Yoyo taking them into a domicile. “Right you two, we have set it up for you both. Any questions then you know where to find us. OH and we left you some drinks and snacks.”

With that, they left them, hearing the burst of conversation now resuming. “Whoa !! I think those two are about to become ‘sisters’.” More grins from Yoyo. She knew Nasfroki and her family.

Quick to reassure, IF Margise needed it, that she would take care of her new domicle companion. Moodo. would be well looked after.  Still ! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“Did you see how they looked so dammed like twins!  Nas is a little older and I think dumpier, but same height! Almost the same clothing! Can’t wait to see them in a Visage! We need to La Toyah to make sure they are in the same ‘group’.”

Four of then sharing a domicile? Two other females appeared. To welcome them both, make sure, they had their passes and other necessary essentials sorted, before they left them,

OObie and OObieD were 2nd year Aka and were thus, not answerable to them. They did tell them a few as they put it, ground rules and left. NO boyfriends, NO parties, NO !!!!

They had no real worries re that. Their new companions were into their own life stories.Family and friends plus establishing the updates to their Sheldes.

continued next page

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy










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