Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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The last Kets, disappeared in the distance, as Hoki flew out, then dropped to the ground, to walk a little. Suddenly aware, of a Ket behind her? She turned to see, what was a female Ket, staring down at her. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

They, didn’t say anything, simply looked at each other, both of them with a surprised look on their faces? Hoki was more than puzzled, maybe some fear? NORMALLY, others could NOT see her; FACT.

THUS this KET? HOW? She was, it could be said, by all appearances, more than a little nervous. She could fly off, BUT, CURIOSITY, coming to the fore, stopped her?

Caught unawares by? Heliera smiled “You are a Simeron aren’t you?” Hoki was still uneasy, mentally trying to process questions, she currently, had no answers to.

“I’m Heliera. I’m lost! I need to be, at the Stratorium.“ She realized that she had not properly introduced herself.

“Hi, I’m Heliera, a ‘Haphketsut Impericus’, from the Galfren Worlds. Shada 40. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“You are right, I am a Simeron. My name is Hoki BUT! Can you tell me. HOW can YOU, see me! Kets normally can’t. Are you a 4th generation plus?”

Heliera was grinning. “4th generation, now I wonder, IF I would like that.” More grins. “I can see you because I am a Haphketsut, from what they call ‘Anka heritage. Cuhasneu Se Ku.’’

My family, is one of the oldest, in the Qiverse; I have, what is known as the ‘third eye’. The ability to see things, others cannot. Well I have; NOT all have it. NOR, do I normally, talk about it.”

Hoki nodded her head. “I, am always, wary of, my presence here. I love to wander, not being seen and being amused. Though sometimes,  I suspect, some, might be able, to see me, but choose to ignore me. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

My parentia, tell me, those above, what are known as 4th generation, can see us. BUT you are first one, that has stopped and talked to me.” She smiled.

Heliera shifted uneasy? “I have to leave Hoki, I am late and, have to still, find my way to the Stratorium.” Hoki moved to take her hand.

“Follow me, I know a short cut.” She arrived there and, with time, to spare. OK she had had,  to use a rough, uneven track, BUT it took a lot of time, off the journey.

“I could have used ‘shifting’ to take us, from earlier to here, BUT you might be too surprised and have some queasy after effects. The first time I did it, I was sick! She shifted close to Heliera.

“Can I see you again?” “I’d like that.“ Hoki, passed her, a little opaque, colored button.
“When, it glows green, you’ll know, I’m near.

The brighter it glows, the closer I am. When it flashes green I’m so close, we could touch each other; like this.” She stood back, as it glowed green, then flashed.

Hoki giggled, seconds later, she had vanished! Heliera opened the hatch and stepped inside the building. The button in the palm of her hand faded to its original opaque color of pale pink.

When, she finally arrived, in the main assembly area, any further thoughts of Hoki vanished.
Noisy Kets was an understatement, there was uproar in progress..

Voices and arguments? It was the arrival of Leyla, that made the whole room go quiet.
She moved around to the front of them. “Kets into your ‘Groups’.“  Movement, shifting, shuffling.

“Learn to work together, or LOSE credits. Simple as that. Learn to TOLERATE to APPRECIATE each other or LOSE, but in the end, it is your choice. She glanced at Illia. Was she getting the impression she was staring at her?

“Any attempts, to injure other Kets, to cause them to be injured, directly or indirectly, DELIBERATELY; or to do anything that is ILLEGAL?

Breaking or even manipulating, the rules, will see punishment, will even, see the risk of and take note, WILL, see  the expulsion of the offender.

“Kets, who get dismissed, from the Akademy, are NOT, at all favored by their parents. Your families your races your parents want you to WIN.

Who likes those, who are LAZY, who FLOUT the rules or who CHEAT, because they know, if theirs CHEAT or FLOUT the rules or are LAZY, others can be likewise. Would YOU, like to be losing, because of someone else not pulling their weight?

We, don’t pressurize, any of you, to LEARN and ADAPT. - IMPROVISE at your own pace, but if you are having problems TALK to your ’Group leaders.’ Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

They have the ‘MEDIATOR coGressor, to help answer most questions, sort most problems. Remember, the reason, for you being here, is to learn, about other races, cultures, history, past, present AND future possible outcomes.

Do take time out, to visit the various facilities here, especially the Galesia gardens. There are over 80 different gardens, with plants from other worlds.

It is a wise idea, to take someone from the world you plan to visit. That way, you, won’t end up, getting eaten, by any of them!" She started to smile. Doona nudged Celia “Do plants eat Kets.“

Ameryst, Delise and Becci, starting to giggle, overhearing him. “Don’t worry Doona. They’d probably want a meal, not a snack!” More giggles, even Ceila, starting to smile. “Don’t worry shrimp no one’s eating you !  We can offer it, one of those Joggies.”

Doona grinned. “Might not be such a good idea. Some things, it might find indigestible. Uggh can you imagine it puking up Joggies”. More laughter as Kets, turned, to hiss at them, to quieten down!  Margise had moved closer, scowling at them,  as they went quiet.

La Toyah now continued. “What I, am going to say NOW, I am NOT going to repeat. So listen ! Pay attention! WHOEVER you are, WHATEVER race you are from this applies and NO I repeat NO exceptions.

The Estuary is open to all. Swimming, sports, fishing, boating and more. At the end of it you will encounter WARNING SIGNS. A MONICON, MILITARY opticons patrolling beyond them. Trespass, ignore the warnings?

As far as you lot, are concerned, out of the question. You will receive a warning. IF, the MONICONS, see you taking note and retreating, YOU WILL NOT, be harmed.

However, if you still, ignore, then they will STUN you, immobilise you and, a team will be sent by us to recover your body. THAT, will be your last warning.

Break the rules again and, your next place, will be the Sibellius satellite, kicked off Onica for good; NO return. Parentia are NOT, liking their Kets, kicked out of the Akademy.

It IS, an accepted fact, across the Qiverse, that a Ket, who ends up, being kicked out by us, is NOT a favored Ket. They obviously can’t follow orders, accept discipline AND work with others as a ‘Group.’ 

YOUR ‘Group’, has, to be able to depend on you, your skills, your abilities, your emotional and physical presence, to pull as one; to WIN the challenges set before you.

YOU won’t always, get it right, won’t always win, will have arguments, disputes BUT! IF you take in your errors, your mistakes, LEARN and ADAPT; from those who KNOW and have the answers?

In all the time, I have existed here, I have seen some amazing changes in Kets. To the point, where so called enemies, become friends. Will join with them to fight off their enemies.

Share knowledge, experiences, learn and understand, that on your own, is sometimes NOT the best solution, to any problems, you may stumble across. BETANYBARTU300

Those closest to you, may offer up advice that others show is false. That they are looking after their own interests and NOT yours. Makes them rich whilst you remain poor?

Destroys friendships, or closeness, with their lies, their deceit? Often to keep YOU to themselves, because you are easy to manipulate, control. Why should YOU, go off and be happy, when they, are NOT?

NOW, amongst you all, are those who can TRANSFORM, ANIMORPHS, XENOPHOIDS and others SOME of you may come across. Whether in your ‘Groups’ or ! and here is a very relevant FACT.

There are those, who have already been here for over a ‘Yea’ or more! DO NOT be surprised to run into them, whilst using the Stratotorium and other Ult Realt systems.

DO remember, to give them, due respect! IF they offer you some advice, LISTEN! Sometimes, what they tell you they should NOT, be sharing with you, as it may give your ‘Group’ advantages.

HOWEVER, if you use that to benefit the ‘Group’ and it scores you extra credits.. YOU WILL NOT lose those credits! It is to encourage you all to LISTEN, LOOK, LEARN!

I had one set of Kets, from Fendiq and Bexes. Both with an intense dislike of each other. The female from Bexes was an ‘animorph’. When the Ket from Fendiq was being bullied, by a Xiajian and his cohorts?

Five of them against one? Which incidentally, bullying, carries the risk of expulsion! The female from Bexes approached them, to discover what was taking place?

More bullying and this time, aimed at her aswell. NOT such a good idea. The female from Fendiq, was trying t stop them, re their pushing around the Bexian?

Then it happened. A growing GROWL... They stared as the Bexian transformed into.. A BEAR. A huge and I mean HUGE BEAR.

Normally, they are NOT, allowed to do this, BUT, that does not and I repeat, does NOT apply, IF they are threatened by others. IT IS a provoked, natural response; so NOT punishable by us.

They ran for their lives. The Bear slowly dropped to  crumple, at the feet of the Fendiq female. Who saw, a slow, but what looked painful, transformation back to normal taking place.

She stroked the head, massaged some of its fur and soon the female form returned. Unfortunately NAKED. The clothing had been completely torn into shreds.

LUCKILY, they managed between them to restore a more clothed state. After that they became inseparable AND other Kets for some strange reason avoided them!

BUT ! Let us, talk about the STRATORIUM.









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