Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Strong, powerful, intuitive, organised. Unpredictable

Meladi - Hamika(Group leaders),

Cxan, Anora, Anaset, Cunnie, Uanita, Xijan and Keoi, Van Ea Inxius & Beteny, Soniette, Heliera.


Meladi - Hanika (Group leaders), Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Meladi is a Vendaren. Her skills lie in tactical and strategic.
She had been in battle with a force of over 300 Clonectics.
Two sub commanders and 4 ‘Fledglings’ Juniors in training.

A recognised, proven ‘Warrior class heirage’ with distinction and honours.  She wiped out an entire colony on Tegara AND took over a 1000 men women and children,  adding them to the Clonectic armies.

The Tegarans, were almost wiped out, BUT, a small contingent of them, survived and quickly established a colony on another planet owned by the Jopen who, are mercilessly at war with the Vendarens.

They raid, pillage and plunder, a guerilla style warfare; take no prisoners and leave the heads of the Vendaren ‘Overseers’ on stakes before putting them on display re the Globe cast broadcasting system.

Ditz is from the Jopen They are at war with Teglen Diasac Dynastic worlds, the Auroja Dynastic and Vendaren outposts.

A war like race and don’t be misled by Ditz with his calm peaceful mannerisms. He is the son of one of the biggest warlords. Sent to the Akademy. to learn more about the other races BUT for his own protection. There is a hefty bounty, on his head!Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Their wars are often savage and they can be like the  Mongols on Earth, cept using far more advanced weapons. Resourceful, strong and brilliant tactician, brutally savage, take no prisoners, loot, pillage, plunder and kill.

Learned some tricks, from his family on staying ALIVE and yes he has been in some, battle situations, where the odds were not always, in their favour.

He has a large scar down his back from a Clonectic using a Cabalista on him. One of the Vendaren outposts has been under frequent attacks from them. Hit and run tactics have proven very successful against them.

He, has been responsible, for taking some of his mercenary horde, wiping out over 300 Clonectics but also twenty Vendaren Clonectic unit controllers or overseers?

Meladi ?  Rage, a lot of rage!

BUT there is nothing, she can do, because at the Akademy, she is under oath, NOT, to kill or injure, others maliciously.

Cxan (Haphket Prince from Fendiq) Not the oldest, but also NOT the youngest. He has a lot of admiration from many of the Kets close to him. Very affable and easy to get along with.

HOWEVER, he does have, some adolescent issues, as he can be a little immature, when it comes to seeing things around him, without taking in, the full picture?
That can really annoy those like Ocasa especially when it comes to Cxan’s liking of Anora. Anora400

Anora is atypical Jogarth. She does like him, simply because as many of the other Kets would say, he is ‘adorably cute’ at times.

For a gift, Anora, would like him to have a slave band from her and be added to her personal slaves. As a future Empress she would, like to ‘EMPRESS’ upon him, that he would, be allowed, to get really close to her, would have certain privileges others around her would NOT have. .

Slave? So, not only, that but if Anora is a definite target re her own, so would Cxan be abused and targeted by them.

A little dumb, he may be at times, but Cxan, would NEVER consent to that scenario. Equals or nothing. Too many other terms and conditions in the mix?

Van Ea, is worse, than Anora, when it comes to being a Jogarth. Sarcastic, abusive, physically threatening and more than into some bullying  She is also a more than capable ‘Pathological liar’.

Believes, what she says, is the absolute truth and YOU, have to believe, what she says, is the ‘absolute truth’ or are you daring to call her a liar?

She will also, spread rumours, about others, some close to you? Often causing their victim, to end up the victim, of others. WHO until the lie is revealed for what it is? Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

By then, the damage, has been done and the ‘Pathological liar’ has left the scene, to go do their damage; elsewhere. Rinse, repeat. Seriously destructive and DANGEROUS individuals.

Uanita is NOT happy, that there are TWO Jogarth in the ‘Group’ and is considering appealing for judgement from whoever is appointed = the ‘MEDIATOR coGressor’

That did NOT, overrule the right to challenge the leadership of the ‘Group’. A direct challenge can see those facing off against each other in order to score points. The one with the most wins.

After the recent challenges the Akademy changed the rules. NOW the appointed the ‘MEDIATOR coGressor’  is the only one who can do that. Based on a non biased, MERIT. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Changes, in ‘Groups, can take place, if the ‘concerns’ are deemed legitimate. We have to remember, that the hostility between the Jogarth, the Vendaren, those from Fendiq, Hamika from Bexes can put forward some very acceptable arguments for change.

Slavery, subjugation, of their people, murder, enslavement, does NOT, make for harmony, within such a ‘Group’. Of course, the Jogarth, can claim, unfair discrimination.

The whole purpose, of different races, within the ‘Groups’ is based, on accepting, the challenges, of having to work together. We shall see, what transpires!

Hanika & Anaset are from Bexes.
The picture here, is of her as a young Kevleting ! Virtually ALL Kevletlings are much bigger than most other races re ‘pubescence’; the time when, puberty begins

She is a rare AGRIMORPH. Neither male nor female. Which makes her, to them, VERY special, but also, in grave danger, from kidnapping.

Anaset transforms into a BEAR. Her mother Soniette, has her specially tagged. Her other sisters too, are VERY hyped, about her safety. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Anyone they deem suspiciously taking an interest in her gets warned; ONCE. NON Animorphs will never be in a relationship with her.

Hanika transforms into a ‘Peregrine   FALCON’  The peregrine is renowned for its speed.

It, can reach over 320 km/h (200 mph)  during its, characteristic hunting stoop (high-speed dive), making it the fastest member of the animal kingdom

Rogarians, are especially dangerous to Animorphs. They like to eat them in  their non transformed state. The richness of their bodies fluids AND ‘meat’ is a true delicacy.

AN often expensive one and though NOT so easy these days, thanks to the new Animorph protectorate armed forces, WHO WILL kill without hesitation anyone kidnapping an Animorph.

A group of Rogarians, who are holding an Animorph to eat them, will end up dead. Eliminated. Rogarians, are banned, from Bexes and its colonies, also some Bexes alliance partners will ban them. Fendiq, bans them, across their worlds and colonies. .

Xijan and Keoi are a Cojoined couple.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy
They have been a couple. for  over 15 of our ‘Earth’ years.BUT have known each other for over 25 !  They are deeply respected, by a large number of Kets.

Many of them, will have grown up with their Alt Realt systems installed for them to use them to LEARN, ADAPT, IMPROVISE and WIN!

THAT includes races such as the Jogarth, the Vendaren, the  ! The list is endless.

Highly skilled AI and ALT REALT specialists. Most of the systems across, the Qiverse are under licence from their designs. 

Their place, at the Akademy, is working with /on, a new ‘ventures’ set up, that will house, a massive, ‘ALT Realt ‘immersive’ tactical and strategic’ test arena. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Kets, will find themselves, with their ‘Groups’, in real life programmable battle warzones.  They can take on archived simulations OR play against other ‘Groups’. Doing that will earn or lose them credits.

It is focused on the ‘Group’ abilities to react and react FAST to a given situation or enemy! Weapons, tactical, strategic responses are all important to get right.

Each ‘Group’ receives a draft of what they can expect though NOT everything will apply. They will need to decide what takes priority to prepare for in the allotted time they are given; prior to and during.

A stupid or ill thought out plan, or strategy, can cost them their ‘Group’ members, OR lose to the other ‘Group’ entirely. THAT will cost them 5 demerits.

They are, part of this ‘Group’, to assess, implement and make adjustments, as they see necessary. IF the ‘Group’ play according to their requests and they fail, they will NOT lose credits.

Of course the bonus for them is LEARNING from these experiences THOUGH they also will NOT EARN credits! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Uanita, Soniette Haphketsut Princesses from Fendiq; are bonded friends, of the Bexes Kets. They will, join to defend each other, against certain other races. The Jogarth, know this all too well, serious hatred  of them.

They both, have the gem implants and almost the same as Becci, BAR, control / using the power, which will take them, longer to master.

In the event, of them being attacked, maliciously; the gems WILL activate an almost impenetrable defence shield.

Soniette also, has advanced heightened, sensory powers. Hearing, sight and emotive senses, are all, much more, than her sisters, well bar; Ameryst.

Speed, reaction and responses are much quicker, though once again, nowhere near Ameryst’s but they are noticeably faster, than even her brothers. Hanika is the only other one, with the same characteristics in this ‘Group’.

The gems, did not initially respond as fast on Uanita, BUT that has improved, from when, she was attacked on the shuttle, by an obnoxious bullying Zeixan.

Ameryst, realizing, what was happening immediately went to the aid of her sister and, the Zexan given a beating and a warning,  backed off; only to come back at her again. Ameryst was not so kind reminding her again NOT to mess with her OR her family!

Cunnie is a twin to ‘Linguist’.
They are, ‘Hypersonic, supercharge systems analysts and technicians’

Very capable and resourceful. Although they are NOT in the same ‘Group’ they will frequently be seen together.Cunnie1xz350

A ‘Hypersonic, supercharge’ system, can run under a craft accessible, by removing plates, on the craft floor, to allow access for repairs, maintenance and more.

RAITS are a real nuisance, and, can cause damage to ‘control modules’. Often blowing themselves up but in the process damaging the modules!

There are, many types, of Hyper systems. Weapons to life support can rely on them, working properly. Failure is NOT good. Costly and in many instances where the owners tried to cut costs, a fool no less is easily parted with their drax!

Most craft, have back up systems BUT there are those who try to save on cost and ?!  Raiders or as we would know them ‘Space pirates’ will try and have someone working for them disable that system.

Making it easy, for them, to board and seize cargo, not forgetting in some instances SLAVES. A lot of newer vessels have an inbuilt locking security feature.

Disable, the Hyper system and,the cargo bay area, is completely locked down, sealed. That seal cannot be cancelled until they reach a recognised ‘terminus’.











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