Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Dodger, was from an old Human(a) heritage. Lolly was similar re hers but they had ancestors who had gone through a lot of the garbage AND, thankfully however difficult at times things were;  escaped out into space to form some of the earliest colonies. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Both were experienced, ‘jack or jill of all trades’.
They could do, the simple tasks, to the more intense and sometimes prolonged, more advanced work.

That could mean, working with others, who were technicians, builders, engineers; to put a colony together and maintain it.

Security, shields, defensive and protective could mean life or death, to a colony. Wild creatures, attacks from others already on the planet, to invaders; mercenary attackers.

Reading work schedules, tool and equipment requirements, sourcing the necessary materials and so much more.

Once, the core of the colony, was established, they could finally relax.

Sending them to the Akademy was from a well established organisation who looked after Colonists Kets from a certain age to review them for the Akademy to learn an develop new skills.
Dodger and Lolly had proven they were hard workers,

They both deserved, a chance, to improve the talents they had, AND when they decided, to officially become ‘couplets’; that was the deciding factor.

A commitment of that nature, is always regarded, as being a true representation, of who they genuinely are. Loyal, NOT cheating, or going to cheat on each other. To look after, protect and love, till they cease to exist.

NOW they were looking a the domicile that Yoyo had taken them to, they would be sharing, with Nurv and Lotus. Yoyo left them, with her usual assortment of drinks and snacks.

She had no qualms about the two, FOUR of them getting along. NOT as qualified but they all had really good social skills. A good sense of humour from Dodger.

Xison, is a lady, of the Chaquenesra courts. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy
A diplomatic envoy, who is currently, at the Akademy to expand her knowledge, of races, traditions and cultures RELEVANT to her.

She is a ‘Tirkwan disciple’, which means, she does not have to , nor EVER will, wear a MILITARY - VESTIGE !  Though there are few exceptions re the Akademy rules, she is one of them.

She is, an experienced linguist. Everything from tones to guttural to pitch and depth.

Many different races have language based on so many variants that it can be almost impossible for some to manage more than just a few. Her abilities, exceed those norms.

She can not only speak, but read many forms of language and expressions including ancient spanning centuries. Symbols, glyphs and more.

Her domicile, is shared, with three other ‘ Tirkwan disciples’.
All of them, work within the Akademy, for administration and other duties, including supervision of some Kets.

Becci (Haphketsut Fendiq Princess.) Her family include Colfra, Cxan, Ameryst, Juanita and and !

Lets concentrate, for the moment, on what she, brings to the group. She has as we already know an inbuilt weapon.

The ‘Chaquenesra’ or crown of blue, which emits a powerful beam of high energy from the diamonds on her forehead. 

The crystalline structure of the ‘gem’ implant is part organic part mineral and something that is unknown ‘ancient alien’ in origin. IT grows in proportion on an equal basis to the growth of Becci each ‘year’ .

At the moment, she can summon up about two rings of power which for her is far more than she should be able to. HOWEVER she knows a secret that gave her powers a boost. That we shall discover more on as time progresses.

Adding a tiny piece more, to the outward appearance. When the organic responses, activate and control the release of a reaction.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

A sacred ceremony / ritual; activates a specific pulse, across a set frequency  that initates a core reaction, within the subneural plexes of the implant. Giving the host, total control over it.

Trying to remove it by force is seriously NOT a good idea. It can be said that DEATH or instant DEATH is not so good either!

Where her life, is under threat she will be protected by a shield. Use a ie plasma weapon or high energy weapon and the power will echo across her gems to multiply AND be reflected back to KILL. NOT stun! KILL.

I need to add, that you should, be aware, that ALL females, note FEMALES NOT MALES!  from Cistera’s direct line, ascension; carry the Chaquensesra. Move their hair slightly and, you will see the outline of the crystalline structure.

Becci, Soniette is almost as developed the same, (Margise - very weak and barely visible. NOT uncommon, as it has occurred in the past. It does not bother her.) Kaila is also showing the same as Soniette.

Ameryst, ah yes. She too has it and as the baby of them all a faint trace, can be seen.  Her’s does not activate, when being attacked. Too young! Also IaSuii is aware, that she has that. To protect her, the power from the bracelet neutralizes any danger.

The bracelet, is ancient technology and, it is questionable, IF it is not as good as, if not more powerful than the gems.

Another reason why, Cistera, did NOT want Ameryst competing in tournaments. NO real protection against injury, well not strictly true! As we know!

Becci is fiercely protective of her kith and kin. She can be a little intemperate at times, BUT!
Her priorities are in the right place. At the Akademy, she is forbidden from using the ‘gift’ she has except, to protect herself OR it activates to protect!

BUT I digress. Becci is very intelligent, well taught and trained by her ‘Mama AND Papa’ NOT forgetting, a lot of those around her. A number of those, who as she was the first ‘female’ of the ‘brood’, took to making sure, she had their attention.

Entertaining her and keeping her interested enough, to be a very curious Kevletling! Her favourite memorable moment for them is her habit of shoving her arms down by her sides and stamping her feet!

That, would be guaranteed, to have them in fits of laughter! From her, later trips around the palace AND, eventually Raptor, she learned a lot more re the good, the bad and the indifferent! Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Thus later on, her tactical and strategic skills are really good. You can’t think you can pull one over on her. She had enough tricksters trying that, when she was growing up!

Alia D AND Alia G  are literally, ‘Ice and Fire’.
‘Kith and Kin’ they are from the same planet which burns hot one side and has a cold dark side.

Alia D, can literally FREEZE things on touch, which for some is great during the heat waves re ice for their drinks  You can snuggle up to this guy because he is in no way, shape or form COOOLD!

They can exist, in literally ANY, temperate climate, hot or cold. Their body systems, DO NOT have BLOOD or other FLUIDS. Their hands re fingers re TOES are made of a molecular semi hard ‘aggregate’!

A mass or body of units, or parts; somewhat loosely associated with one another.’  Almost to the naked eyes TALONS, CLAWS!

Alia G is the opposite. FIRE and you cannot miss that deep within her eyes that raging fire.
Both of them are truly terrifying in their own way.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Both, wear a VESTAGE that can appear normal, until they trigger their weirdness! So we might be asking what benefits they bring to the ‘Group’?
Well in short all the benefits, good bad or indifferent from ICE and FIRE!

Lets put it this way. They are BOTH really liked, by their ‘Group’ members! Barbecues, drinks parties, hot and cold; you got it! Want to walk on water..
Let Ali D get to work and oh yes.. with him walking ahead of you, you could literally cross a river or even the ‘estuary’  on ICE!

Want all the benefits of a hot tub .. Get Ali G to put her talons in the tub water and see it get hotter!
They both,  have a really good sense of humour! AND are professional GEO THERMAL sciestes!

Their talons automatically, regenerate and repair themselves,  IF for any reason they become damaged! Under the Vestage?? Can’t answer that !  Suffice to say there are some extra layers and only they; know WHAT they are.
_________________________________________________________________Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Dire & Straits (Group leaders) -
Omeja - Mikar - Dodger &,Lolly - Xison  -  Becci
Alia D  Alia G

Wild bear.

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy










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