Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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If everyone, was taking a monent of calm. Trying to take in all that had happened? It was too much for some. Those beings, were known to the Akademy, for protecting them. History that few knew, but their power had just been shown for what it was capable of?

The Pagallion and all of its crew were as though nothing had happened. Recorded information was non existent. No enemy ships, no destruction of the Pagallion and literally NOTHING had occurred? Only what you had seen, had witnessed lodged in your minds ?

Captain Nielstrom had the Kets being transferred to the Akademy. Deliberately occupied on her part, not desiring to be giving thought to all that happened? It was too weird and too strange for her to desire to dwell on.

The Kets, were also now, too preoccupied, with their trip to the Akademy. Some had to change clothing, freshen up and recover. Fear, distress, terror, shock had taken its toll. GOKS and FemNiks had been there and their presence was so good to see as they took care of the Kets,

The Raptor had hosted a reception to bring together the captains and pilots from the various vessels. Repairs where required were taking place. Damage done to the Canderi required attention.

Hawker had wondered, about the distress calls, put out to the Galacia federa headquarters? Sending response vessels? He was not annoyed by their absence. The nearest base was a noticeable distance away.

They would not have responded so fast. Probably thinking,  that the the Pagaillion AND the Canderi were in the vicinity of the Satellite? The satellite ‘distress’ call was not going to be taken seriously.

WHO, had vessels superior to some of the best in their fleet?
Hence it would be a while before? Out of the darkness, weapon arrays raised and ready to do battle? Two heavily armed Galacia Federa A class warships! with an M class pulse cannon vessel, equipped with 20 powerful pulse arrays capable of destructive power equivalent to some of Raptors, technically illegal; neutron star weapon.

Slowing to a halt, encircling the Raptor, fully powered weapons arrays. Raptors detection systems were already on full alert. The front claws glistening with blue streams across them, priming them for deployment. THAT did not go down well with the now fast approaching Galacia vessels.

It would take, some tense moments, whilst the Commander of the Canderi made it clear, that Raptor was NOT the enemy. Naturally they their weapons arrays were ready to be used BUT they did NOT know if the approaching vessels were friend or foe.

OK, so it was, a bit of a problem, to explain what had happened. NO recordings, NO data on anything that had transpired? BUT reliable witnesses could testify that there had been two hostiles.

Luckily for Nathan, there was aboard the Orca, a male pilot, Qzit  who had an encounter, with the Li Nia 7th race of beings. He and those with him, had seen what they did AND how, they left NO recorded evidence of what they had done!

“Annoying, is an understatement. The inquiry is a real nuisance. Some can be rude and offensive, accusing you of lying? You have to go through a nightmare to finally have them accept the truth”. 

Tila and Vessa, had seen events, had some crude recording of some of the attacks on the Canderi which did make sense given the damage to it that required repairs which were currently in progress? They were now sipping on drinks the honoured guests of Captain Hawker. Cursing the damage to their vessel.

"The Haphketsut Cistera has already started the repairs on our vessel. Plus some special interior fittings to our craft that we had not been able to afford.  BUT, we are stuck here until the repairs are done." "The money we would have made if we had left before everything went crazy, has been lost but! “ Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Vessa interrupted them. “You know we couldn't stand by and do nothing. Unlike that other bunch of spineless merks" Vessa saw the male approach. He stopped in front of them. Captain Hawker had ben dragged away by some of his crew.

The female moved closer to them. "You are Tila?" He nodded. "Your vessel was damaged in the fire fight earlier?." Tila was looking at her. She was tallish, well dressed and carrying something? It made him nervous.

Placing  a pack onto the table. The female slid it across to him. "For your services. We hope, this will more than reimburse your losses. We owe you and your daughter, lot of respect." She turned and walked off.

"What the." Unwrapping the pack Vessa stared, her eyes not believing what they were seeing. "Must be over 50 slips of pure Drax here.!" 2 would have bought them a new state of the art high tech cargo transporter! 50?!!”

"Package delivered." Keizen smiled. The merchants federation lost none of its vessels. No loss in our cargo or lives. Bravery deserves its rewards. That daughter of his has a lot of spunk. Watching her using those cannons was the work of a true professional.”

“Have their cannons been repaired? Their vesels damage?”
“Taken care of by the Fendiq Haphketsut Cistera. Their Mogs are already finishing off the repair work. They are also installing some interior luxuries for them. Tian sold them some obsolete gear, in really good condition, came off a freight liner. It is  replacing some really ancient gear!”  She was grinning.

The sound of Lianna, echoing in Nathan’s ear. “I have a Tcast communication from the  Commander of all Galacia inter space fleets. It’s for the Ka Absolute” There was a gggle in her voice.
“Say’s its for the man of the hour.” More giggles.

Unknown, to any of them, flash screens had appeared within the command centres, onboard the vessels of the current Galacia fleet. The various captains now taking note of the presence of the Comtesse.









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