Jess Corbin Kets Akademy - Every picture tells a story.  Family Sci Fi.


Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy









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Earth was transformed. The balance had been restored AND there were no longer borders re trade re family values and growth re all that including population was good. Those extremist ‘Karens;?

Millions, no longer subjected, to their daily incessant babble,on taking  power, not needing men and so it continued NOW came to an end.Me rean Tirkwan Empirical female.

NO female, as you will also discover on any of the Tirkwan Imperial worlds; is allowed access to anything, other than, domestically related, OR at the pleasure of their masters.

M’rean is cojoined to a Tirkwan AND thus their dress and how they dress is ALWAYS colourful, practical and sometimes can change but to something a little more intimate. NEVER military she does NOT, nor will dress like a male!

Submisive, obedient and compliant, BUT at the same time having rights as an equal partner when it comes to FAMILY, all that that entails as a Cojoined and that includes the right to bear a Ket or Kets.

The same, now applied to Earth and SOME note SOME but NOT all; off world colonies. The balance restored, the females were relaxing, sharing time with each other, food, clothing, family values; FAMILY.

Business, trade, building, expanding was phenomenal. The Tirwan Imperica was a massive expanse in space. Trading worked both ways. Travel, knowledge and FAMILY values. Male and female KNEW their places within the ‘natural’ order of things. The truth had revealed the origins of the hell.

Males with their shackles removed AND the opportunity to travel to other worlds were surprised to find how many of those worlds liked having them.

The females, were taken with their strength, vitality and seed. Their males were not impotent BUT lacked the lust and fervour their Human(a) males had. Cojoined with them the males liked the bond terms and conditions. NO cheating on each other or face execution for both of them.

You could say about 0.0001% of that happened.  If a male died in battle or the female for any reason other than cheating the penalty did NOT apply. They could be free to find another partner.

A noticeable increase, in the population was something hitherto unheard of and brought a smile to many.  Carbon lifeforms and not much different from them they made excellent breeders.

Yes, there were still, rebel factions, who sought to attack, destroy and leave behind their symbol of disobedience the K mark. Some had banded together and taken off for other Earth colonies.

Thus the ‘Karens’ can still be found even in this century. They could be identified from certain  ‘tatoos’ on their bodies. THAT never changed, they ALL, had them.

Carrying out, some terrifying attacks on those they claim, betrayed the feminists domination, subjugation and emasculation of  the males.

That time, is now long past, BUT, it still remains, in the archives of Earth’s history. The politicians who became nothing more than their ‘simps’.

in the end they, were recognised, for giving those females so much power, to seize, bully, intimidate and emasculate the males. As said, they, were taken out into the ‘streets’ publicly flogged and then executed.

Trading, was also, a major boost, as the Tirkwan and Earth shared knowledge, exchanged some items that to them, were often new, novel;  BUT well liked, including the Earth women.

Tirkwan males, formed ‘Harems’ with them and for many of them, the freedom, from having to compete all the time on media and more, was now gone. They lived only, to pleasure their new masters.

Thus those, such as Suzie, who made it clear that she would NOT venture an opinion on the ‘Karens’ wars of attrition, constantly become targets, for those extremist freaks.

Vessa, had come across them and thus the arrival of extra security in the form of the  SOks was a welcomed sight. Monicons (military based Opticons) could be deployed at any time. They had the capabilities of stopping ANY threat once identified within parsecs. BUT the SOks? 

They were ‘entities’, solely as security escorts who monitored everything around them. Not as sophisticated as the Li Nai or the Jade etc BUT still VERY potent when it came to monitoring, protection detail.

Armed? Yes. They had a variety of weapons. Some of them could paralyze but NOT kill, ie stun, or if they were forced to; KILL. Let’s make no mistake here; KILL.securit  Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Margise had told Yoyo, she did not like them, they gave her the ‘eebie jeebies’; to coin a popular Ket phrase. Yoyo had laughed. She had gotten used to them. Conversation and discussions? No!

They could on occasion, give you some real stares. Their abilities to include mind reading? Well most organic lifeforms. Other lifeforms that were other than that BUT still had ‘control systems’ in place could be ‘parsed’ for data. Certain elevated beings could block them.

Bynards for instance, could be found on Sibellius AND they coud also end up a was the case here. of acting as helpers or assistants to Suzie.

Yes, she had her own ‘entourage’, but they, had to be approved and ANYTHING, that could be considered, an issue meant they were refused entry

In the end, two of their team, were denied. Luckly Margise who had been advised by Corky to contact the Comtesse from the Holli Ran corporation.

The main source, for all LEGIT Bynards, under licence across the Qiverse; who was quick to solve the issue at hand.  Supplying two ‘ entertainment equipment specialist’ Bynards.

Margise, already knew, who the designer of them was; her Papa Nathan! He absolutely hated them! She was simply amused and Corky would always grin.

Over the decades, they had been perfected and were now, available in their most ‘Elite’ Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Liska and Balov forms known as ‘Companions’. The two, that turned up, were every bit the most expensive and representative of the very best EVER re her Papa’s creations!

The Comtese, knowing who Margise was, would NOT be sparing, re the special treatment, she gave to her requests. Only the best and BEST?

Even Corky was staring, his jaw dropping, at the sight of them. Drooling? Margise handed him a tissue!
Suzie had been thinking of refusing the Akademy offer until she too saw them.

They were, treating her, like a Goddess. From the off, they made her feel VERY special. Making it clear, they were there for her AND, she could ask anything of them. NO cost to her, NO charges whatsoever.

When Margise had gotten around to a ComCast call to the ‘Comtesse’ to thank her she had NOT been surprised to see her. They had talked before. She did NOT share her Papa’s dislike of the Bynards.

The ‘Comtesse’ was delighted to know that Corky had been drooling or words to that effect. She had smiled almost giggling at the old fossils reactions. They had left as Margise was ordered away by him to take Suzie and her ‘entourage; aboard the transporter.

That as they say, went without any problems. Settled in for trip to Onica, she was asking about it and what to expect? A special ‘entertainment arena’. there were FOUR of them, one had been specially prepared for her.

A special ‘domicile’, with some heavy security, had been set aside for her, as she would be settling in for the night , shortly after arrival.

The next day, would be setting up, testing and other preparations, before the third day; when the full on event would be taking place.

Yoyo, had felt annoyed, when Margise had told her, she would NOT, be touting Suzie re her requests. “Why would I do that.” She had grinned.

“Since, you are, the nomnated Akademy ambassador to her? You not planning on talking to her/”  Screams from Yoyo and more laughter from M. Folloiwed by. “What am I going to wear! “

Spoilt for choice? Madness utter absolute madness coupled with MAYHEM! All the Babinski garments in their ecli ? It would be some time later, when they had NARROWED down their choices!

Suzie had been impressed, by what Margise was wearing. She too was a fan of designer ‘Babinski’. Now showing off some her items.

Some that Margise had already, in her collection! Thinking to herself, that there was some merit, in NOT having chosen, those items, to wear on meeting her; OR telling her, that her friends sister, was married to one of the most sought after designers across the Qiverse !Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Suzie

Yoyo, had agreed with her, NOT to mention that! It could cause problems and her sister, could get annoyed IF, it was other than Yoyo on the receiving.

She had however, made an exception for Margise. Yoyo was crazy, about her new found ‘sister;

BUT she needed NOT make furhter demands on her as they shared everthing. well almost everything! that Yoyo received.

Some of the items were extremely ‘intimate’ in nature. However much Yoyo had almost begged HER NOT to send those couplet or cojoined specialities? NO! Thus unwrapping the containers with Margise?

NOT that M was a prude. She felt her heart race everytime she came across some of the items that were so beautifully crafted, so INTIMATE that they decided in the end the items would be placed into a container and they would be blind folded before picking one item each at a time!

Thus stood before Suzie, Margise was thinking to herself that some of that more intimate ‘underwear’ that she was wearing ? Made her tingle. There would be NO wondering if those ‘Elite companion’ Bynards were wearing such exotic underwear.

The Holli Ran Corporation, were forbidden from such practices. OR face the wrath of its designer.
Like Nathan Babinsky hated them! ! He found them abhorrent.

Yoyo would grin, when her sister recalled, some of his retorts re them! If only she thought, you knew that my new sister’s Papa created them!









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